

  • When it comes to food what really helped me was realizing that eating all day long (small meals) was actually very bad. It was constantly expanding my stomach and I never felt full, and even long after stopping the many small meals I had problems. It'd hard to not eat for so many hours, but it allows the digestive process…
  • It is sad. You know there are families that chose to pray for their sick kids instead of getting them 5$ antibiotics?! The kids died. It was a case brought to the state court. :( We still live in dark ages....
  • The very first time I tried the 30ds I had the same problem! I have given up and didn't think I could do it. I've re-done the 30ds several times now, and currently am on 17, level 2! It gets so much easier over time. Although what really helped me is that I watched the video and wrote down the exercises and times and…
  • Everytime I do it I don't lose much weight but I lost so much in inches I HAVE to get new clothes. Not want, because it feels odd, but I mean even my bras and belts and jewlry don't fit! Suddenly all my shirts are HUGE and I have to change my pants every other time I complete 30DS
  • If it's embarrassing you can get invisible braces! :D They do exist! But if you want to take a step towards feeling and looking better, nobody else need judge.
  • 100-115 zone It sounds really low but I have a tiny frame along with being so short. But it does vary from person, body type, preference, body fat vs muscle (I have a high fat percentage xD)
  • I've done this a few times before and quite enjoyed it! Never lost many pounds but I always seem to need a tighter belt or new clothes after 30 days! I'll be starting new again tomorrow! Can't wait! :D
  • And I have been giving blood regularly since I was 16 ^^;; So I feel I can rule out that giving blood "shocked" me. If it ever shocked me it was the first two times I passed out! Haha! But I haven't passed out since, and still give regularly. Is it safe for me to give now (I donate again in a week and 5 days) if I am like…
  • Thanks! I didn't even think that I may not be getting a nutrient I need. I will try to find a multi-vitamin to take. I really would not like to go to a doctor.
  • OH NO I can't be pregnant! ^^;; Unless virgins can somehow procreate with themselves now....
  • Mental Health? Why? I really don't think I'm depressed, just a bit emotional.
  • :) I had begun counting calories per WEEK rather than PER DAY. I still eat calories I burn, but I take my daily number, multiply by seven, but. I just keep a nice journal instead of doing it online. It's working for me. It especially helps when one day is particularly bad and I go out with friends to a buffet or something.
  • Alright, so you WILL drop weight if you're under your calorie goal (a healthy one) HOWEVER That does not make it healthy to go and try to starve yourself.
  • HAHA! Years ago I ate sooooo much baby food because I was sure it would help... Of course, I was highly under my calorie needs, so I DID lose weight... but rather unhealthily. ^^;; I'd reccomend just eating good and exercising. Works just fine.
  • A few years back I very badly restricted calories, lost about 40 lbs, each week getting slower weight loss until I came to a complete halt, eating 300-1000 cals a day for FIVE monthes, and not dropping a single pound. (I gained a LOT after I quit, and maintained a much heavier 185 for years before beginning to lose weight…
  • The best way to lose weight is to NOT DO IT ALONE. Yes, that means you should work with not just women, but men also. I'm sure your husband will be happy with your progress whether you got help from guys or gals. If you're happily married, then I'm guessing you two don't have too many jealousy issues or suspicious, right?
  • I would suggest investing in a HRM.
  • Your phone has camera capabilities.
  • (Just from a girl side.... Uhm... lesbian....) I prefer when she is interested in me and makes a point to prove it, but I must also show my interest. Romance is mutual, not one-sided. I assume it is true, though, for all sexual orientations... I mean, don't stalk someone, but don't pretend to not be interested and wait for…
  • Consult a doctor! Sometimes people will be sticking to the 1200 calories a day, scared to gain, but the doctor or diet specialist will say they need to eat an extra 1000-3000 calories per day, and suddenly they start shedding the pounds! It's all pretty complicated, and I would see a specialist for this before you get too…
  • Splenda, probably. But I add about half a packet to black coffee, or a full packet to a cup of Earl Gray. But I drink so much coffee and tea, now I'm kind of worried... I'll use two or three packets for iced orange, zangy teas! D: I've noticed lots of charts online that lots of medicines, common ones, are high cal! D:…
  • My days vary a TON! I don't measure in days, but rather, weekly intake. It makes it easier to manage days where I just eat more with friends or something or exercise less. Some days I eat maybe 600, 700, 800... (Some days I'm just not hungry.) Then others I will eat 2000+... (And other days I go out to eat. I'm not an…
  • On days like that I just embrace the celebration and let the day pass. Unless I eat, like, 5000+ calories for the day, I haven't gained a single pound, and it's nothing I can't fix. I do still practice moderation and proper food portions, but I am more lenient. I mean, it IS a celebration, right? Enjoy yourself!
  • How do you spell it... Sauerkraut
  • All I heard was, "Nobody will treat you with respect if you're overweight." I see where you're coming from, but we have no right to destructively judge and give nasty comments. You can think, "Oh, they have obviously let themselves go at some point" but you don't have the right to go and be rude to the person, especially…
  • I'm going to be honest here; That is the very reason I am embarrassed to eat anything but salads in front of people. He had no right to think that you weren't already aware of your body and were already doing things for your body. I agree with some of the others, though; He probably was just jealous he couldn't have a…
  • Not really a weakness, but I'm noticing that people are saying, "This type of food I get at a restaurant" a lot.... Perhaps instead of thinking about wanting the fattening, large portions of food, you could think of the money saved NOT eating out, and rather just eating in at home, making something simple, normal portion,…
  • I have ribbons on my door, labeled "Waist", "hips", "neck", "thighs", etc... measurements from about 15 lbs ago, and occasionally I pull it off the door and hold it up to my body and remind myself that I'm not going to just go and give up all this hard work I've put in to get this far! It's not a "goal" motivation, but…
  • I know some people who post pictures of everything they eat on a blog- they say it pressures them into eating good just so they don't feel ashamed posting too many pictures of bad foods on a food blog. xD I've never done it!