spragukr Member


  • Added you both!
  • Hello there =) I am 22 and always looking for new friends to give and receive support =)
  • Thanks everyone! I sent you friend requests =) I completely agree. At this point I'm not looking to lose weight, although I'm not opposed to it either. My goal now is to start eating better and exercise regularly to get into shape. I am very out of shape, so changing that as well as my eating habits are my current goals.
  • Feel free to add me! I'm 21 years old and I am currently maintaining, hit my goal weight about 3 weeks ago and am slightly under it now. My current weight is 125.
  • It helped a lot! Before this site I didn't know how many calories I was supposed to be eating or how many were in the foods I was eating, or the proper portions for a lot of foods! It has taught me so much! It is SO helpful if you have the personality type that lets you log consistently. I've had several friends try it out…
  • I love this show. I've gotten my boyfriend, my parents, and four of my friends all watching it now! I thought the opening episode of this season was great, they did a nice job. Excited for next Sunday! I also forgot about Lewis and have a feeling he is going to cause some real problems this season.
    in DEXTER! Comment by spragukr October 2012
  • I've been listening to my first ever audiobook, I got an audible account so I would have something engaging to listen to when I have to run alone. I chose "The Witness" by Nora Roberts and I really like it, although I'm almost done and I don't have another audible credit for awhile so I've been avoiding listening to it…
  • You're going to get responses on both side of the fence here. Personally I think you need to do something that you are going to be able to do for the rest of your life, because it's a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix. If you are capable of clean eating for the rest of your life without feeling deprived, go for it. Try…
  • I'm 21, and I can always use more friends!
  • - He will go on my walks/runs with me if my mom can't come - During the running portion of said walk/run, he will encourage me to go further than I have previously - He tells me he is proud of me for sticking to the calorie counting and exercising and not giving up - He eats the healthy, low cal foods I make even though he…
  • I've wondered this as well. Personally I deduct some calories off the burn estimate just in case, and the amount I deduct depends on the amount of time I've spent exercising. But I don't know the answer to this, so I too would like to know!
  • Thank you, that is good advice! I think I will try out the Zumba and then based off of how I feel about it I will have a better idea of how I want to mix things up. Thanks again!
  • Here's an additional question - does that mean you need to NET your BMR at least? Or just make sure to eat your BMR before exercise?
  • Tuesday mornings, first thing. This is when I record on MFP. I will weigh randomly throughout the week, although I'm trying to weigh as little as possible and eventually get it to just the once a week weigh in. I only record Tuesday morning's weight though.
  • Winning: 6 Binge: 2 On the Fence: 2 The past two days have been much better! Going out to dinner tomorrow night and really hoping I can do well despite that. Dinner out is one of the things I don't have down yet.
  • I started this morning! How convenient that I just noticed this thread! I'm going to try my hardest to do it every day, but we'll see.
  • I have a Polar FT4 and I like it a lot. I did some research on here before purchasing it and lots of people said they liked the FT4. It doesn't do as much as a more expensive one, such as an FT7, but for me it does exactly what I need it to do and it does it well.
  • 21 years old, going to be a senior in college, I'm on every day and try to be as supportive as possible. Anyone is welcome to add me, always looking for more support!
  • Winning: 4 Binge: 2 On the Fence: 2 The past two days I have technically come in under my goal, but I am not doing this how I want to do it and I'm not feeling accomplished at the end of the day. I feel like I'm giving up. So I added the "on the fence" category. I'm hoping that posting on here for the third time will help…
  • If I was eating that low, I would try to exercise every day so that I would have more calories to eat. On days that I exercise, sometimes it is hard to get up to 1200 net, you have so much more breathing room! I agree that if you don't exercise to add extra calories, you might think about upping to a higher number. 1200 is…
  • Winning: 4 Binge: 2 This is not looking good so far.... =[ having a hard time with parents cooking while I'm home and having company over! Need to gain some more will power.
  • I'm going to try this... Winning: 3 Binge: 1 I went out to dinner, went to the movies, had a drink AND a candy bar when I got home, and didn't log any of it because I wasn't keeping track of everything I ate. Not necessarily what all consider a "binge" but I'm counting it as one. Not sure about today yet but so far so good.
  • It wasn't that hot here, but it was still relatively warm. I was also wondering if that was a factor, so I'm going to try to go earlier in the mornings and see if that helps. I will also try to get more water in. It's tough, as I feel like I am already going to the bathroom all the time from the amount I'm drinking now!…
  • They are 100% normal, which is why you should always weigh yourself at the same time of day (the morning is best). The reason the morning is the best time is because everything you put into your body, anything you eat or drink, is going to add weight on the scale. Fluctuations throughout the day are nothing to worry about!…
  • Thank you so much for your help and advice! I really appreciate it!
  • I have had a migraine issue for about 8 years or so, but the majority of them were caused by the estrogen in birth control pills. I'm now on a progesterone birth control and my migraines have almost completely disappeared, except for the random one here or there. I am not cutting caffeine out at a drastic level. I still…