Hidden Calories



  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    For anyone who accidently swallows toothpaste: 15 calories. Fiber pills: 10-15 calories. Nyquil: 140

    WHAT??? Nyquil has 140 calories?!!?!? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I had no idea! Excuse me while my mind is blown. I just took some last night because I've not been feeling well. :explode:

    I am thinking if you get the Nyquil gel caps they probably dont have that many calories! Quick, time to google it!
  • Captian_Dathon
    Splenda, probably. But I add about half a packet to black coffee, or a full packet to a cup of Earl Gray. But I drink so much coffee and tea, now I'm kind of worried... I'll use two or three packets for iced orange, zangy teas! D:

    I've noticed lots of charts online that lots of medicines, common ones, are high cal! D:

    Although, I must say, not logging them at all for the last several months didn't make me not lose weight....?
  • Skeen903
    Skeen903 Posts: 408 Member
    I totally agree with the hidden calories in the oil that I use to cook with. I have switched to Olive Oil in an attempt to at least make them better calories. The other one I have a problem with (and am cutting back on in my food intake) is peanut butter. I used to have it every morning for breakfast until I realized 2 tbsp was almost the equivalent of a Egg McMuffin!