

  • I would check with your doctor before using this. I thought it was harmless, so I bought some of it - the Body Fortress kind - and it turned out to be a huge mistake. Several hours after drinking it, I woke up with a very bad pain in my stomach, like a hunger pain, then I got a migraine (I never get migraines). This had…
  • My doc. told me they make you retain water & push up your BP. The last time I took them was in September, and I weighed 224 @ that time. After I came off the steroids, I shot down to 216. I was holding that much excess water!
  • Yes. I had to take them twice this year because I'm severely allergic to poison ivy - & I had two major outbreaks this year. They put me in a blah mood, depressed, down in the dumps.. they also make you retain water, I feel like crap every time I have to take steroids. It is horrible.
  • There's a place below cardio that says Resistance... it shows on mine, it should be on yours somewhere.
  • This is a good idea. I find that when I have restricted myself from bad foods (like sweets), then I find a reason to reward myself with a sweet treat. Just like you mentioned in your post - lose 10lbs., I'll get a Blizzard from DQ. What this really does to me is destroys my hard work, because when I have one sweet, I end…
  • Getting rid of fast food was the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm sorry, but I can't see how anyone can live off this junk for 30 days. When I first started losing weight, I remember getting something from McD's after I had lost about 30lbs. and getting so sick from it. Just the smell of it digusted me. There are so…
  • Wow, just wow. This just goes to show that there are some real dumbasses in this world. You have to overlook nonsense like this... some people are just too ignorant for words.
  • I know how you feel, because I'm in the same boat. I've been in a slump because I cannot get over this weight-loss plateau! It's driving me nuts, all I wanna do is kind of gorge myself out on junk... because I'm used to seeing the scale go down, and now it's just stuck, lol. The point of the matter is that we all go…
  • My mom used to take a soccer ball, lie down, put the ball between her knees, and squeeze together... she did many reps of this, and she walked a lot, too, but her legs used to look like what you described.. after she began walking and doing the thing with the soccer ball, it went away.. it's worth a shot. It takes time,…
  • Thanks to all for the replies! This was mostly a last-stitch effort... I was getting hopeless (I've been at the same weight this whole month). I took a lipotropic shot this month and I actually GAINED weight with it, so I don't think it's worth it. Studies have shown that it is possible the effects of these injections are…
  • Omg! Some people totally get screwed in the name dept.! My name is Lisa, and I have always hated it... but Elvis seemed to like it, couldn't have been too bad, lol. **** Schrank has to be the cake topper. Omg *covers eyes*
  • Thank you!! I agree with your post, this was kind of a last resort for me.. I was getting really hopeless this week, so I considered it. I have heard after you leave a weight loss clinic, the weight comes back... & I've done this naturally so far, I know what I'm doing, I just think relying a pill and shot is fake... I…
  • According to this clinic, yes, but I always thought B12 made you gain weight - because it increases appetite. This was sort of a last resort, getting frustrated, so I considered it... but I don't think a clinic is for me. I don't like diet pills, and being injected with something every week seems ridiculous. :(
  • I think the real reason people are discouraged with the world is the news. Every time I turn on the news or check Yahoo! front page, there is something horrible on there.
  • The easiest thing in the world to do is give up. You're giving up on yourself, and you should know that you're worth fighting for.
  • True, and although I'm typically an optimist, I don't have much faith in humanity anymore. It seems that every day humanity is growing worse. My heart aches for this world already, I don't think I could stand to live through it for 100+ years. It would be interesting, though, to see things & times change. Instead of living…
  • "If people lived forever the divorce rate would approach %100." That's true, lol. Would anyone even really want to live forever? I mean, I don't want to die, but if I COULDN'T die...?
  • haha... I like Twilight because Edward reminds me of my husband when we first met. He was seriously creepily, psycho-ish... he told me a lot of the same things that Edward tells Bella in Twilight... & I really think that's the only reason I'm attracted to this movie at all, I've tried reading the books (& no offense to the…
  • Welcome! We're all here to help, I started this week because I've hit a plateau. The people on this site are extremely nice and helpful. It's great! Glad to see you here!
  • One thing I have noticed about weight loss is that it's like any other addiction - you CAN'T change until you are ready. This is why I think so many people lose weight, then they gain it all back... I'm a flip-flopper, I lose, then gain, lose, then gain. This time, I'm committed to changing MYSELF for the better. It's a…
  • Excellent job! Is your name Lisa? I was asking b/c of the name in the link, because my name is Lisa, too, and I have lost 60lbs., as well. I'm working on 65 more! Congratulations on how far you have come!
  • I recently bought a thing of Whey Protein - Body Fortress - Chocolate. It did not taste bad, BUT several hours after I drank this mixture, I got a really bad headache in one side of my head (likely a migraine) & started seeing bright, zig-zag flashes of light. My left hand then went numb. It was very strange and had never…
  • I really want to thank EVERYONE for all of the wonderful responses! They really helped me today!! It means a lot to me that you all took the time to read and reply... this place is great! =) NOW! It is time to my butt moving!! I will be back on later.
  • It could be water retention, but better yet, it could be that you are gaining MUSCLE!! If you are losing inches, but the scale isn't moving or it is moving up, then you are building muscle.. which is great, because muscle burns fat!! =) Don't fret over this... it's really a good thing.. muscle weighs more, so that could…
  • The 60lbs. that I have lost have been because of the Atkins diet. It is low-carb, and I followed the same kind of meal plan as IrishEyes. It becomes a habit after you do it so long, but it works very well.
  • I would like to be part of this group!
  • I would have to pick Jillian Michaels and/or Bob Harper. They both get up in your face... and if not them, I'd like to have a Marine Corps. drill sergeant to train with!
  • Someone else recommended this also... I think I'm going to give it a try, especially since tomorrow's Thanksgiving, I'll have plenty of food to shock myself with, haha. =) Thank you for the reply!
  • Hi Susan, thanks so much for your response. I think this sounds like a good idea, and with it being Thanksgiving tomorrow, that might be the best time to do this... give my body something different to shock it... I have worried that I might have put my body into starvation mode! I got sick last week, and I went a few days…