Half Marathon Traning and ???'s

Do you have any recommendations for a training schedule for a Half? This will be my 2nd and is in 3 months so plenty of time to train. My first I did not train at all and that was a very bad decision. Adrenaline carried to mile 9.5 but after that I swore every word there was :grumble: and even cried a couple times :sad: ! I was in so much pain afterwards and STILL have a black toenail:sick: . Anyways I did finish before my goal of 3 hours in 2 hours and 57 minutes :tongue: At the end my calves were cramping so bad. So questions:

1.) Half Marathon training schedule you like?
2.) What would be a good time to aim for (knowing I did last in 2:57? Is 2 hours 30 minutes too much?
3.) Do you recommend compression sleeves for my calves? (I still have issues with them getting so tight even at 3m runs)

Any other tips let me know please!


  • sherrie8929
    sherrie8929 Posts: 38 Member
    I just signed up for the Nashville half, which is my first marathon. I've only done one 5k in the past. I was told by my runner friends to look into Hal Higdon's training program. I found the app and downloaded it ($9.99 but will be worth it, I think). You set the race date and it sets a date for you to start training and following its program. With the race date 4/28, it set my training start date for 2/6 I think, so until then I'm just getting back in shape. I recently started running again after a very long hiatus due to illness and schedule. I can currently only jog for about a minute without giving up. Obviously, I need to push past that, so I'm hoping the app will help me do that.
  • gleechick609
    gleechick609 Posts: 544 Member
    I am using the Jeff Galloway Half training for beginner runners. (www.jeffgalloway.com/training/half_marathon.html)
    I love his methods and techniques. I dont follow his schedule to a T but I make sure I have 2 runs during the week (I run until I hit 4 miles - then cool down walk), one long run on Saturday or Sunday (usually the nicest day and Galloway's suggested mileage) and the other days I walk or elliptical. My average pace is about 12:40 per mile. I am not fast at all. A casual speed and I listen to my body when I need to take walk breaks.

    My goal time is 2:45:00 but if I can finish under 3 hours, I will be one happy girl!

    I don't know anything about the compression stuff but I get everything i need from www.roadrunnersports.com - they are the lowest price, free shipping for VIP members (1.99 to join) and they always have coupon codes out there! Were you fitted for correct running shoes? If not, I suggest going to a running company store and being fitted! It may help with your pain.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am using the smartcoach plan from www.runnersworld.com

    I think it's awesome. I'll be running my first 1/2 in March. The plan is working wonders on my endurance and my pace. I'm very happy with it and when I'm done this one, I'll be using it again to train for a marathon.
  • TRACYW2002
    TRACYW2002 Posts: 33 Member
    I trained through a training team. We had long runs every Sat. and ran at least 3 miles 3 times a week with 2 rest days and 1 cardio day. Hope that makes since. depending how far away the race is. you should at least start with 4 miles for your long run. You also want to run at least a 12 mile run before the race so you know youre ready. Hope this helps some! Good Luck and congrats!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    You need to develop your aerobic fitness so that you can hold a pace over the distance. The way to do this is through volume.

    This is what I did to get ready for a half marathon last week. Run it all at aerobic paces, sometimes a little faster or slower depending on how you feel. Don't worry about the distance, only the time running. Over time, you will run further in the same amount of time.

    Su - 90 min
    Mo - 60 min
    Tu - 90 min
    We - 60 min
    Th - 2 hr
    Fr - rest
    Sa - ran with a group anywhere from 6 to 20 miles.

    Every third week or so cut back the mileage to recover. Add a second slow run each day if you want to.

    If this is too much at first then reduce each day proportionally and over time increase your time running each day to these goals. Once you get to the point you can run these times for a few weeks the half marathon will not be overly difficult.

    This is essentially the base building scheme developed by Arthur Lydiad in the 1950's and is proven to work.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Whats your current mileage? 3months is not enough time for 2:30 from 2:57. With that said, good luck. Its my dream too, to run a half marathon. Im hoping i will be ready by August. Go to www.Runnersworld.Com for training plans.
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member

    hal higdon novice 1 training program

    that's the one i used, and i was a brand spankin new runner, and i did the program in about 16 weeks (i kept running over 10 miles for 4 weeks before my race) and i finished in 2:08 and had no problems doing that. i would highly recommend this program.
  • ktrame71
    ktrame71 Posts: 26 Member
    Like many people have commented, I used Hal Hidgon's plan. Good Luck!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I did Hal Higdon half marathon novice training in a 12 week program and ran a 2:23. Pain free and my recovery took less than 24 hours. I highly recommend his program.

  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Do you have any recommendations for a training schedule for a Half? This will be my 2nd and is in 3 months so plenty of time to train. My first I did not train at all and that was a very bad decision. Adrenaline carried to mile 9.5 but after that I swore every word there was :grumble: and even cried a couple times :sad: ! I was in so much pain afterwards and STILL have a black toenail:sick: . Anyways I did finish before my goal of 3 hours in 2 hours and 57 minutes :tongue: At the end my calves were cramping so bad. So questions:

    1.) Half Marathon training schedule you like?
    2.) What would be a good time to aim for (knowing I did last in 2:57? Is 2 hours 30 minutes too much?
    3.) Do you recommend compression sleeves for my calves? (I still have issues with them getting so tight even at 3m runs)

    Any other tips let me know please!

    Compression sleeves are nice, but a better idea is to really focus on loosening calves through stretching work before and after runs. Try getting a "Stick" calf / IT Band massaging device - or a rolling pin - to help loosen the muscles even further.

    The training plans offered by Hal Higdon (I use this one) and Jeff Galloway are both good. You want to consistently work at building up your miles and endurance.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    This is really useful - I'm going to keep a note of this for my training for the Birmingham (UK) half.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Whats your current mileage? 3months is not enough time for 2:30 from 2:57. With that said, good luck. Its my dream too, to run a half marathon. Im hoping i will be ready by August. Go to www.Runnersworld.Com for training plans.

    Respectfully, I disagree. I did it. I ran a half in Maine the first week in October and my time was right around 2:55. I just did one in FL Saturday and my time was 2:30ish ... I don't remember the exact time, but it was less than 2:31.

    Many things should be taken into consideration for your finish time. What's the weather? Is the course hilly? Etc. If all things are pretty much equal with your first half and the one you have planned, I see no reason why you can't reach your goal of 2:30.

    I, too, follow Hal Higdon. Here's what you can't do (IMO) if you want to have a "more fun, less pain experience," you can't fudge on your long run. Make sure you get the long runs done. If you can't do it on the day you're supposed to, adjust your days, but for sure ... get them in. Again, IMO, you can fudge a little on your short runs - if it's 4 mile day and somethings not right - you can slide by with a 3 mile run. But I wouldn't make it a habit.

    You're entering a running test. The best way to get ready for a test is to prepare in the method you'll be tested ... therefore, run.
  • I'll be running my first half in march! I'm not really following anything so I'd like to see what others are doing. I've been running 3-4 miles a day 4 days a week and one long run a week and adding one mile a week to my long run! 2 off / cross training days. I was hoping to finish in 2 hours???
  • I am using the smartcoach plan from www.runnersworld.com

    I think it's awesome. I'll be running my first 1/2 in March. The plan is working wonders on my endurance and my pace. I'm very happy with it and when I'm done this one, I'll be using it again to train for a marathon.

    Me too First half in march.. Not the Quincy one is it?:)
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    I like the Hal Higdon training plans. They are free on the website .... www.halhigdon.com.

    Running world has also got some good stuff so check it out at .... www.runningworld.com

    Good luck with your half! With training, you will me much more prepared for this 2nd race and you will enjoy it!!
  • Mariposa7
    Mariposa7 Posts: 74 Member
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I started Jeff Galloways plan. I would highly recommend AGAINST the person who wrote about training 6 days a week for an hour or more each day. That is just going to increase your risk of overuse injuries, especially if you are a recreational runner and not used to all of that pounding on your joints and bones.