How does your SO support you or not support you?



  • DawnMcUK
    DawnMcUK Posts: 53
    My SO ISN'T supportive:

    He asks me to buy him chocolate when shopping
    He won't drink diet or calorie free drinks
    Orders pizza and asks if I want one knowing full well I've just eaten
    Never asks how I'm doing or if I've lost anything
    When I say I've lost pounds or inches, he just looks up and says ok
    Refuses to lose weight himself despite being over 240lbs and diabetic...

    There are other areas he is unsupportive relating to my health and disabilities, but that's for therapy lol!

    This is awful to say, but please don't let me be the only one who's SO doesn't care!

    Sounds ALOT like my husband. To add to it: he is a picky eater and will eat separate meals (I eat a ceaser salad, he brings home taco bell), I tell him about my progress and he tried to one up me by bragging about how much he has to do in the army, he CONSTANTLY snacks on candy in front of me, always buys soda, he eats so unhealthy but will comment on my poor choices such as "you know sour cream is adding way more calories right?". It's just annoying. I've never had a problem with him UNTIL I've gained weight and have been trying to lose it; now he's like the meal time douche bag

    We sure know how to pick 'em lol! Add me if you like, as I said to another, we can support each other instead :))
  • lyndall5311
    lyndall5311 Posts: 146 Member
    My hubby is fantastic, always tells me I look good and can notice my weight loss.

    He does the cooking, and is happy to cook something different for me. If we do have take away, he is happy to get me chicken and salad or subway while he has maccas.

    He also puts the kids to bed a couple nights a week while I go to the gym.

    I dont know if i could have stuck to this for so long without his support.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    My SO is and isn't supportive...

    He's supportive when he buys me the stuff I need for exercising (exercise mat, weights, scale, etc)
    He's supportive when he says that I can work out in front of him and he won't care (although I prefer not to)

    He ISN'T supportive because..
    He never asks me how I'm doing with it

    He won't exercise with me even when I ask him to.. He claims that he can't start working out until he quits smoking, which is BS because I smoke too and I still manage to do 45 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training 4 - 5 days a week.

    When I tell him about how I exercised or that I was good with my calories or that I lost some weight, he says "cool" and changes the subject.

    He really shows no interest whatsoever..
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I'm wagering some of the unsupportive SO's are really jealous of our motivation and desire to be fit and healthy.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    My wife is rather supportive. When she is the one cooking she makes sure to let me know what she's cooking with and even save the wrappers so I can scan bar codes. She makes a point to use reasonable (for me) amounts of oil when cooking and when we are shopping and planning meals she is happy that we do it together so we are both on the same page.

    That being said, she looks forward to my "long run" days as she can make something more calorie dense and comfort food like because I need to consume the extra calories (we still eat healthy, well mostly healthy, food, just more of it or have something that normally would push me over my calorie goals).

    She hasn't begrudged me my gym time but was very happy when I've moved it to after she and our 10 month old daughter have gone to bed. She encourages me, but I have some older, very brightly colored tank-tops and shorts I'm about to fit into again and she is making fun of the fact that they cross the line from metrosexual to FAAABOLOUS!!!
  • CanonMom413
    My husband supports me in many ways. He is the biggest pusher of raw fruits and veggies Thats the ONLY way hell eat them (well for the most part , like unless it is in a prepared dish). He also always tells me im beautiful. Don't get me wrong I love him calling me beautiful, but at the same time- I want to be called "sexy" or "gorgeous" too.

    Then sometimes I feel he isnt all the supportive. If I grab a healthy snack like fruit or veggie.... he will grab chips. If I grab a small sqaure of drk chocolate, he will grab fruit or veg. It gets annoying. He doesnt do it on purpose , I know that. But in the same context it NEVER fails. We just crave different things at different times.

    He always points out my greatest strengths too, and takes notice of change. He looked at my arms the other night and said without me prompting or hinting , " Wow! Look at that. You have little triceps going!" I felt amazing after that. There are still times I feel insecure, and helpless. He does his best to keep me in check and support me, but then I know he gets annoyed when I am always tracking my food, or my weight, or even my workouts.
  • deviantcupcake
    deviantcupcake Posts: 136 Member
    Mine bullies me into going for walks with him.

    When I was doing Weight Watchers, even though he said I didn't need to lose weight, he was supportive of it and always asked 'can you have this?' if he wanted a particular meal.

    He does insist on having junk in the house, though. Chocolate, scotch eggs, crisps... He's able to lose and then maintain his weight whilst eating those, whereas I'm just not.

    But he does try to get me to be more active within the limits my health puts on me. We used to go to the gym together, but now it's outdoor walks because it's a lot cheaper!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Mine is awesome! He:
    - makes whatever foods I ask him to...and has actually admitted that some of my things (i.e. plain greek yogurt, turkey sausage, etc) actually taste good.
    - Never hesitates to watch/entertain the kids when I want to work out
    - Is giving up a golf and drinking outing with his coworkers this saturday to watch me run my first 5K.

    Couldn't ask for anyone better!!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My boyfriend is supportive of me in that he lets me do what I need to do. He thinks I look ok with a little extra weight on me, but doesn't sabotage my efforts to feel better about myself. He lets me pick out the restaurants we go to and what we order if we are splitting a meal. He loves my girls ;-) even though they've gotten bigger with my weight gain. He doesn't judge me. i feel very fortunate.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    mmmm I think he tries some days to be supportive ...walking with me etc but then other days its like lets get pizza or go to mcdonalds or a shake at DQ ....its like man you are not helping me out here at all....but he always says he doesnt really want me losing weight I am looking fine now blah blah but I dont feel fine ..I feel like a unsexy blob and am always me that he is afraid once I lose weight I will lose him in the if lol what a boob lol
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    My SO is my biggest supporter and we are both on this journey together.

    I love her to pieces and everyday that I come home from the gym/work she tells me how proud she is of how hard I worked.

    I do the same for her.

    You need that in your life.

    If your SO doesn't support you and your decisions than why are they your SO?
  • mommytobrayden
    mommytobrayden Posts: 28 Member
    My SO ISN'T supportive:

    He asks me to buy him chocolate when shopping
    He won't drink diet or calorie free drinks
    Orders pizza and asks if I want one knowing full well I've just eaten
    Never asks how I'm doing or if I've lost anything
    When I say I've lost pounds or inches, he just looks up and says ok
    Refuses to lose weight himself despite being over 240lbs and diabetic...

    There are other areas he is unsupportive relating to my health and disabilities, but that's for therapy lol!

    This is awful to say, but please don't let me be the only one who's SO doesn't care!

    I'm blessed because I do have a SO that is VERY supportive of my weight loss efforts. However, sometimes I think that for those of us that don't have supportive SO it is because they secretly WANT you to stay overweight because of their own insecurities. Keep doing what you are doing and be proud of yourself for getting healthy! ((Hugs))
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    My husband is a big supporter of mine. He always tells me how much he loves the way I have changed our meals and that he's proud of me for being so dedicated.

    That being said, he's my biggest weakness! Everyone else I can say no to, but we always go to the little festivals all around the state and of course with festivals comes food. I am going to try not to go to them this year - I am seeing so much progress! But I know he loves the festivals.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    My Wife was never supportive until I told her that she needed to be. Since then she has been amazing, she cooks for me (many times something different then what the family is eating). She asks about my workouts and supports me working out with a female friend. I am very lucky to have her. She just did not know that I wanted/needed her support.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    mine is NOT supportive at all :( it makes it really difficult
    he has never cooked a meal in his life. he gets take out for every meal! his diet literally is two donuts for breakfast, mcdonalds for lunch, and either a frozen dinner/pizza/taco bell/kfc for dinner. its ridiculous!! and he buys so much soda. he's constantly buying me food and tellng me he likes how big i am, he likes my stomach and my butt and doesnt want me to lose weight.
    so whenever i cook something i get an EW gross im not eating that. and whenever i want to go to the gym i get a "no babe stay here i wanna hang out with you". and if i lose a pound or two he says "cool." so unsupportive.
  • mazonumaru
    My husband requires a lot of attention and so I don't have alot of time for myself and I can't get him to eat right or to stop with all the junk food. I'm praying he will join me soon.
  • cmpollard01
    cmpollard01 Posts: 246
    I'm very lucky to have the BF I have. He is mostly supportive, but has his moments.

    - he has always complimented me and told me how great he thinks i look; now, it's "i think it's sexy that I can get a better grip on your hips!" Hips are hard to lose-glad i can help him ;)
    -he owns his own landscaping company (works outside-all day, all year!), but still comments that he should really come to the gym with me
    -he is very vocal in telling me how proud he is that i'm trying to be healthy (not lose weight, not get skinny, but get healthy-glad he knows the difference!), and will ask what he can do to help
    -loves that i cook such healthy meals all the time!

    He still smokes like a chimney, drinks sodas, and eats chocolate (like a premenstral woman). He doesn't suggest going out and getting fast food as often when he's at my house, but he also knows that I can "splurge" every so often. More importantly, he recognizes that, while it might be a pain in the butt when I take 10 minutes to look up what I can eat from X restaurant, that's what's helping make these changes that make me a happier, more energetic and overall more delightful GF.

    Overall, he's way more supportive than non-supportive, and I wouldn't trade him for anything! :heart:
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Mine is definitely not that supportive. I'm trying to be healthier and he does very unhealthy things. We have 2 girls together (5 &1) I workout in my basement and when it's time to workout....he gets frustrated because I would like him to keep the girls upstairs so I can focus on my workout. So instead of listening to it I just take them downstairs with me and they play.
    A couple weeks ago I had a cookie (It fit into my calorie allowance so I ate it.) Then my mom said something (she is supportive) and then my husband said, "Oh she don't care anymore!" It really upset was one time! I just wish he was a little more supportive.
  • momX3kane
    momX3kane Posts: 11
    Mine totally does not support me.. none what so ever!!! And he wonders why I do not have any drive to do it... you know what I'm saying?
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    My Wife was never supportive until I told her that she needed to be. Since then she has been amazing, she cooks for me (many times something different then what the family is eating). She asks about my workouts and supports me working out with a female friend. I am very lucky to have her. She just did not know that I wanted/needed her support.

    Huh! Who knew we couldn't read minds? But seriously, that's interesting. I wonder if there are other SO out there that just need to be kindly shown/told how to be supportive? Food for thought (pun intended)!