AprilShore Member


  • I have the alpha gal allergy from a tick bite. Mine is severe. I cannot eat any mammal meat or dairy. My suggestion is to find an allergist who does blood testing. They can test for the alpha gal and also for specific meat allergies. I am not allergic to the meat itself but have the alpha gal. My reactions were swelling…
  • I usually toss in frozen meat. Just cut back on the liquid you put in.
  • Pork tenderloin in the crock pot with dijon mustard and some light maple syrup. Will serve with a salad or veggie.
    in Dinner Comment by AprilShore July 2012
  • Selena Gomez--"Naturally" remix Jesse James--"Bluejeans" Sam Cooke--"Twistin the Night Away" Michael Franti--"Say Hey, I Love You" Queen/David Bowie--"Under Pressure" Violent Femmes--"Blister in the Sun" The Ramones--"I Wanna Be Sedated" Bon Jovi--"Livin' on a Prayer" Dire Straits--"Walk of Life"
  • I am in the same boat. I eat but then I feel bad physically and emotionally. I have started running on a treadmill when angry or stressed, or I chew sugar free gum. That helps, too. When I am really ticked, I have started cleaning/organizing my house! Feels good to be productive! :) Good luck!
  • I am also double jointed (hands, hips, shoulders, elbows, knees, etc). Working out has become a point of contention between my husband and myself. I find it nearly impossible to do push ups due to the fact that my elbows turn and pop out of place. If I do not move around a lot at night, my shoulders pop out of place and…
  • I am 5'4" and have been anywhere from 117-155. I am shooting for 125, so I think 130 is a great weight to be at! Keep up the good work!
  • Exercise is my first option. Beyond that, it is shopping! A great pair of shoes (esp found at a bargain price) cheers me right up! I also like to just walk around the mall and window shop. But, my husband knows when I am really pissed I clean my house like there is no tomorrow. Getting rid of the junk and clutter makes me…
  • I am getting a late start, but better late than never! CW-151.6 GW-146.5 Weigh in days: 3/10--148.8 3/17--149 3/24--147.6 3/31--
  • I make a crock pot of soup (usually veggie) and portion it out into individual containers then freeze it. I just grab one before I head out the door and defrost it for lunch. It is very tasty and filling. My vegetable beef comes in at 261 calories. I also bring fruit and yogurt for a snack. For breakfast, I make homemade…
  • I also understand. When I feel like I am in over my head or depressed about something, I want to eat junk. I crave it badly. But, like others have said, I took control of exercise. When I got mad or frustrated, I took it out on the treadmill or the elliptical. That I can control. I have also swapped the junk for good food.…
  • My favorite is fudge pie. It is so thick, you can turn your spoon upside down and it will stick! A little slice will fulfill your sweet craving! Reduced Fat Graham Crust 1 can fat free condensed milk 1 tub fat free Cool Whip 2oz dark baking chocolate Melt the chocolate in the microwave. Once melted, quickly stir in…
  • I am getting a late start, but better late than never! CW-151.6 GW-146.5 Weigh in days: 3/10-- 3/17-- 3/24-- 3/31--
  • My brother has one and we had a blast playing Fruit Ninja. It really worked out my arms! I would love to get one for myself!
  • I am 5'4" and my highest weight has been 157. I am at 151 now and my goal is 112-120. I am not a large framed person. I admire all the posters who have had such amazing weight loss and those who are still plugging away!
  • I used to tan, but since noticing a lot of moles this year, no more. SPF 50 for body and 80 for face. I have been considering VersaTan. A friend of mine does it and it looks really good and natural on her. The price is just not worth the tan in the beds.
  • Check with your human resources supervisor. I don't think you can be denied trips to the bathroom. I would suggest having a conversation with your boss and telling them that you don't want to offend anyone, but you are trying to have a healthy lifestyle and brown bag it! I work in a school and gained 25 pounds before I…
  • I don't drink coffee and need the caffeine, but I go with Diet Mt Dew. I try to stay away from dark colored beverages. However, I do like a Cherry Coke Zero every now and then with a LOT of water!
  • I am always over on sugar even though I gave up sweets. It is fruit, the vanilla soy milk and Slim Fast products. I just let it go. As long as it is "good" sugar, I don't worry about it. I really look at the carbs instead. Good luck!
  • I switched from regular sodas to diet sodas. I don't drink coffee and need the caffeine. I also gave up fast food for Lent over 2 years ago and still haven't eaten it. My choleserol and digestive system thank me! I wish I could give up sweets. I am doing that for Lent this year, but crave them sooo badlly. I am also trying…
  • I have crazy curly hair and am allergic to botanicals, so it is a challenge. Aveda has been good to me as has Dove products. I go between a hair lotion and mouse. Hope this helps.
  • Pour Some Sugar on Me Naturally--Selena Gomez Summer Nights--Rascal Flatts Life Is a Highway--Rascal Flatts Footloose Sexy and I Know It--LMFAO Kiss Me Deadly Jump Around Push It--Salt N Pepa The 80's and early 90's had some great workout songs.
  • I am in the same boat. My husband has lost almost 25 lbs doing this and I have only lost 3. I am frustrated, too, but keep telling myself that it is not about the weight but the getting healthy. I am a lot more conscious of what I eat now and my goal is clothing size, not the number on the scale. Keep up the good work! You…
  • I gave up sweets for Lent and it has been soooo hard! I also like sweets at night. For me, it is one of four things. 1)Eat a piece of fruit slowly. 2)Chew fruit flavored sugarless gum. 3)Get up and do crunches or something. 4) Use a tooth whitening strip. I know #4 sounds silly, but you have to leave them on for 30 minutes…
  • I have read that when you have sugar, you crave more sugar. So, I try to cut it out. I am making substitutions. For example, today I wanted a brownie, but I had sugar-free, fat-free hot chocolate instead. Also, I eat low carb or Greek yogurt when I am having a sweet craving. Good luck!
  • This morning. I gave a co-worker a treat! When was the last time you played a board game?
  • Turkey bacon, ground turkey and egg whites are a MUST. We use e-mealz on the low carb menu to help us out. It is $5 a month and gives you weekly menus and shopping list based on your choice and the store's weekly specials. It has been a great budget tool for us. We also love feta and spinach in a lot of things. One thing I…
  • Two words: birth control! I have been on 5 different kinds in 2.5 years! Now that my hormones are finally under control, I think I can kick this weight to the curb!