Tanning- give me your thoughts



  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    I love the way I look tan. I used to tan as a teenager, that is, until my dad at age 38 developed melanoma. He almost made it to the magical "5 year mark" and then went downhill fast and died at age 43. Trust me, he was not a tanning bed kinda guy so he got it just from being out and working in the sun. I have dark hair and eyes but pale skin. I also have about 20 small scars from having various moles removed that I just didn't want there. They've all been normal so far, thank God. Bottom line is, the way he died was horrible and I wish that on no one. If you want color, spray it!!!

    I'm so sorry about your dad! I'm sure he would be happy to know you aren't intentionally damaging yourself now.

    I also have very dark hair and dark eyes but pale skin. I used to tan a little bit, mainly because it made me feel so much better when my sinuses were giving me trouble. I've never liked the way I look with a fake tan though - it doesn't fit me. Now I wear sunscreen, and other than the exposure I get from living in a very sunny place I don't purposely catch any rays - fake or otherwise.
  • kbuelo
    kbuelo Posts: 44 Member
    I used to tan in college but I wised up and take much better care of my skin now. I use SPF every day and stay out of tanning beds. I do LOVE the sun, however, and allow myself to get some color (thru my SPF) in the summer time. In the spring I start out with self-tanners (the light/medium ones) and they look just fine! People always tell me I look younger than I am, and I want to stay that way as long as possible!!
  • AprilShore
    AprilShore Posts: 35 Member
    I used to tan, but since noticing a lot of moles this year, no more. SPF 50 for body and 80 for face. I have been considering VersaTan. A friend of mine does it and it looks really good and natural on her. The price is just not worth the tan in the beds.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    IMO tanned fat looks better than white fat.

    My friend owns a tanning salon and has for 12 years (I worked for her for 5 years) and so I have done my fair share of tanning......Now these days I am trying to cut back (I will go a few sessions in June just before summer and I do tan really easy so maybe I'll go 6-8 times for 10 minutes or so) then I'll use jergens lotion the one that has bronzer in it to "maintain" my color, I wear sunscreen all summer but since I tan so easily I still will get color through the lotion but come sept I like to let myself fade out completely.

    I do have access to the spray tan so I might try to do that mostly this year, but I find tanning relaxing and it gives me a few minutes peace and quiet away from the kids.

    I honestly do think that if you can avoid tanning....do.
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    I vote no on tanning. My family is very fair and prone to burning which means my mother and grandmother both have had skin cancer and I've had suspiciouse moles removed/tested at 20 years old. I would like to have that nice golden look too but for me it's not worth the risk. I have not had good luck with any of the self-tanners so it's whitness for me. I do use spf everytime I'm out but not crazy about it and yes I do brown a bit in the summer but try to never burn.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My pale skin and tanning just don't mix. I freckle like crazy (and not the cute kind...the sun-damaged kind), I burn, and I just know I would wrinkle up like a prune in no time flat. You've probably noticed that people who tan regularly start to look old a lot sooner than those who avoid the sun or tanning booths. I've been tempted to tan, but I just couldn't lie there knowing that all of those cancer-causing, skin-aging rays were soaking into my body needlessly.
  • jeannec3631
    jeannec3631 Posts: 108 Member
    bottled tan!
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    Jergens natural glow in "firming". It gives you a "glow" gradually which keeps smudge marks at bay.

    STAY AWAY from the tanning bed!!!! You can be skinny and tan but it won't do CRAP for you if you are unfortunate to get melanoma and are 6 feet under.... Even if you don't die from skin cancer, you will be a shriveled up prune who looks years older than you are. Just drink water, exercise and get to be best friends with self tanner and a peachy powder bronzer for your cheeks. Beautiful!
  • 1sweetpea70
    1sweetpea70 Posts: 48 Member
    I love to tan. Whether its in a tanning bed, or outside. Im 41, and while i've never truly baked in the sun, i do believe a little sun is good for you. Vitamin D and all that. I dont care what anyone says. I use spf 30 on my face and i dont get red from the sun. I enjoy the feeling i get from knowing it makes things like cellulite, stretch marks and any trouble spots look better. I also do NOT have wrinkles, or sun spots from the sun, as ive always used a sun block on my face and chest. To each their own.
  • squared16
    squared16 Posts: 41
    Get professional spray tan or use that Jergens healthy glow lotion. Anything else and you're putting yourself at risk for skin cancer. :/
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    I've had a lot of luck with Jergens Natural Glow. Takes about 3 days or so to show, and I've never had an issue with it streaking (I'm also veryyy careful about applying evenly.)


    YES!!!! Smart girl!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I tan every year just before Spring. About 30 sessions in a tanning bed keeps me from burning during the summer of riding my motorcycle and on vacations.

    I'm not concerned with the people that don't think it's a good idea. I pretty much do as I please.
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    feels good warming up on a cold day \m/
    .....the end

    Not getting skin cancer feels good on ANY day...the end
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    Another thought.... Tanning is often used by people who want to cover up their imperfections. You've been working hard and are barely 100 lbs I doubt you have anything to hide. Also, Google Snookie and see how many guys think she looks "hot"... yeah, not many...now try Nicole Kidman, Kate Winslet, Gwen Stefani, Michele Williams...you get my point.. It will pay off someday when you have beautiful skin and all the old leather bags are jealous
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    feels good warming up on a cold day \m/
    .....the end

    Not getting skin cancer feels good on ANY day...the end

    Never had it. Almost 58. No indicators. The End.
  • ekone
    ekone Posts: 10 Member
    Some of the comments on here are insane! Did you know that just 4 visits to a tanning salon per year can increase your risk of skin cancer by 11%? Did you know that skin cancer does not have to "run in your family" for you to get it? And what's with these "what doesn't give you cancer- lol?" comments? What does that even mean? Please don't be an idiot. Do some research, talk to your doctor. Cancer is not a joke.
  • you wont look like this lol i know some girls that tan in the beds like religiously and they look like that!! I dont use tanning beds anymore for the fear of cancer... yes there are a lot of things that you can get cancer from but honestly why would you intentionally put yourself in that position?? i dont get it! but no the spray tans will not make you look like that!!
  • ekone
    ekone Posts: 10 Member
    Also, the idea that you are only at risk for skin cancer if you burn is utterly false. Again, speak to a doctor.
  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    I love tanning, I tan everytime I go to the gym, just make sure you use a good indoor tanning lotion and goggles. Stand ups are the best because it gives you a even all around tan. Good luck

    I love the stand up! I always wear SPF though
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Some of the comments on here are insane! Did you know that just 4 visits to a tanning salon per year can increase your risk of skin cancer by 11%? Did you know that skin cancer does not have to "run in your family" for you to get it? And what's with these "what doesn't give you cancer- lol?" comments? What does that even mean? Please don't be an idiot. Do some research, talk to your doctor. Cancer is not a joke.

    Did you know that texting while you drive causes accidents? Did you know that millions of people are out in the sun and never get cancer?

    If you feel that tanning should be contraindicated in your life, stay out of the sun and/or use the proper SPF.

    I'm an educated person. I weigh the risks and benefits of whatever action I care to take and act appropriately. I don't need any help making my own decisions or accepting the consequences of my action.

    Thanks for your concern, though.