Been here awhile

hollymlb Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Holly I'm 32 and trying successfully(first time that has happened) to take off the extra pounds. I initial goal is 122 which will put me at 165. I do not calorie count so much as just keep an eye on how much I am taking in. I'm slightly afraid if I watch what I eat too much get to picky that I'll lose control of my bulimia which I have had under control for the most part for about 8 years. As much as I want the weight off I want to live thru it. Almost dying is what got me to get control of it. I don't say cured because I honestly still have thoughts of it and have to force myself not to. I had heart surgery in January after being ill for a while and finally discovering I had a cyst on my heart. I had begun to lose a little before I got sick.

My goal is 1 pound a week. I have lost 22.5 pounds so far and am 5.5 weeks ahead of the schedule.

I have set myself mini goals.
1st 270(my presick weight) Planned to hit it 8/4/2010 Hit it 7/14/2010
2nd 265(100 pounds to go) Planned to hit it 9/8/2010 Hit it 8/4/2010
3rd 250 Plan to hit it 12/22/2010
4th 225 Plan to hit it 6/15/2011
5th 200 Plan to hit it 12/7/2011
6th 175 Plan to hit it 5/30/2012
Final(unless I want to keep going) 165 Plan to hit it 8/8/2012


  • hey holly,
    like yourself everyone on this site is aiming to loose the extra pounds that seem to never leave our bellys!
    I too have a fear of actually over eating and worry that if i even eat over 1 calorie i will instantly gain weight. one thing i have learnt throughout all of this is that its not how much you eat but WHAT you eat, i am also doing a programme called 'fast track to fat loss' which basically focuses on what you eat and doing the correct work outs to burn the most amount of fat, instead of just jogging at the gym and not doing much else.
    heres what i have learnt from all of this ( i hope it helps):
    -you want to try and eat 5 small 150-250 calorie meals a day, that means eating every 3 hours if you can.
    -focus on only having carbs in the morning in your first 3 meals:
    (when i say carbs i mean HEALTHY carbs i.e. beans, peas,brown rice,coucous etc).
    -have 2-4 ounces of protein with every meal, lean meats are the best (google lean meats its confusing)
    -do not have carbs ONLY protein and veg for your last 2 meals of the day.

    Also if you google fat burning foods it will show you a whole heap of foods that are super good for you and help burn fat!!
    All of this also shows that because your eating SUCH healthy food you actually eat less than you think your eating.

    I hope this helps as ive become obssesed with healthy living and weight loss and anything i can learn i am trying to share and help others.

    good luck.

  • It sounds like you're on the right track so far! For me, tracking calories is the only thing that works for me because I am a binge eater. If I log it in, I am conscious of food but in a positive way; not obsessed, just aware. It would be so easy for me to slip into a binge if I don't keep track right away or even plan ahead, so if I know I'll have the opportunity to eat something fun in the afternoon, like froyo, I've planned ahead and can do so without screwing up. I'm down to 181 pounds from a high of 204, losing one pound a week and I know it's mostly because of my awareness of what's going in while I'm having fun burning it off. Keep it up! You will reach your goals!
  • Thanks for your replies. Good luck both of you.

    I am just glad that I finally have found something that is allowing me to take the weight off. I've had to make very few adjustments to my plan and only made those based on the fact I can't afford as much of the healthier food I want to be eating right now. I'm hoping as I get more and more of the bills from my surgery paid off I'll have the money to eat like I want to everyday.
  • Lauris83
    Lauris83 Posts: 58
    @ flameball--thanks thats great info
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