Need breakfast ideas.



  • I eat peanut butter on whole grain toast every morning. sometimes top it with a banana

    Would it be a bad idea to use English Muffin instead? A regular one?
  • michelledusik
    michelledusik Posts: 63 Member
    I used to never eat breakfast either, but since it is so important, I have been eating it! I drink a Shakeology every morning and it keeps me satisfied all morning. The good thing about a shake is that you can put in it whatever you want, like fruit or flaxseed or protein or whatever. I usually just have a scoop of Shakeology with water and I'm good to go.
    Good luck!
  • I used to never eat breakfast either, but since it is so important, I have been eating it! I drink a Shakeology every morning and it keeps me satisfied all morning. The good thing about a shake is that you can put in it whatever you want, like fruit or flaxseed or protein or whatever. I usually just have a scoop of Shakeology with water and I'm good to go.
    Good luck!

    I've always wanted to try that since everyone says it's "not your typical smoothie, it's actually filling". But I honestly can't afford it and if I end up hating it and doesn't do what I hope it does then I wasted money..
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    How about making a batch of muffins on Sunday. I make the jumbo muffins (6 to a tin) I have a few recipes at home for like all spice, pumpkin or blueberry muffins then you can seal them and keep in fridge. Grab one in the AM - zap in the microwave for a few seconds and breakfast is done! -

    I also eat oats most mornings. I put a TBs of PB or pure pumpkin in it. Yum!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I know you said no eggs but you can modify the ingredients... I bought one of these breakfast sandwich makers and now I get a variety for 5 minutes or so of time... It is made by Hamilton Beach. HTH :smile:


    FTW!!! WOW I need one of these!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    If you like oatmeal but don't have milk available, you could try stirring in a tablespoon or two of powdered milk. It gives it more of that creamy milky flavor and adds the nutrients of milk, but it's less likely to run out in a household (If I read the OP correctly, that's the biggest issue with milk/eggs - they run out in the household). We keep a box of powdered milk in the pantry that I use in cooking and to stir into my oatmeal or creamy wheat when we don't have any fresh milk.

    Another idea is hash browns. Grate 1 small-med potato and some cheese. Add chopped onion, bell pepper, ham, tomato, whatever, and cook in a frying pan until the potato starts to brown. You can chop everything (except the potato) the night before.

    Hmm.. that's a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

    I do this, but I bake the potato the night before...takes less time to reheat, cook through, and crunch..saves on cook time :-)
  • brownbeauty2013
    brownbeauty2013 Posts: 50 Member
    Try turkey bacon, try cooking a batch in the oven and that way just microwave in the morning. Egg whites, which i see quite a bit on here. Yogurt, breakfast bars. Cottage cheese with bananas and syrup is yummy too and high protein. Turkey sausage, cook the night before and just microwave and enjoy as well!
  • michelledusik
    michelledusik Posts: 63 Member
    I used to never eat breakfast either, but since it is so important, I have been eating it! I drink a Shakeology every morning and it keeps me satisfied all morning. The good thing about a shake is that you can put in it whatever you want, like fruit or flaxseed or protein or whatever. I usually just have a scoop of Shakeology with water and I'm good to go.
    Good luck!

    I've always wanted to try that since everyone says it's "not your typical smoothie, it's actually filling". But I honestly can't afford it and if I end up hating it and doesn't do what I hope it does then I wasted money..

    You can always order it and try it and if you don't like it you can send the bag back (even if it's empty) for a full refund. Beachbody has a "bottom of the bag" guarantee, just in case you don't like it.
    I think it would be worth a try - I highly recommend it!
  • Aimelish70
    Aimelish70 Posts: 48 Member
    I start off with a full glass of water, then I love vegetables and fruit in the morning - Here is an example of one that keeps me full. I know you said no eggs, but I use egg whites (in carton, my family never touches it, lol) to add a little consistency to the veggies. Mushrooms, red onions, spinach and feta cheese (you don't need much feta) scrambeled with one egg white, I will add some type of meat but very little if I am really craving protien. Then I eat fruit about 2 hours later. This usually keeps me filled up, the veggies and the fruite have fiber that will keep you full. It was very hard for me to change my eating habits, I didn't eat breakfast and definitely didn't break my meals up into small ones every few hours. It took me awhile but now I am on track and my body automatically tells me when my next meal or snack is needed. Here is my schedule, 8:30 breakfast, 10:30 snack, 12:30 lunch, 2:30 snack, between 5:30 and 7pm is dinner, if it's the later I will have a snack at around 5:30. (and that is a rough estimate, i'm not that punctual, lol). The key is to always have healthy snacks available and if at all possible plan out your meals.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I used to never eat breakfast either, but since it is so important, I have been eating it! I drink a Shakeology every morning and it keeps me satisfied all morning. The good thing about a shake is that you can put in it whatever you want, like fruit or flaxseed or protein or whatever. I usually just have a scoop of Shakeology with water and I'm good to go.
    Good luck!

    I've always wanted to try that since everyone says it's "not your typical smoothie, it's actually filling". But I honestly can't afford it and if I end up hating it and doesn't do what I hope it does then I wasted money..
    I can't stand wasting money on pre-prepped shakes, etc. I used to live on homemade protein shakes, though - super filling when you pack them with spinach, frozen fruit, dairy, protein, and flavourings like PB or extracts. I know you don't have protein powder, but they'd be just as good without I'm sure.

    If you're not keen on eggs, you can always make up a tofu scramble at night for dinner and have the leftovers for breakfast. It's egg-like but not eggs.
  • Although I am very new to this software and program, what I can tell you what I do is the following

    1/4 cup instant steel cut oats
    1/2 cup Almond Milk
    1/4 cup Dole Frozen fresh fruit - no added sugar kind

    You may also buy some gluten free granola and put 1/4 cup for crunchy texture

    I also down 1 very small yogurt and sometimes a choco protein shake to get me started.

    Now mind you I have only been on this one week and dumped out 9 pounds already...
    Im off to a terrific start
  • kakemono
    kakemono Posts: 8 Member
    Bulletproof Coffee.
    1 Cup Coffee
    2 Tbsp Grassfed Butter
    1 Tbsp MCT Oil (can substitute coconut oil if you don't have MCT on hand)

    Homemade Chocolate.
    1 Cup cocoa butter
    1 Cup cocoa powder
    1/4 cup honey

    Homemade Chocolate IN Bulletproof coffee <3
  • Ideas minus eggs, milk, & tortillas...

    Some days I do:

    a Luna bar w/ a piece of fruit
    greek yogurt w/ strawberries stirred in, topped w/ Uncle Sam Cereal - kind of like a home made parfait
    toast spread w/ PB & topped w/ bananas or raisins

    you can stash all of those things in your room, except for the yogurt, if you have an asshat that eats everyone's food.