30 Day Shred- July 2 to August 2

Winter0916 Posts: 80
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I just got mine and I am going to start Friday! I am so excited, anyone wants to join? I heard is very difficult, and is going to make parts of my body I didn't know exist BURN, I am so in for the challenge!

Friday morning I am going to take my pics and again in 30 days to see what it does to my body, :blushing: I never posted pics of myself before but this I want to try! Yay


  • busyiam
    busyiam Posts: 33 Member
    I ordered that video last week. I'm waiting for mine to come in the mail, I can't wait to try it!!
  • katiebug513
    katiebug513 Posts: 24 Member
    I'll do it too. I've had it since May and I've done it off and on -but I'll commit to doing it everyday in July.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I received my video last Saturday. I did it Monday and couldn't get through the whole thing. Yesterday I woke-up a bit sore and by the end of the day I could barely walk. I do the elliptical everyday, but guess I don't use all my muscle. I think I used muscles I haven't used in years. I am really sore again today, but I am taking some Motrin. I am going do it again today. Goal: to get through the first set without stopping!!
  • It will get easier...by the 5th day you will be able to make it through the whole video. I was sore for almost a week after I started doing it. Happy Shredding!:wink:
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I am in. :indifferent: July 6 is my birthday, and I wanted to start this as a gift to myself :blushing:
    I am waiting for my dumbells to be delivered, what other equipment will be needed?
  • sherrie8929
    sherrie8929 Posts: 38 Member
    Anu, I don't think you need any other equipment, except for a mat if you have hard floors.

    I will do this too! Already own the video and weights and love it, just have NO motivation to do it! Will the before and after pics be posted on this thread?
  • Winter0916
    Winter0916 Posts: 80
    Yay! we got a group going and we can motivate each other! My goal is to try it, if I have to stop mid video I will...I want to do it right, I want to listen to my body, and I defenitely don't want to be unable to walk for days. I plan on taking motrin after the first few work outs as well LOL

    Sherrie I don't know, I don't have a problem doing that once I figure out how to do it. ... But I don't know how the other ladies feel about that. I am in! LOL This will defenitely motivate me into making sure I do it EVERY day so my pics can look good LOL
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    I'd love to join your group!

    I did 3DS last summer inconjuction with some other workouts and was able to lose 16lbs in 3 months. I've fallen off the exericise wagon this year though and am ready to get back in the swing of things.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Anu, I don't think you need any other equipment, except for a mat if you have hard floors.

    I will do this too! Already own the video and weights and love it, just have NO motivation to do it! Will the before and after pics be posted on this thread?

    Sherrie, which all weights do you have?
    I had no weights at all, so just ordered 1kg/2.2lbs weights. Don know if thats enough!
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    I just recently downloaded it from iTunes for my touch.

    I did 1 workout on Sunday. My calves are still killing me!!!! I can barely walk downstairs!! LOL!!

    But I would definitely love to try and do the 30days!! I took will take pics and measurements on Friday!! WOOHOO!!
  • Winter0916
    Winter0916 Posts: 80
    Anu i think 2 lbs should be fine, I mean I use 3 lbs whenI do squats and the butterfly and trust me when I tell you after 3 sets it BURNS!

    Yay am so excited, this is going to be fun and we can give each other support. =D
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Anu i think 2 lbs should be fine, I mean I use 3 lbs whenI do squats and the butterfly and trust me when I tell you after 3 sets it BURNS!

    Yay am so excited, this is going to be fun and we can give each other support. =D

    Cool! so I think I will start off with those for now! I am very excited too :)
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    How did everyone do on the first day? I had to take a few breathers along the way but got through it.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Hi, hows everyone doing, I just did it for the second day... It felt like it would kill me,but got through it.
    Hows everyone doing? :drinker:
  • sevennorths
    sevennorths Posts: 1 Member
    I started 30-Day Shred on July 1, so will join this group. :) I am about ready to do my 3rd session. I am currently sore allllll over. lol But determined. I've seen some awesome before and after pics that inspire me very much.
  • Winter0916
    Winter0916 Posts: 80
    Hey guys I LOVE it!! I thought I was going to have problems with my knees or legs but I was fine. My arms on the other hand were hurting. I love the combination, by the end I wsa not only out of breath I was sweating a LOT. I couldn't believe it. I did my second dya earlier, and I actually did much better but arms are still hurting. So guys becareful when the doing the jumping jacks that's when the knee injuries can occur. I am veyr happy I got this work out tape.

    So some of us how talked about the measurements. I measured myself, would like to see how many inches I lose by the end.

    My waits is 35.5
    Hips 43
    My thighs 24
    I was trying to measure my arm but wasn't very successful at it "/

    Good luck and lets stay posting!

    Have a happy Fourth of July!
  • I want to give this a go again I am one day off from you guys but would love to try it I have had this video fr a couple of years now and I have started it but never completed it with a great group I hope I will be able to pull it off!! So I will start L1D1 today I will do my measurments as well and add them plus my weight in the morning!!
  • I'm a day late, but I just finished Level 1 Day 1. Totally kicked my butt, at times I thought there was no way I could finish, but I did it. In fact just typing this, I can feel how sore my arms are gonna be tomorrow.........but it will all be worth it. I need to lose about 10 lbs by my birthday at the end of August. I have consistently been doing about an hour of the arc trainer at the gym at least 4 times a week, but think I'm at a plateau, so hopefully the 30-Day Shred will get me losing again, so count me in!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I'm on L2D9 this morning. Realistically... I had to take a day off here & there. If this is your only exercise, then you may not. I'm also doing Wii EA Active 45 Day Challenge, P90X Ab Ripper X & the sit-up/squat/push-up challenges... then a couple of other things thrown in here & there. Basically, it seems I'm taking a day off every 3 days. I just get to a point where my body is sore & resting a day helps a lot... even though I had a TON of guilt over it in the first place.

    Wear a HRM if you have one or can get your hands on one. The most calories I've burned so far are 185. I've seen people say they've burned up to 300 w/ a HRM. I know weight, exertion, etc play a part... but I really didn't think I was slacking!! :laugh:
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    I had to skip yesterday because I went to my 90min hot yoga class in the AM and was intending to Shred after wards but I was running out of time. Had to get ready for a wedding.

    Today I burned 216cals, 213cals on the 1st day. I may do this again later so I can catch up on days. I forgot how quick this workout was - one of the things I love about it.

    My goal is to use 30DS in addition to other workouts. My plan is to do hot yoga 3-4/wk, run/walk intervals during lunch 2-3/wk and stick to Shredding all the way thru the 30 days.

    Has anyone done any other JM workouts? I also have her Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. I highly recommend these.
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