How does your SO support you or not support you?

I have been reflecting alot today on my journey and it's still hard to believe at times that I have stuck with it for 10 months! Then it occured to me that my SO was a big help! We often here people say their SO is sooo supportive or not supportive and I'm just realizing how your spouse really can contibute to your success! Just curious what he/she does/say that really helps or doesn't help at all?

My SO is supportive because:

-He eats ANYTHING I make and always says it's delicious! This is nice because I don't have to make two different meals for the family.
-Once I started to lose weight, he also jumped on the weight loss band-wagon!
-Gives me compliments on the way I look! At the beginning, he would say "Wow, I can really see a difference in your tummy, thighs, etc." Now he says "Your butt looks HOT in those pants"!
-He doesn't bring any crap food in the house!
-He doesn't try to convince me to eat out at restaurants! If we have to (like on vacation), he always tells me to pick the spot!


  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
  • meabhaline
    meabhaline Posts: 43 Member
    My SO is supportive because:
    Even though he is not trying to loose weight he'll come for a walk with my to "keep me company" and is happy to try and keep up with me without complaining
    He is learning how to cook and everything he tries is healthy so that i can eat with him.
    He constantly encourages me and tells me i should be very proud of myself
    He reminds me of the changes i promised myself I would make even on a bad day when i just want cake, in a totally un-judgemental and non-condescending way.
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    He listens to me drone about nutrition and excecises.
    He eats anything I want to make.
    Most important, he told me I was beautiful and sexy every day before I started, and still does. I don't need him to be my cheerleader or follow the ame plan, but him thinking I am attractive as I am makes sooooo much difference!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    We're going together! He is even supportive of me cutting out meat, which shocked me.
  • SamanthaAnnM
    SamanthaAnnM Posts: 143 Member
    My boyfriend is really into fitness and weightlifting. He also loves food, but is also conscious of what he is eating (especially the amount of protein and calories). Sometimes we are bad influences on each other, because one of us will get a craving, but if I'm trying to eat healthy and I tell him that he'll remind me when I start to stray. Neither of us are perfect but we are definitely more health conscious than other people our age that we know!
  • spragukr
    spragukr Posts: 81 Member
    - He will go on my walks/runs with me if my mom can't come
    - During the running portion of said walk/run, he will encourage me to go further than I have previously
    - He tells me he is proud of me for sticking to the calorie counting and exercising and not giving up
    - He eats the healthy, low cal foods I make even though he needs to GAIN weight
    - He listens to me go on and on about every time I run further, every time I drop even the smallest amount of weight, and every other little detail.
    Plus more I'm sure that I'm forgetting. He really helps a lot and makes me feel good about what I'm doing =]
  • DawnMcUK
    DawnMcUK Posts: 53
    My SO ISN'T supportive:

    He asks me to buy him chocolate when shopping
    He won't drink diet or calorie free drinks
    Orders pizza and asks if I want one knowing full well I've just eaten
    Never asks how I'm doing or if I've lost anything
    When I say I've lost pounds or inches, he just looks up and says ok
    Refuses to lose weight himself despite being over 240lbs and diabetic...

    There are other areas he is unsupportive relating to my health and disabilities, but that's for therapy lol!

    This is awful to say, but please don't let me be the only one who's SO doesn't care!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    My SO is supportive:
    He tells me I'm beautiful.
    He joined MFP, but because he wants to gain. And also so I can post sweet things on his profile :wink:

    The problem we run into though is that we eat out A LOT. Great for him... not so great for me :indifferent:
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    my husband is supportive, he doesn't complain when I buy new workout gear (from new Nikes to a new spin bike) he eats any recipe I come up with and never complains, he always tells me I"m beautiful. Always. He never grumbles about the kitchen counter being taken up with a food scale, blender, HRM, etc.
    One way he isn't supportive: He can never tell me no. If I say I'm craving donuts or am tired and want him to grab cheeseburgers on the way home, he does it. I know he just wants to make me happy, but he knows that I"m unlikely to go out of my way to get McDonald's, so if he just drives past it on his way home, I'd have to cook. I guess that's not really un supportive so much as not keeping me accountable. Either way, he smells good and is gorgeous so it's fine.
  • Stardiva37
    Stardiva37 Posts: 169 Member
    My SO wants to go on walks with me but that is my alone and God and my music...but i have always made 2 meald from the start with us..we eat different alot of the times..but when the alarm goes off he is like ok get up,he says things also like i can see the difference in your face and in your thighs,and i see your confindence is through the roof,and i am so proud of you no matter what size you are..and that i love you..he is so super sweet:heart:
  • erylie
    erylie Posts: 34
    My hubby tells me when he can see a difference somewhere... tells me I look good.

    When I tell him I've lost wait, he gets excited for me

    He picks up the kids when he gets out of work... to give me time to get home and work out... That's been a HUGE one!!
  • erylie
    erylie Posts: 34
  • jusalil56
    jusalil56 Posts: 5 Member
    You're not alone. In fact, when I was reading these other girl's comments I was thinking, "Oh ****. My fiance doesn't do any of those things." If I lost weight, my fiance wouldn't notice or care.(which may be a good thing, but it isn't when you're trying to lose weight and be healthy) It is so much easier to lose weight when the person you're with at least encourages you.(or keeps junk food away)I've tried to find support by working out with my friend, but she's so busy, she never has time. I've tried to come here for support, but that didn't work out either. So anyways, bottom line, you're not alone. :)
    that was in response to the woman who doesnt have a supportive husband(or whatever SO means)
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    My husband inspires me every single day! After I had my daughter 3 years ago, I did weight watchers to lose my baby weight -- I only needed to get rid of 10ish pounds (I was a sick lady) to get back to my pregnancy weight (where I am now), but he joined LiveStrong and transformed his eating habits to help me. He dropped 30 pounds and now we do MFP together. He'll even do Jillian DVDs with me if I ask. We're both happy with our weights at this point, but we help keep each other accountable. He's never suggested I shouldn't eat something or NEEDED to work out, but he talks to me about my feelings when I feel EATING EVERYTHING or when I am unmotivated.

    Can you tell I really love him? Ha.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    My SO, which happens to be my husband, supports me in so many ways. He:

    never complains about what I fix for dinner and when the kids complain, he informs them that everyone will eat what I eat or wait til the next meal.
    exercises with me when he can. Since he works 12-hour shifts 5 nights a week, that can be tough.
    compliments me all the time and tells me how beautiful I am.
    encourages me when I feel that I've failed.
    gave up soft drinks because he knows they are a weakness for me. We no longer have them in the house.
    has lost over 60 pounds himself.
    helps keep the junk food out of the house much to the dismay of our children.
    never complains about not getting to eat out. We eat 95% of our meals at home.
    set up his own MFP account and logs his food too.
    weighs himself once a week just like I do to hold himself accountable.

    I could go on . . .
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    My SO ISN'T supportive:

    He asks me to buy him chocolate when shopping
    He won't drink diet or calorie free drinks
    Orders pizza and asks if I want one knowing full well I've just eaten
    Never asks how I'm doing or if I've lost anything
    When I say I've lost pounds or inches, he just looks up and says ok
    Refuses to lose weight himself despite being over 240lbs and diabetic...

    There are other areas he is unsupportive relating to my health and disabilities, but that's for therapy lol!

    This is awful to say, but please don't let me be the only one who's SO doesn't care!

    I'm soooo sorry!
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    My SO ISN'T supportive:

    He asks me to buy him chocolate when shopping
    He won't drink diet or calorie free drinks
    Orders pizza and asks if I want one knowing full well I've just eaten
    Never asks how I'm doing or if I've lost anything
    When I say I've lost pounds or inches, he just looks up and says ok
    Refuses to lose weight himself despite being over 240lbs and diabetic...

    There are other areas he is unsupportive relating to my health and disabilities, but that's for therapy lol!

    This is awful to say, but please don't let me be the only one who's SO doesn't care!

    Sounds ALOT like my husband. To add to it: he is a picky eater and will eat separate meals (I eat a ceaser salad, he brings home taco bell), I tell him about my progress and he tried to one up me by bragging about how much he has to do in the army, he CONSTANTLY snacks on candy in front of me, always buys soda, he eats so unhealthy but will comment on my poor choices such as "you know sour cream is adding way more calories right?". It's just annoying. I've never had a problem with him UNTIL I've gained weight and have been trying to lose it; now he's like the meal time douche bag
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    My husband is supportive about 95% of the time. He eats whatever I cook without complaint, compliments my body like crazy, tells me how proud he is of my determination, and comes to all my races and takes tons of pictures of me crossing the finish line. ;)

    However...he can also be a really bad influence! He is very persuasive and has been known to talk me into a few late night fast food and ice cream runs when I'm having a weak moment, LOL.
  • DawnMcUK
    DawnMcUK Posts: 53
    You're not alone. In fact, when I was reading these other girl's comments I was thinking, "Oh ****. My fiance doesn't do any of those things." If I lost weight, my fiance wouldn't notice or care.(which may be a good thing, but it isn't when you're trying to lose weight and be healthy) It is so much easier to lose weight when the person you're with at least encourages you.(or keeps junk food away)I've tried to find support by working out with my friend, but she's so busy, she never has time. I've tried to come here for support, but that didn't work out either. So anyways, bottom line, you're not alone. :)
    that was in response to the woman who doesnt have a supportive husband(or whatever SO means)

    SO means significant other (I presume).
    Thank you for replying to me there, it's hard when you read, as you say, all the amazing things other SO's do...but I am only doing this for me, so as long as I'm happy with myself, and am proud of what I am doing, then that is all that matters.
    Why did coming here for support not work? Please add me, and we can forget our husband/fiancé and help each other instead :))
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    My SO is super supportive:

    He joined MFP 8 days after I did.
    I researches nutrition and passes on useful information, like the fooducate app!
    He goes to the store and reads food labels with me even though he hates being in the store.
    He cooks chicken breasts on his grill and packs them up for me to bring home to eat during the week. (He's a much better griller)
    He notices every positive change in my appearance, even though he never said anything negative before.
    We have nightly conversations about our calories and workouts and food ideas and even though that's not romantic, that's love.