How do you handle frustration without eating it away?

I am just curious what others do to handle their frustrations with work, etc without relying on 'eating it away'. I used to smother my emotions with any food that I thought was comforting--until after I ate it, and then I felt worse. I am curious what others do to alleviate their stress besides, exercising, listening to music, or taking a walk. Any and all suggestions are welcome. I have come so far and do not want to regress. I was thinking, there might be others who feel this same way.


  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    You covered most of what I do - exercise, walk, listen to music

    I also chill out in the bath with a good book, watch a movie, go for a drink with friends and have a laugh.

    A lot of the time though, I immerse myself in some sort of online game, usually on facebook.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    At work I often go and do a few minutes of stupid dancing in the toilets. Cheers me right up. :-)
  • lalalee13
    lalalee13 Posts: 60 Member
    I think most of us struggle with this! We want an escape from the negative emotions and difficult circumstances. My tendency is to use the food to "hide" away. My prayer has been that God would become my "Hiding Place" and that I will turn to Him every time I have a need. When I will choose to turn to Him, He is proving Himself faithful to bring peace and comfort. Psalm 32:7
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I go outside for a walk or hike. :smile:
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    I often "write" it out on paper. If it is my "mood/emotion" that I am dealing with it helps to put things in perspective. Seeing sometimes is believing...9 out of 10 times I feel better and realized things are far better than they are worse! :smile:
  • weisegirl1119
    weisegirl1119 Posts: 122 Member
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    text someone or post on here

    feels go to vent
  • lmrw1959
    lmrw1959 Posts: 31 Member
    A couple of minutes of deep breathing and stretching.
  • AprilShore
    AprilShore Posts: 35 Member
    Exercise is my first option. Beyond that, it is shopping! A great pair of shoes (esp found at a bargain price) cheers me right up! I also like to just walk around the mall and window shop. But, my husband knows when I am really pissed I clean my house like there is no tomorrow. Getting rid of the junk and clutter makes me feel better!
  • gbers
    gbers Posts: 54 Member
    Thank all of you for your suggestions. just knowing I am not alone really does help! :)