
Does anyone know if too much protein is bad? I seem to keep going over my Daily goal of protein. I just want to make sure this isn't going to impact me negatively. Any feedback is appreciated! Thank you!!!


  • jdsouthernbelle
    Protein = Good

    Sodium/Fat = Bad
  • bbeland01
    It is not bad for you to go over your protein. If you are working out as well it will actually help your body recover. Your body uses protein to recover faster after a workout. Also, getting lots of protein can curb your hunger.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    mfp Sets protein at 10% of daily calories, going up to even 30% is healthy. If you are consistantly over on protein you may want to change your settings and either lower your fat or carb amount and increase protein as a % of total calories.
    You can do this by going to settings, click change goals, select custom, make you changes, the click save changes.
  • LadyNay191
    I don't think it's bad, just watch your cholesterol and make sure your protein sources are lean meats, non-fat dairy, nuts, veggies, etc.