Lose 5 Pounds A Month March 2012 Challenge



  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    May I ask is it to late to start the Challenge?

    It's never too late ... well, March 30 would probably not work to lose 5 pounds, but anyone is welcome at any time!

    Had a long and busy day - two hours at the gym, shopping for new clothes, played in the orchestra concer tonight and ended up 900 calories uneaten (even though I ate over 2000 for the day). Time for bed!
  • sara156
    sara156 Posts: 19
    CW - 139
    GW - 135

    Weigh in Dates -
    3/3 - 139

    I'll take all the encouragement youre willing to give. :) add me if you want
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    CW: 246
    GW: 239

    3/1 - 246
  • tstawicki
    tstawicki Posts: 61 Member
    Here it goes count me too!
    CW: 199
    GW: 194
    3/3 198.5
  • DorothyR87
    DorothyR87 Posts: 113

    My official way in day is Monday
  • arfog
    arfog Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in! I need some more accountability! I hope I can do it though, this month is very busy at work, so there's not much time for exercise.

    CW 145.2
    GW 140.0

    3/4- 144.4

    Thanks! I needed this. :)

    First update! :) 144.4! :)
  • Ok. I want to give this a try. I joined the gym a few weeks ago and have met with a personal trainer to put together a work out routing. I'm hoping this will help break through the plateau I always hit at my current weight. My trainer has set a goal of 3 lbs per month with a total loss of 9 lbs by the end of May. I'm hoping to exceed that by at least a few pounds. I have been as heavy as 220 lbs in the past. I can lose those first 30 or 40 but then I get stuck in the 180's. I'm hoping the gym and joining this challenge will help me break through the 180 mark.

    CW: 188
    GW: 184

    I plan to weigh in on Mondays so that would

  • I'm in :D I'm doing another one but the weigh-in days are on Monday and i'm usually at my bf who doesn't have a scale! So this will probably be easier and more acurate! I'll try and keep my weigh-in days either wednesday or thursday!

    CW 135.8
    GW: 130.8
    3/1 135.8
  • Mbond74
    Mbond74 Posts: 56 Member
    Kinda frustrated because I was up this week at weight in (3 pounds!!). I'm trying to figure out how that happened as I don't think I did anything really different! I did not get in as much exercise as I should have. It was also the TOM - so that probably didn't help either. I did have an NSV though in that I lost an inch from my hips and 3/4 inch from my waist. That makes me smile through my frustration. :-) Time to pick up and keep going! I hope everyone else is having a great week!
  • Mbond74
    Mbond74 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in! I need some more accountability! I hope I can do it though, this month is very busy at work, so there's not much time for exercise.

    CW 145.2
    GW 140.0

    3/4- 144.4

    Thanks! I needed this. :)

    First update! :) 144.4! :)

    Great job!!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122

    CW: 146
    GW: 141

    3/4- 146
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
  • I can't figure out how to edit my original post, so I'm reposting with my update.

    CW: 259.8
    GW: 250

    3/4 254.2

    down 5.6! Big week!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    You can't edit a post after an hour or so, but quote it, remove the quote brackets and update.

    Merry - hang in there, it is a long road and some hills and valleys are normal. Keep on keeping on and it will all be to the good in the end.
  • amanday88
    amanday88 Posts: 68
    wooo hooo first weigh in went amazing!

    CW 154
    GW 149

    3/1 : 154
    3/5 : 151 (-3)
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    So, it's official: I did not gain any weight over the weekend. That's actually quite an accomplishment for me, as I find it easier to stay on plan during the week, and struggle more on the weekend. Plus, I'm at that risky rebound weight, where I'm in danger of sabotaging myself...

    I had lasagna for supper last night. Not exactly on plan, but not terrible either; I can consider it my treat-meal. Aiming to lose a pound by Friday's weigh-in. However, hubby has bought bake at home pizza that looks quite yummy. I guess I can limit to 1 slice and have some salad or veggies on the side, right?
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Finally registered for my McK 5k March 24th. Then I'm doing at least one more May 12th with kintegra (Kelly) and I can't wait to finally meet her in person!

    I'm doing a 90mile walk/jog/run challenge all month. I've complete a little over 10 since the first so I'm doing good. Trying hard to keep active as much as I can this trimester. :)
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    So, it's official: I did not gain any weight over the weekend. That's actually quite an accomplishment for me, as I find it easier to stay on plan during the week, and struggle more on the weekend. Plus, I'm at that risky rebound weight, where I'm in danger of sabotaging myself...

    I had lasagna for supper last night. Not exactly on plan, but not terrible either; I can consider it my treat-meal. Aiming to lose a pound by Friday's weigh-in. However, hubby has bought bake at home pizza that looks quite yummy. I guess I can limit to 1 slice and have some salad or veggies on the side, right?

    Great!!!! You are doing sooo amazing!

    I think I have finally gotten my exercise second wind! yesterday and today have felt soo good so im planning on walking or elliptical every day(4 days a week) on my days off! I have new insperation and A brand new reason to get this weigh off! I have 40 pounds to lose and by heck im gonna try my best to have them gone by November!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    CW 205.4
    GW: 199.8
    3/2 204.6 (-1)
    3/6 203.6 (-1)

    Total lost: 2

    OK - so I really have trouble sticking to just the originaL weigh in days and just had to post early!

    Can't wait to see how every one is doing with the first round of weekly weigh ins coming up. What was your best NSV this week?
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 954 Member
    I know I said I would skip today's regular weigh-in, since I just weighed in yesterday for the 1st of the month, but I've actually lost a pound, so I wanted to post it, to keep me accountable and to force me try to lose another pound before next week, instead of resting on my laurels...

    March 1: 145
    March 2: 144 (-1 pound)
    March 9:
    March 16:
    March 23:
    March 30:
    Final - April 1: (goal: 140)

    jmacaroni, congrats on your upcoming wedding! My wedding was the biggest weight-loss motivator I have ever had. So enjoy!

    Belle, how did do on the 8 week program?

    Ptyson, you will see 1-derland by month end - yippee!

    Fran, glad you're back! I think as long as I can keep my cravings under control this month, that I'll be ok.

    .. only reading back over posts now so only just saw your question galoha! I lost 21lbs during the 8 week program. Delighted with the loss but have seriously lost my motivation this week so not too hopeful for weigh-in on Thurs. I had such big losses during the 8 weeks though (6lbs, 2lbs, 3lbs, 2lbs, 2lbs, 2lbs,2lbs,2lbs) so I was expecting to hit a ''low" this week. There is still 2 days to weigh in so there is still hope :-D

    Well done to everyone who has weighed in already ....

    Usbornegal my NSV this week is that someone has finally noticed (well commented on the fact) that I had lost weight. I know it shouldn't matter as I am doing this for myself but it felt good!