

  • Whenever you have a bad day, just remember how fortunate we are that we get a fresh start every day. You can do tomorrow right and then the next day, and the next!
  • I looove it! For me, I burn over 600 calories every class!
    in zumba Comment by LadyNay191 January 2011
  • I think it depends on what you're starting from. If you're going from 130 to 120 pounds, 5-10 pounds is a big loss and enough to drop a pant size. I have gone from 204 to 176, and it wasn't until I got to about 180 that I was down a complete pant size. You'll start to notice it all over. Think of every few pounds as…
  • 12 grapes @ midnight and nothing with feet on New Year's Day!
  • Great job! It's wonderful to have a good reason to buy new clothes! The investment is way better than the embarassment!
  • I'm an apple and what has been working for me is just a good combination of cardio and strengthening- burn the fat and then tighten up the rest. Do both and you will see a difference right away!
  • I love the rowing machine at the gym. I use it probably once or twice a week for 30 minutes and have lost an inch on my biceps. My shoulders, arms, and upper back are starting to look pretty good!
  • Maybe things you can do at home for free, that allow you some relaxing time for yourself like a bubble bath with candles, a manicure, or a couple of hours of uninterrupted reading.
  • Change your workout and change your food! If you eat the same thing every day and do the same workout every day, your body gets used to it. Be adventurous and change it up!
  • I love the weekends because I have more time for longer workouts and time to get active outdoors with my fiance, and even to prepare better meals. It's definitely a change from the routine but an opportunity to do more and do it better!
  • A family that plays together stays together!! Keep junk out of the house and take advantage of every opportunity to get out of the house and be active together. Summer's almost over, but it's not too late for volleyball games, softball with another family, bike rides, swimming, kayaking... all things you can do as a family…
  • I think it helps to log every little thing! Every sip, every nibble. Everything that goes into your body has calories and those little things add up quickly. I've tracked every little thing, even the bad things and exercised five or six days a week and I've lost a pound a week for the last 18 weeks. Even on bad days, I log…
  • Lettuce wrap are AMAZING! Definitely a delicious, very filling, meal on their own!
  • I don't think it's bad, just watch your cholesterol and make sure your protein sources are lean meats, non-fat dairy, nuts, veggies, etc.
  • Congratulations!! Great job!
  • It sounds like you're on the right track so far! For me, tracking calories is the only thing that works for me because I am a binge eater. If I log it in, I am conscious of food but in a positive way; not obsessed, just aware. It would be so easy for me to slip into a binge if I don't keep track right away or even plan…
  • Make sure your settings are right so you are eating the right amount of calories and burning the right amount of calories to meet your weight loss goals. Be sure to track every little thing that you eat and drink, even bites and nibbles, and increase the intensity of your workouts so your heart rate definitely goes up.…
  • It seems to me that using "aerobics" is pretty similar to the amount of calories that are burned in a Zumba class from what I have found online. I need to get a heart rate monitor though so I can know how much I'm really burning!
  • I see the workout calories as a bonus! Usually, after a good workout, I'll need to eat at least part of those extra calories just to maintain my energy and make sure I have enough protein for muscle repair. However, you should still be meeting your weight loss goals if you eat your workout calories as long as everything…
  • I see the workout calories as a bonus! Usually, after a good workout, I'll need to eat at least part of those extra calories just to maintain my energy and make sure I have enough protein for muscle repair. However, you should still be meeting your weight loss goals if you eat your workout calories as long as everything…
  • Woohoo!!! Keep it up!! I know you will reach your goal!
  • It sounds like you're definitely making a change for the better!! I'm sure your kids will soon look up to you in a whole new way and taking care of your son will be even easier when you're able to be there for him in a whole new way!
  • My mom does the same! We live on opposite sides of the country and she likes to send me flowers and chocolate and I have to keep reminding her not to send me chocolate!! Oh, the people who love us!
  • That's great!! My best friend and I used to drink Dr. Pepper like crazy but recently have only been drinking diet sodas or coke zero on occassion. This weekend, she and I decided to splurge and get real Dr. Pepper while we were out to eat and we both felt sick! It was so weird! I don't think we'll be drinking too much soda…
  • When you have less to lose, it's harder to lose it! Don't give up!
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2006 and the only way I am able to lose weight is by being super serious about tracking what I eat and I HAVE TO EXERCISE. There's no way around it! When I was first diagnosed I was still in grad school, so I was super broke and unable to buy junk food and I walked a ton because I didn't have a…
  • Wouldn't a fruit and veggie cleanse essentially be a vegan diet? Make sure to include soy so you get some protein as you will probably be avoiding nuts and seeds to avoid the fat.
  • I think it's time to change things up! Do exercises you've never done before so you work new muscles in new ways. And, keep on keeping track! Now is not the time to ease up, you're almost there!! Congratulations on the great work so far!
  • I participated in a study last summer which proved that eliminating animal products from your diet improves skin significantly! For each person in the study, their skin became less oily and most of us had a significant reduction in acne. Reducing salt also helps as does drinking tons of water. I'm getting married in 6weeks…
  • Mornings... naky :wink: ... same day every week!