Tanning- give me your thoughts



  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    spray tan!

    I don't want to look like this-


    If you go to a really good spray tan place, you won't look orange. You select the color that you want, and they have about a million different levels. A mystic tan is a good option too because it's very very slight and just gives you that little bit of the sun kissed look.

    As for tanning from a tanning bed or laying out, just don't do it. It's so not worth the risk. I'm 27 years old and had to have a malignant mole removed when I was 23. 23 years old. I have naturally tan skin and almost never get a sunburn, but because I didn't wear sunscreen regularly I would up with a mole that had I not had it removed would've become full on skin cancer. It's so not worth it.

    Now I wear sunscreen every time I'm outside and I wear a daily face moisturizer with spf in it.
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Once you develop a base tan by selecting a step 1 lotion, Designer Skin has a great one called Bellezza, by going about 4 times a week, you can maintain by going just twice a week with a good bronzing lotion. I'm fair skinned with an indoor job so the UV exposure is about the same for me as it is for someone who spends a little of the week outdoors. On the leather comments, Australian Gold has a product called Crystal Faces, unbelievable lotion specifically designed for facial use that virtually eliminates rough facial skin. Just be sure to moisturize properly and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. When showering, cool the water a bit. Hot water dries the skin and causes scaling. Don't shower for up to 4hrs after tanning to maximize the bronzing effect and when drying off, try to spot dry rather that wiping to maintain even more moisture.
  • MissAlexxMarie
    Since I have been 15 I always went tanning. Well, recently, my friends cousin has skin cancer. I stopped going. I am using flawless fake and bake. Looks great, doesn't leave spots! A bunch of reviews on it on youtube along with everywhere else. I can definitely say it gives me the same color as a week of tanning :)
  • kaydensmom12
    I have a tanning package but I am not going to go anymore and am going to try the jergens. I really do not want a ton of wrinkles, I am working too hard for this body lol.
  • Lesley2800
    Don't tan and please don't be flippant about cancer...I lost my 23 year old co-worker last year to melanoma. My husband had basal cell skin cancer removed from his head a few months ago and had 14 STAPLES in his head and his head is now indented. And he was lucky his didn't have many feelers or it would have been worse. My grandpa had to have reconstructive surgery on his ear due to skin cancer. My cousin's husband actually lost his whole ear. I could go on and on....A nice spray tan would do :)
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Some of the comments on here are insane! Did you know that just 4 visits to a tanning salon per year can increase your risk of skin cancer by 11%? Did you know that skin cancer does not have to "run in your family" for you to get it? And what's with these "what doesn't give you cancer- lol?" comments? What does that even mean? Please don't be an idiot. Do some research, talk to your doctor. Cancer is not a joke.

    Came here to say something along these lines!! I know too many people impacted by skin cancer. One acquaintance has a horrible prognosis due to a tiny, tiny freckle-sized spec of skin cancer metastasizing. :(:(:( NOT WORTH IT!

    My skin naturally soaks up the sun like crazy, and I spend a lot of time outdoors, so I am worried about skin cancer in the future. I wear a lot of sunblock and hope it will help. :( I really wish that people saw close-to-natural-for-the-person skin tones as beautiful (because some people are naturally pale and damage themselves trying to darken, and some people are naturally dark and damage themselves trying to bleach -- WHY?!?!) If I am sporting a tan and get a compliment on it, I feel a bit worried because of cancer risks. :(

    Even without the cancer risk, I wouldn't tan intentionally because of the aging factor. Wasn't so noticeable when I was younger, but now that I'm in my early 30s, it's really becoming apparent who among my peers has been tanning for years and who hasn't.

    As many others have already said, spray tan is the way to go if you want a little colour!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    feels good warming up on a cold day \m/
    .....the end

    Not getting skin cancer feels good on ANY day...the end

    Never had it. Almost 58. No indicators. The End.
    Schooled....the end \m/
    and yet another nominee, thank you for letting your presence be known
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    1. Spray tan reacts with every skin tone differently. It does turn SOME people slightly orange, especially if you choose the darkest when you are very light skinned. It is still worth a shot because from personal experience, it looked good on me!
    a. One downside is the smell. For anyone who doesn't know, self tanner is a chemical that reacts with your skin to create pigment. The reaction also causes a slight weird smell, but technology has become much better and as years go on the oder is much less intense. I notice on me personally, the smell is strongest on my hands so if I am applying a self tanning lotion, I wear gloves.
    2. Bronzer.. If you invest in a good make up bronzer and apply it PROPERLY (definitely one of those 'a little goes a long way' sort of thing) you can give at least your face/neck a really healthy glow that looks natural. There are a few good youtube tutorials for this.

    Don't go to a tanning bed or lay in the sun. If you are going to be in the sun for more than 10 minutes (or even less), wear sunscreen. Skin cancer is a dangerous and scary thing, and when you get older you will be covered in leathery, wrinkly skin if you don't protect it now. The biggest way to prevent wrinkles and skin aging, is using sunscreen!

    Even the darkest skin needs sunscreen and can get sunburned. EVERYONE should wear sunscreen.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    When I see 30 year olds looking 40 all I can think about is the tanning they did. Lets not even start talking about the wrinkles and CANCER..Just don't do it..Not worth it long term, IMO!
  • maddiecab
    maddiecab Posts: 12 Member
    I' ve had cancers cut off my legs and chest......... caused from tanning in my 20s when I worried about having tanned, shapley legs. The legs do not look as nice with scars. The vanity of the perfect tan is not as important when one has a family to stay bealthy for.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Jergens natural glow in "firming". It gives you a "glow" gradually which keeps smudge marks at bay.

    STAY AWAY from the tanning bed!!!! You can be skinny and tan but it won't do CRAP for you if you are unfortunate to get melanoma and are 6 feet under.... Even if you don't die from skin cancer, you will be a shriveled up prune who looks years older than you are. Just drink water, exercise and get to be best friends with self tanner and a peachy powder bronzer for your cheeks. Beautiful!

    I agree wholeheartedly with everything said here. I'm as ghostly as they get, but the gradual self tanner lotions look pretty good. As a red head with a family history of skin cancer, I always wear AT LEAST SPF 30 when I go outside, even if only for a few minutes.
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    My father-in-law is dying of skin cancer so there is that. Also, when you get in your late 30s you will so wish you had used excessive sunscreen when you see the age spots and wrinkles on your face. That blows. I don't judge people though. I think tans look good and all of my habits are not pristinely healthy. This one does have some major ramifications though. It pisses me off b/c I love the sun. So many things we enjoy are bad for us. Doesn't seem fair.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I think I commented on this earlier, my opinion is it's a definate NO! Tanned skin is damanged skin, bottom line, no good comes from it, you may like it now but sometimes it takes years for the bad to show........and you can't reverse the bad.
  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    I wear sunscreen and/or makeup that contains SPF everyday. There is no way I'm going to age my skin. I want to age gracefully, tanning is my last interest.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I've had a lot of luck with Jergens Natural Glow. Takes about 3 days or so to show, and I've never had an issue with it streaking (I'm also veryyy careful about applying evenly.)


    Been thinking bout trying that kind... The last 3 years I'd go to the tanning bed but I always hated it when I got burned and I hate spending $40 a month for 10 sessions. It's not worth it.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    UV tanning is dangerous and will age your skin by years if you do it regularly. Plus, I know many people use tanning beds but I find their tans odd looking, not at all natural. And I often wonder if the 20-ish year old women who use tanning beds realize not only will their face age tremendously but so will their chest. It's called "crepe-y" skin resulting from sun damage and it's not pretty. I use a spray SPF 45 to my chest daily to avoid "the crepe".

    I used L'Oreal Sublime Bronze lotion and really liked the results. It lasted for about 3 showers. The bummer is having to apply it all over but I usually just applied it to my legs.

    I had a spray tan once and it turned out orange-ish. However, it's worth a try since it's quick and uniform. And if you turn orange, it'll wash off within a week.
  • Larimartda
    I love tanning, I tan everytime I go to the gym, just make sure you use a good indoor tanning lotion and goggles. Stand ups are the best because it gives you a even all around tan. Good luck

    ME too!! just just got into tanning because of the same reason but ive researched that you can get protection and get a tan in an indoor tanning booth... i mix a bronzer tanning lotion and a tanning lotion with SPF... that way i get some protection and color fast to minimize the times i need to tan... spray tanning... it can get messy... and think about how many times you have to put it on.. i rather have a real tan for a longer time
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Personally I try to avoid getting tan because I prefer myself pale. I think tanning salons are idiotic and spray tans even more so, but that's just me.
  • kimber89
    kimber89 Posts: 31 Member
    Don't do it. I tanned and laid out in college and now I'm constantly checking my skin to see if my moles are changing. I've had to have some removed. It's not fun waiting to hear back on a biopsy. Stick with spray tans. I also like a self-tanner called Fake Bake.
  • tanmommie46
    I also love tanning. Will always be tan.