Exercise & Diet but GAINING weight....



  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    We are trying to help! It would really give us some good insight to how your eating :-)
  • shoegirl1
    shoegirl1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, Jenna! Congratulations on your baby!

    Like you, I have been frustrated with my efforts. I have done a lot of cardio and not seen results. I tried almost everything that others suggested. I used to be a workout fanatic, so I reviewed what DID work when I was successful with weight loss. The cardio that I currently was doing was the treadmill or elliptical, when my workouts used to be Tae Bo and other high intensity workouts. Plus, I used to do weights. Since I've added those workouts back to my routine, I have lost 7 pounds that have stayed off. Also, I am better at managing my foods again, by measuring servings and pre-packing lunches for the week. One day this week I did not bring lunch and got something to go - I went over my calories by 600 that day! Plus, while eating healthy, I was consuming more servings of fruit than I realized, so while I thought I was getting maybe 100 calories, I was actually getting much more! One of my favorite snacks is no sugar added fat free yogurt with a couple tablespoons of Grapenuts cereal. It's a very filling snack for 100 calories!

    I agree with you on the calorie counter for exercise. I don't think it's a realistic measurement, but if I have burned even half of those calories I'm still doing well!

    I have just joined but really like how MFP works. There is great advice out there from others, but for me, it was back to basics and remembering what worked for ME. And, like someone else suggested, stick to whatever change you make for at least a week to give it a reasonable chance to work. Good luck! :wink:
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    just remember...even on the biggest loser when people try to say, "oh i didnt gain that much because i gained muscle etc" even Bob and Jilian said it was denial because its just a myth that muscle weighs more than fat.....you can even research it and find the truth...

    It is NOT a myth. **Nobody** is saying that the same exact amount of muscle weighs more than the same exact amount of fat. A pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle, yes, a pound. But that is NOT what that cliche "muscle weighs more than fat" is referring to. I don't understand what is so hard. The same exact amount of muscle DOES weight more than the same exact amount of fat. So, if you put a pound of fat next to a pound of muscle, the muscle is MUCH SMALLER. If you were to cut the fat to equal the same proportion, the exact same size, as the pound of muscle, THE FAT WOULD WEIGH LESS.

    but gaining the muscle takes a lot of work and I think people use the excuse "muscle weighs more then fat" when the scale isnt moving.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    but gaining the muscle takes a lot of work and I think people use the excuse "muscle weighs more then fat" when the scale isnt moving.

    Sure it does! But that doesn't make the claim a myth, it just means that people can use it incorrectly! You can be in denial and use it as an excuse, and YES, that is a bad thing for you to do to yourself... but that has NO bearing on the truth of the claim!!
  • BigVinney
    BigVinney Posts: 16
    When I first started on this program my wife signed us up, she set me up to gain 2 pounds per week instead of loosing the weight. This went on for a few days as I complained that I was eating a lot less than allotted, lol.
    The program is based on science, but the measurement parameters are not really scientifically gathered. So,
    check your intake.
    Big Vinney
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    but gaining the muscle takes a lot of work and I think people use the excuse "muscle weighs more then fat" when the scale isnt moving.

    Sure it does! But that doesn't make the claim a myth, it just means that people can use it incorrectly! You can be in denial and use it as an excuse, and YES, that is a bad thing for you to do to yourself... but that has NO bearing on the truth of the claim!!

    yes yes i agree :-)
  • sherrie8929
    sherrie8929 Posts: 38 Member
    I realize that there is a lot of controversy over the fat/muscle weight debate, but here's the thing: it's the way it is said that people have the problem with, I think.

    In theory, muscle DOES weigh more than fat. I get that a pound is a pound is a pound. But let's talk about volume and density here. If you take say, 5 square inches of muscle and 5 square inches of fat. Which will weigh more? The muscle, because in 5 square inches, more muscle is packed into that small space than in 5 square inches of fat. So it is true that technically, muscle weighs more than fat.

    So let's say Jenna lost 20 sq in of fat. But she gained 20 sq in of muscle. She would weigh more. Simple. I don't know if this is the case or if you can even measure muscle/fat in sq inches, but it's the best example I have.

    Hopefully this solves the argument of the muscle/fat debate.
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