Lose 5 Pounds A Month March 2012 Challenge



  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 954 Member
    March 1st: 206.3
    March 6th: 208.8
    March 13th: 209.6
    March 20th: 209.6 :)
    March 27:
    March 31st:

    Wow! That is brilliant. No weight gain at all!!!! Fantastic. Love your new profile pic - you look so neat!
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member

    Well done! You have past your goal for this month already and you still have a week to go! Hope you are feeling ok now (sorry to hear you were hospitalized).

    I've got another 6-8 weeks of rehab/recovery to go through, but I have to do walking as part of my rehab, so at least I'm getting some exercise in ... but not nearly at the level of going to the gym and working out for 45-60 minutes. It's been really important to balance my calories since I really can't "buy" any with exercise. At the same time, I have to make sure that while I'm staying under my allotted calories that I'm also getting all of the nutrition necessary to help my body heal. At first, I thought about just saying the heck with it and I would start all over again after I was completely healed, but the folks at the hospital helped me figure out how to make good choices and my wife and all of the folks that are making meals for our family right now have been very good at making healthy dishes that are low-fat and low-sodium. As such, my next few weeks are going to be an exercise in weight loss without exercise. Should be interesting.
  • Mackman99
    Mackman99 Posts: 34 Member
    CW 207.2
    GW: 199
    3/1 207.2
    3/8 207.8
    3/15 206.2
    3/22 203.8
    Report Post Quote Reply
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Weather is good here too :) Evenings are getting longer as well so hopefully I will be able to hit the roads soon (as opposed to going to the gym). There is no way I would be able to get up earlier so I could cycle to work - I love my bed too much - so I admire you for doing so! Hope you get a chance to get out at the weekend also.

    Don't talk to me about bingo wings! Mine drive me insane. Your kettlebell workouts should sort that out for you in no time (I so need to start doing something about mine). Good luck with your weigh-in on Saturday!

    I am so not a morning person Belle, I am not one of those who would even DREAM of going to the gym at 6.30am, but for some reason I don't mind getting up earlier to cycle in to work - I don't really understand it. I think it's because you're cheating time a bit, so you're getting exercise in but not losing much time in your day, as it would take me almost as long to get in in the car because of the traffic.

    The dreaded bingo wings that appear in your mid-30's - nobody warned me about that. It's not enough that I have a big bum, tum and thighs, I now get bingo wings. All I need is cankles and I've got the lot!! I will beat them though!!

    Just a week to go now for us all in the 5lb per month challenge. Love the final run in!!! I'm strange, I know!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Friday's weigh-in check-in...
    March 1: 145
    March 2: 144 (-1 pound)
    March 9: 143 (-1 pound)
    March 16: 143
    March 23: 143
    March 30:
    Final - April 1: (goal: 140)

    Total so far: -2 pounds

    3 weeks at the same weight.... This is not looking good for reaching the 5 lb challenge! Eek!

    On a more positive note, I think I'm past my carb cravings (for now). The last few days of eating low carb have been much easier. I even went to my favorite waffle place for lunch yesterday and had a veggie omelette instead of waffles!

    And another positive update: we've had 3 days of nice weather in a row this week, and I am slowly getting inspired to exercise again. I went for 2 walks outside at lunch this week, and after my gym's info session last night, I did a C25k workout on the treadmill. I started with a Week 1 workout (Run 1 min / Walk 90 sec), and extended the intervals from a total of 20 to 30 min, since I was watching a tv show. It wasn't a huge effort, so I will try a Week 2 workout next time (Run 90 sec / Walk 2 min). Plus with the time change, the evenings are lighter for longer, so I might be able to start getting out after work...

    @Fran, I didn't realize Mother's day was different in the UK. Ours is May 13.

    @Belle, wow, you have some great NSV's to report! Congrats on your progress. Even in my best running shape, I am still a 12-min mile kind of girl. I'm going to try to work on speed this summer. I think I have that same pair of pants in my closet (but mine were a gift and didn't fit), but I'm not quite there, but soon. Maybe end of summer.

    @Fran/Belle, I admit that although my official weigh-in is on Fridays, that I am a nearly-daily weigher (sometimes I forget). Personally, I do it to keep me on track. If I see it creep up then I know to be more diligent that day. If it's the same, then that's fine, I know I'm doing ok. If it's down, I am thrilled and want to stay down until weigh-in day.

    @Usbornegal, ONE-derland is on its way!!

    @foxbat, hope you're doing ok. Sounds like you've got a good plan and lots of support, you might surprise yourself.
  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    Here's my Friday weigh-in:

    Last week: 240.3
    This week: 240.0

    03/02: 242.5
    03/09: 241.5
    03/16: 240.3
    03/23: 240.0
    03/30: <<238.0>>

    I don't know if I can manage a 2 lb loss in one week - it is hard for me to do very much exercise (physical problems). I have my goal set for a 1.5 lb loss a week, but it is usually closer to 1 lb.
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member

    Start weight- 171lb
    March start- 169lb
    March end- 163lb (-6lb)
    Target- 154lb
    Feeling lucky- 147lb
    Ultimate goal-140lb
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Friday's weigh-in check-in...
    March 1: 145
    March 2: 144 (-1 pound)
    March 9: 143 (-1 pound)
    March 16: 143
    March 23: 143
    March 30:
    Final - April 1: (goal: 140)

    Total so far: -2 pounds

    3 weeks at the same weight.... This is not looking good for reaching the 5 lb challenge! Eek!

    I know how you feel DMG, I've stayed the same this week despite doing everything right.

    1/3 = 183.8
    9/3 = 180.4
    17/3 = 181.4
    24/3 = 181.6

    Loss of 2.2lbs. Disappointed is an understatement, especially as I've been doing everything - sticking to the calories, extra exercise. I'm putting it down to either extra strength training or just body holding on to water. I'm hoping I get a double loss next week. I'm going to stay positive same as you though and enjoy the nicer weather....hopefully next week the scales will move down for us both :)

    Loss so far = 2.4lbs
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Finished my 10th 5k total, but 1st of 2012 (and 1st while pregnant) and didn't do as horrible as I thought. 41:41 is my unoffical time. My baby bro Tyler took 6min off of his previous time! So proud of him!!!

    Hope you all are having a great day and weekend!!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    SW 260
    CW 212
    GW 140

    3/1 215
    3/9 214
    3/15 212
    3/22 210 Woo hoo, I did it! But it's partying all weekend so I guess I'm doing a lot of cardio this week!!!
  • Definitely in :D
    Hoping for 10 lbs loss. But anything more than 5 lbs will be great :D

    SW: 157 lbs (Saturday 3rd March)
    Week 1: 156 lbs (Saturday 10th March)
    Week 2: 154 lbs (Thursday 15th March)
    Week 3: 152 lbs (Sunday 25th March)
    Week 4: (Saturday 31st March)
    Total loss:

    Weighed myself today because this was my last day of 30DS.
  • skaville1976
    skaville1976 Posts: 52 Member
    Shaved off half a pound. Routine got a bit disrupted toward the end of last week but still on track, so very pleased. Will be cycling to work all next week so looking to finish the challenge with a good result.

    CW: 151

    March weigh-ins

    3/3 -- 150
    3/10 -- 149
    3/17 -- 148
    3/24 -- 147.5
    3/31 (birthday)
  • Ptyson4
    Ptyson4 Posts: 57 Member

    CW 203.8
    GW 198.8

    3/2 203.8
    3/9 202.8 Yay!
    3/16 201.8 Yippee!
    3/23 200.8 Yep!

    I'm heading to One-derland!
  • amanday88
    amanday88 Posts: 68
    CW 154
    GW 149

    3/1 : 154
    3/5 : 151 (-3)
    3/12 149 (-2) woo hoo
    3/19 149 (didn't have the best week)
    3/26 147 (-2)
    *Total for March 7lbs!
  • zaba13
    zaba13 Posts: 21 Member
    Week 3 check-in

    CW 197.5
    GW: 190

    3/8 - 194.5 (-3)
    3/16 - 191.5 (-3)
    3/22 - 190 (-1.5)
  • babytis
    babytis Posts: 330 Member
    March SW~190
    GW~ 185

    March weigh-ins

    3/5.......... 186.4
    3/19...........190 :(
    3/26....... Results in the morning :)
  • kallsar
    kallsar Posts: 5
    Love this!

    SW- 147.0
    GW- 142
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 954 Member
    Final week in March already (where has that month gone) and some great successes! Well done to all those who have reached (and surpassed) their goals for this month :drinker: and the best of luck to those that still have to weigh-in this week!
  • AprilShore
    AprilShore Posts: 35 Member
    I am getting a late start, but better late than never!


    Weigh in days:
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Congrats to everybody for all their hard work! Whether you met your goal, came close to it or stomped it in the dust, you kept focused and made progress towards your goal! One more weigh in left, and then we will start a thread for April. 4 days left - keep trying!!