Aimelish70 Member


  • Hi, there welcome to MFP, would love to have more friends for support
  • I'm in the same boat, was off for 2 months and need to get started again. I have gained 7 of the 20lbs I recently lost and really need some motivation to keep going. I've been using MFP for almost 2 years and really love it I just need to keep it going to reach my weight goal for good. :smile:
  • I'm not a jealous person, neither is my husband, but if some *kitten* had the balls to tell me "don't be jealous" she would have had my fist shoved down that big *kitten* mouth of hers! My husband would probably get a video camera out and cheer me on! HA HA - On another note, there is a huge difference between being…
  • I start off with a full glass of water, then I love vegetables and fruit in the morning - Here is an example of one that keeps me full. I know you said no eggs, but I use egg whites (in carton, my family never touches it, lol) to add a little consistency to the veggies. Mushrooms, red onions, spinach and feta cheese (you…
  • I know I am late to this subject but I found a site that will calculate circuit training by weight. I'm 199 lbs as of today and it say 20 minutes is 252 calories burned
  • Wow you look amazing, thanks for sharing your story and tips! Way to go girl!
  • OMG this is so inspiring! I started at 217 also and have lost 11 lbs. My goal is to be 140 by the end of next May. I've been working out 5-6 x's a week and religiously tracking everything. I can't wait to see the results. You look AMAZING!!! Congratulations. Thanks for sharing.
  • No need to approach her about it, just kill her with kindness and go about your day. Often people, even the most beautiful, will have insecurities when things aren't going well in a relationship and will look for someone or something to blame it on, it's always hard to face the truth or see what the real problem is, it's…
  • I haven't tried it yet, but saw a recipe for one that I am going ot make this weekend. I couldn't post the pic, but it looks really refresshing. 1 cucumber 1 lemon 1 or 2 oranges 2 limes 1 bunch of mint Slice them all and divide the ingredients between four 24 oz. water bottles and fill them up with filtered water. Drink…
  • I would like to join the FB group, I'm on it all the time. :-)
  • I've been on them for a few weeks, I have not noticed additional weight loss yet but have nocticed that i have more energy without being jittery like other weight loss pills. I'm going to keep taking them until I run out and see what happens. Good luck
  • Thanks! This year I am not as stressed out about Thanksgiving, I am going to use a smaller plate, spoon up smaller protions and skip the pumpkin pie and be happy about my choices. :-)
  • Hi Christi! WOW your like super woman! :-) I am also a mother of three and one husband lol, I work about 45-50 hours a week and the thought of going to school on top of that makes my palms sweat! You go girl! I just restarted MFP this week and am pushing myself to stay motivated. So far so good, then again it's only day…
  • I do it one time per week, same time, same clothes... stretchy pants and sports bra :-) Weighing yourseld daily is known to be very inaccurate due to water retention and other factors which in turn can sabotage your progress by making you feel stressed or down about the fluxuation you are seeing.
  • I'm in too! I am trying to brisk walk 1-2 miles a few times a week!
  • LOL - I'm already a stress case at weigh in, I get on, get my results and jump off. I think I am always afraid it's going to go higher! LOL
  • Hello there, Wishing you the best, I know it's not easy, but hang in there. I have 3 children, my first when I was 22 and lost weight instead of loosing weight. I was always pretty thin and active until I had my daughter at 28 and son at 30. I gained 40 lbs from the pregnancy and since then packed on another 40lbs that I…
  • I full side tattoo, I have been wanting to do it for years then put it off when I gained the weight... I'm crossing my fingers I haven't stretched out the canvas too much... :-0
  • That's awesome! Keep up the good work! I've got 75lbs to go and man it has not been easy!
  • Also, I believe it falls in the category of "circuit training" so you can use that to track your calories.
  • I started it last month and found that I couldn't do it everyday. I did for a week straight without stopping and found I could barely lift my arms and was sore everywhere. I needed 3 days to recover. Tried it again for a week straight and same thing. I did notice an increase in weight loss and inches, but my body seems to…
  • Not sure what your weight and height are now but sounds like you are at a "maintenance" level and or have only a few more calories to go. That can get tricky since you are allowed more calories and even more after working out. I would try and at least eat 1250 to 1300 calories. You can add the calories with low fat shakes…
  • How many calories are you allowed per day? If you are an avid exceriser then your calorie allowance will increase. I tend to fall under my caloric intake when I work out, but try not to stress out about it to much, however 600 is alot to be under, that will definitely slow down your metabolism and railroad your diet.
  • I made chicken tortilla soup off a rotisserie chicken last night. Chicken Stock, lemon juice, lime juice, zucchini, half an onion in large cubs (mostly to flavor soup) squash, red and yellow bell peppers, salt and pepper and whatever seasoning you would like to kick it up a knotch. I make my own tortilla strips, then you…
  • Reasons I smiled today... #1 Reading your post. Thanks for sharing, i've recently started to notice the same differences and it amazes me how these baby steps really boost my drive to move forward and not give up. #2 I bought a bagel today and opted out on the cream cheese ( I love cream cheese) and replaced with butter…
  • I really think you need to have the Doctor run some tests. There could be a medical condition that is causing you to gain wait that can be taken care of with medication and or a special diet. Another thing is that your body could be in starvation mode if you are not eating enough calories to keep up with your activities...…
  • Ha ha I learned that I like trolling through these blogs and reading all the hilarious responses! Amberjewel... you crack me up! pshhh