Last 10-15lbs are killen me-- PLEASE HELP!

So I have been on my journey a year at the end of next month and have lost 80lbs, I am getting very sad because I am trying to lose the last 10lbs and its so hard I'm trying to do strength training along with cardio atleast 4 days a week but be normal and eat heathly but not to strict like normally should I go back to being super strict or is there any pointers or tips anyone can give me I just need someone cause I've worked so much to get were I am today and I just want to reach my goal and be happy and content with myself and for once live a normal life-- HELP;) thnks guys!


  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    have you thought that maybe you don't need to lose that last 10? is it the number that is important or the way you lok and feel? just at thought. the last 10 is the hardest because your body has adapted to your exercise and diet. In order to lose it you must really step up your game. Increase your exercise and maintain a strict calorie count. congrats on the 80 lbs weight loss. good job!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Someone VERY beautiful wrote this:

    "I am in the phase of toning up and keeping the weight off but at the same time trying to live a normal life which I never have, I pray everyday and I know God is watching over me I have came so far and I will always keep my eyes on my goals!! Fitness and being healthy will be my main goal always!!! Staying thin in 10 and forever!! Pray for me guys were in this together!"

    Sweetie, if you are that unhappy at this point, I'm afraid that 10 - 15lbs won't ever be enough.

    You said it best, "Fitness and being healthy" should be our main it? I think you are there....

    Most will have/eventually has the last whatever to lose....

    Talk to a trainer about intervals, perhaps...but mostly look inside and finally be the happy self you deserve to be.

    I', rootin' for ya...praying too. :flowerforyou:
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    Treat these last 10 - 15 lbs like the FIRST 10-15 lbs. Log in everything you eat, log in you exercise. :wink:
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    First of all, congrats on your weight loss!

    You might want to jump the exercise up to 6 days a week, for a longer amount of time and really watch your sugar and sodium intakes. You will probably have to be more strict than you were losing the first 80.
  • NinjaPrincess
    I find the toughest part is the fact that your body needs less calories the lighter you get. This is dependant on the amount of exercise etc, but essentially the baseline you need to stay alive is a lot less at 140 than at 240. So when you aren't as strict you might be thinking of that along a higher baseline and actually being way more lax then you think you are. Also your body adapts to the exercise and becomes more efficient and burns less calories doing the same things (sucks I know) but wearing a heart rate monitor every now and then can help you update your progress, as well keep track of your own percieved level of exertion.

    Anyway I gain and lose the last ten pounds on a regular basis, its a struggle for me because even though my body has adjusted to being a little lighter its high maintenence to stay there. When I am at my peak its because I am pushing it at the gym, really watching what I eat, eating super clean, and making sure I get lots of rest. Its not sustainable though since I like eating out with my friends and going for a drink every now and then. Therefore I treat the last ten as I imagine fitness competitors would and think of it as something I can 'peak' at for a special event but overall I try to have a good lifestyle.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Someone sent me this article when I couldnt get my last few lbs off! the only thing I did different was 1500 mg of sodium, I just couldnt get it under 1000! I just drank more water, 100 ounces a day.

    How to Take Off Those Last 10 Pounds
    You know what I like to call those last 10 or 15 pounds that won't come off no matter what you do? Vanity pounds. The term describes our desire to lose weight that, as far as our bodies are concerned, actually feels healthy. Today's society pressures us to want to look a certain way, so for aesthetic reasons we try to be thinner than our bodies want us to be. Personally, I have gained and lost the same 8 vanity pounds more times than I care to admit. Losing your first 50 pounds might have been tough, but believe me, dropping those final few stubborn pounds is a whole different challenge.
    The body struggles to hold on to that last bit of fat for survival purposes. Now, don't get me wrong — you can lose the weight if you want to, but it will require you to muster a tremendous amount of restraint and willpower. If you're really up for it, do the following for 30 days:
    1. Cut your sodium to 1,000 mg a day.
    2. Drink at least 80 ounces of water daily.
    3. Cut out processed foods.
    4. Abstain from alcohol.
    5. Train at 85 percent of your MHR (maximum heart rate) for 1 hour 5 times a week.
    You can do a lot in 30 days — in fact, I can pretty much guarantee you will lose at least 5 pounds. And you'll feel like a rock star! Jillian

    Hope it helps!
  • rioswonder
    Freestyle swimming works for me. It helped me lost the fat on my back that I have been carrying for over 10 years.
  • SkinnyGal08
    SkinnyGal08 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank all of you guys for all the kind words and tips I need everything I can get and will use all of yall's advice sometimes you just need encouragement and know there are others out there just like you going through the same obstacles and facing the same struggles and I know I am not in this alone I just needed as much help as possible to keep my head in the game and stay focused in between work and school and everything else I know it can be done and it will and with the help of my mfp friends I know I will not give up and just keep pushing, thanks with all my love - Alex
  • LadyNay191
    LadyNay191 Posts: 38
    I think it's time to change things up! Do exercises you've never done before so you work new muscles in new ways. And, keep on keeping track! Now is not the time to ease up, you're almost there!! Congratulations on the great work so far!