i love you but stop buying me candy!

Ok so here's the deal: my boyfriend thinks I'm perfect. WHICH IS GREAT, DON'T GET ME WRONG! But because I'm not anywhere near as big as he is (he's trying to lose weight, and succeeding, too) he doesnt think that I am overweight. So he buys me non diet soda, and candy with sugar in it and other such foods I should be avoiding like the plague.

Now I know, I should just talk to him, but here's the issue: he gets upset and calls himself an "*kitten*" whenever I mention something maybe not right that he's doing. I dont think he's an "*kitten*" I just think he has "boyfriend goggles" on and sees perfection, which again is sweet but can get frustrating when he buys me things chocked full of calories and sugar, all I want is for the candy to stop and if he gets me a soda for it to be diet.

Has anyone else had this problem with a BF or whatever you may have as sensitive as this? Any advise on how to talk to him without the emotional response? Help would be SO VERY appreciated!


  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Don't eat it. He'll soon feel like he's wasting his money and stop buying it.
  • NoelleLou
    NoelleLou Posts: 35
    Dancing Dreamer- My husband was the exact same way! Even before we were married he would buy me ice creams & cookies & boxes of candy "just because".. And at first I thought it was the sweetest~ until I was 2 sizes larger & counting. Eventually you will have to talk to him abt it. My husband can eat whatever he wants & doesnt get fat so he really never realized just how much of a sabotage to my diet it was! I sat down and explained that I LOVED the things he did for me.. But I just couldnt accept ANY food giftsd anymore.. I told him I wanted to grow old with him, I wanted to travel with him etc & if I continued to eat like this I would need a crane to get me outta the house.. Now (7 years later married with a one year old) he now brings me flowers, iced coffees & even sent me an edible arrangement one year.. He is much more sensitive! Just sit down & talk to him.. Openly & honestly.. If you plan on growing old with him- You have to learn to talk abt anything/everything.. This will be a lighter convo in comparison! Good luck & let me know how it works out!
  • DancingDreamer
    i'd love to not eat it, foxxybrown, the problem is he'll keep buying it! he has HORRIBLE money habits -__-
  • DancingDreamer
    NoelleLou- thanks for the advise. i guess your right and i'll just have to deal with him feeling bad about himself and mopeing and being rediculous. maybe i'll work in talking to him about that as well ;P
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    I've had to approach it this way: When you're just hanging out, out of the blue, mention your CRAVING or "addiction" to *fill in diet soda here*... Plant the seed of what you actually want. He sounds like a pleaser, so I am sure he will remember it and be sure to get you what you WANT to make you happy. =)

    **Soapbox alert: maybe go for water or tea instead of diet soda....artificial sweeteners are SO bad!** (done with soapbox...lol)
  • LadyNay191
    LadyNay191 Posts: 38
    My mom does the same! We live on opposite sides of the country and she likes to send me flowers and chocolate and I have to keep reminding her not to send me chocolate!! Oh, the people who love us!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    His heart is in the right place but men are dumb, talk to him.
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    I agree with Noelle, talk with him. It's the easiest way. Don't make him feel like he's doing something wrong. Just tell him that you LOVE that he wants to do something for you, how much all the little gestures mean to you and how loved you feel because he pays attention and wants to make you smile with his gifts. But tell him also that these gifts are actually not what you need right now, that they are the opposite of what you need.
    Guys just try to impresse and show their feelings with things they buy. And usually candy, jewelery or flowers are the only things they can think of (yeah, my man is slow like that, so I know what I'm talking about). Take him on a shopping trip with you and show him the foods you would eat, if he would buy them for you. Tell him you like diet soda more than the normal one, because it tastes better, not so sweet. Explain SLOW why you wanna lose weight and that he is also a reason for this, because you wanna be active with him, spend time with him outdoor and just look good as his side. I'm sure he will get the message.
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    Dancing, Sounds like this guy is a keeper! Nothing wrong with a man who thinks you're perfect!

    Can you talk to him about your goals without mentioning the candy at all??? Make it more of an intimate confession - like you are confiding your deepest feelings to him, your best friend. Tell him what you're feeling about your weight and WHY you want to lose weight and how hard it is, how sad it makes you and how bad you want it. Ask him if HE thinks you can do it - and of COURSE he'll say "YES!!!" THEN you can say, "Im so glad you have faith in me! I'm so glad you're my champion! I can always count on you!" Make it about you. Good men want to be a knight in shining armor for the girl they love!

    Lucky you! Hang onto that guy!
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    My mom does the same! We live on opposite sides of the country and she likes to send me flowers and chocolate and I have to keep reminding her not to send me chocolate!! Oh, the people who love us!

    My mom is the same way. She will randomly bring me candy that she knows I love. Sometimes it is too hard to resist..lol
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    His love language it seems is Gift Giving. Start giving him gifts that aren't sweet but healthy (like fruit). Tell him how amazing it tastes ect. He may just be wanting to give gifts but doesn't know that you would perfer healthy ones. Show him by buying them for him and he will learn. Oh and I also think you can say something like, what Crysta said "I really LOVE apples, and it sounds SO good right now!" "I really have a craving for fresh peaches." those type of things and he will also get the hint. he is just trying to show you that he loves you, you just have to direct him how it would be better for you. :) Good Luck
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Ok so here's the deal: my boyfriend thinks I'm perfect. WHICH IS GREAT, DON'T GET ME WRONG! But because I'm not anywhere near as big as he is (he's trying to lose weight, and succeeding, too) he doesnt think that I am overweight. So he buys me non diet soda, and candy with sugar in it and other such foods I should be avoiding like the plague.

    Now I know, I should just talk to him, but here's the issue: he gets upset and calls himself an "*kitten*" whenever I mention something maybe not right that he's doing. I dont think he's an "*kitten*" I just think he has "boyfriend goggles" on and sees perfection, which again is sweet but can get frustrating when he buys me things chocked full of calories and sugar, all I want is for the candy to stop and if he gets me a soda for it to be diet.

    Has anyone else had this problem with a BF or whatever you may have as sensitive as this? Any advise on how to talk to him without the emotional response? Help would be SO VERY appreciated!

    Well it's like this, tell him not to buy the stuff, he calls himself an *kitten*, you console him but stand your ground and he won't do it again. He will soon get over his feeling of being an *kitten* (because he isn't of course!) and you will be happier as you won't have to put up with the constant sweet stuff.

    If however, he continues to buy you the stuff even after calling himself an *kitten* and you telling him, then you need to rethink your strategy :wink:
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Start dropping hints about how much you love having fresh flowers in the house. Or shoes! :wink:

    Last thing my boyfriend bought me was a gym membership, which I do appreciate.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I think you should be honest. Speak the truth with love. Acknowledge his thoughtfulness and how sweet he is, but ultimately, be honest. As far as him being sensitive, just be kind. If he wants to put himself down then that may be an issue he needs to work through.

    I don't know how serious you are in your relationship, but if you cannot be honest than that will be a major problem down the road.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    so tell him everytime he gets the urge to buy you candy, put the money in a savings account instead even if its only a few dollars. That way when you're both at your goal weight you can go shopping for a new wardrobe!! :)
  • DancingDreamer
    Thanks so much all of you guys! Wonderful advice all around. I'll try talking to him and some of the other suggestions you've given me here!

    (About the soda and not tea or water. I PERSOANLLY love tea and water, when at home its what I live on. But he's a soda guy, so when he hears "get me something to drink" he thinks "get me a soda". My problem is that I keep forgetting this (I have really bad ADD, and so, horrid memory) so he keeps buying me Dr. Peppers, which taste like heaven but are in reality hell. Amusingly (kind of) he gets himself diet coke.)

    And i know he's a keeper! He's great and i love him, he's just a little misguided and a little too sweet for his own good :heart:

    Again, THANKS!
  • DancingDreamer
    Elokyn- THATS A BRILLIANT IDEA! I think you may just be a genius. :happy:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    i have the same problem with my husband...I'm chicken though...LOL I made him read this thread.....that clued him in really quickly that it was a similar situation and asked me if there were better alternatives to give me. We now have a plan that includes healthier options. He just wants to make me happy....too bad it was before the idea about the cash....LOL

    Good luck with your guy :) He sounds sweet and loving, like mine....they can't help themselves :P
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Just tell him! :happy: He'll get it eventually.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Elokyn- THATS A BRILLIANT IDEA! I think you may just be a genius. :happy:

    haha I try!!