Lose 5 Pounds A Month March 2012 Challenge



  • DorothyR87
    DorothyR87 Posts: 113

    My official way in day is Monday
    3/5: 198.5 (-1.5)
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member

    My official way in day is Monday
    3/5: 198.5 (-1.5)

    Wow - you are in One-derland! Aiming for that myself this month.
  • ames3456
    ames3456 Posts: 8
    CW: 176.5
    GW: 171

    3/03: 176.5
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    CW 205.4
    GW: 199.8
    3/2 204.6 (-1)
    3/6 203.6 (-1)
    3/8 202.8 (-0.8)

    Total lost: 2.8

    OK - so I really REALLY have trouble sticking to just the originaL weigh in days on my countdown ton One-derland!

    My NSV this week is having to give away clothes that I waited many months to wear because they are now TOO BIG!
  • lynz8212
    lynz8212 Posts: 5 Member
    CW 136
    GW: 131

    3/1: 136
    3/8: 135.2 (-0.8)
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Wow - that sounds like how my Insulin Resistance makes my body respond!! Have you ever been tested? It takes a fasting glucose tolerance test. I am now on metformin to regulate my blood sugars and can really tell when I need it as I start to fall asleep sitting up, crave carbs, etc. Once I take the metformin I wake up, am alert, and feel like doing something active other than eat.

    Insulin Resistance is where your body does not recognize that there is enough insulin in your body to deal with the carbs/sugars and starts to dump insulin in so you get a flood of it. If this goes on long enough it can lead to total insulin cessation which is diabetes.

    USbornegal - I'm sure that I have some type of insulin issue. I've always wondered why people say that eating sugar makes you hyper, because it makes me TIRED. I've mentioned my concerns to the doctor, and have been sent for glucose testing, but my results turn out normal. When I was pregnant, I had to do the glucose test twice for gestational diabetes (both times), but then they decided I was borderline, but ok. My mom is diabetic, so I know I could have a genetic predisposition to it. I even consulted a naturopath, explaining my crazy hormonal type cravings, and she suggested I try a chromium and vanadium supplement to help balance my blood sugar. I haven't been taking any of my supplements lately, but maybe I should start again! Anyway, even if they haven't officially diagnosed me, I'm sure I must be at risk. Not to mention, I have PCOS (although likely a mild form, as I was lucky enough not to have any fertility issues) and carry my extra weight in my belly. This is part of the reason I want to get to a healthy weight. And I am ALMOST there - wow, I have not been able to say that in a long time. I'm less than 10 pounds away from a healthy BMI. Hopefully I can get lower than that, but first things first, one step at a time...
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Thanks. The plan was pretty standard. 1200 calories per day and they did give us some suggested meal plans, but I didn't really follow them. The meals were a little to adventurous ( really fussy eater), plus everything even the sauces were made from scratch, which I simply did not have time to do most of the time so I improvised! I did stick to 1200 calories a day and I never ate back the calories I burned during exercise (no one ever said anything about doing this during programme - first I heard of doing this was when I saw it on the boards about two weeks ago). We had a 6 day week exercise plan, 3 cardio, 3 strength. The cardio was basically the c25k plan and the strength was lots of lunges, arm curls, sit ups etc. I really did not like the strength part so skipped most of it (didn't see much loss inch wise as a result of this - most people that did it recorded 8 - 10 inch losses, I only recorded 5!). I replaced at least 1 of the strength sessions each week with cardio just to ease the guilt :-)

    I did my weigh-in today (used always weigh on a Wednesday during the programme so couldn't wait any longer) and I am down a 1lb which I am happy about as I slacked alot this week! Going to be super good next week and may even talk to someone in the gym about starting a weight training programme (maybe).

    It is great to have such wonderful support while making this change in lifestyle. I'm sure if I hadn't found the community pages I would have completely (as opposed to half) lost my motivation at the end of the programme.

    Belle - ha ha, reading your post I am totally reminded of myself. I would much rather do cardio than strength training, and although I know it's important I always manage to find an excuse to get away from it. Glad to hear you are still losing! 1 lb is maybe not as much as you were losing on your program, but unfortunately, as you have less weight to lose, it will likely come off more slowly. I keep reminding myself that 1 pound less is 1 pound less - they all add up over time, and at least it's not a gain! I've gained and lost the same 5 pounds so many times that just keeping them off is a major improvement.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    wooo hooo first weigh in went amazing!

    CW 154
    GW 149

    3/1 : 154
    3/5 : 151 (-3)

    Wow, you're doing great Amanda!!! Keep up the great work! The month is only 1/4 over, and you're already more than halfway to goal!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I am 5'5'' with an incredibly muscular build. Its driving me nuts. Gotta get slimmer, ya'll
    Getthere... that's certainly a different complaint than I am used to hearing! however, if you read my previous post, you will see that I tend to avoid any strength training, so needless to say, having a muscular build is not currently one of my problems! :laugh: The good news for you, I guess, is that all those muscles like to burn up extra energy, so hopefully by tweaking your diet and exercise, you can 'lean' up! Best of luck! Keep us posted.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    CW~ 190
    GW~ 185

    March weigh-ins

    3/5 186.4 3.8 loss so far :)

    Babytis, look at you go!!! I think you are on your way to winning the prize of getting to the 5 lb first this month!! Looking forward to your next weigh-in to see if you make it! :drinker:
  • alisonjgardner
    Right count me in!
    CW - 174
    GW - 152:smile:
    5/3 - 174
  • Ptyson4
    Ptyson4 Posts: 57 Member
    I cannot get the hang of quotes! Feeling challenged here and kind of dumb! :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hi all :) The week is almost over, let's here some NSV (non scale victories), I know we've all got something to celebrate!!

    Mine? MTW I walked a total of 12.71miles!!! Wooo hooo! Oh, and I registered my baby brother, Tyler (12) for his 2nd 5k on the 24th with me and next is registering my mom middle brother, Drew (15) for their 1st in May! Gotta inspire as many as I can somehow, if it's not by weight loss, by movement :heart:
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    @dmgaloha - you need to have them do the test where you fast, they take your blood sugar, then you go eat a BOATLOAD of carbs and an hour later get your blood sugar drawn again. This is where the IR shows up. Your symptoms are so totally IR, and IR goes hand in hand with PCOS. It's kind of a what comes first chicken/egg thing .
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    SW: 212
    CW: 211.6
    GW: 207

    3/1: 212
    3/8: 211.6

    I'm happy with my loss, even though it's small. I had a bad week with my diet. I would do great all day and then at night munch away on food. This nice weather in NY though is going to help me, because I was out all day yesterdya and plan to be today, so hopefully next week will be better!
  • zaba13
    zaba13 Posts: 21 Member
    I have been on MFP for a while but yo-yo-ing for years with my weight. This is something that I really need...being held responsible :smile:

    CW 197.5
    GW: 190

    3/8-194.5 (-3lbs)
  • Mackman99
    Mackman99 Posts: 34 Member
    My wifes Birthday was yesterday. Too much cake. Hoping to have a better second week.

    CW 207.2
    GW: 199
    3/1 207.2
    3/8 207.8
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    @DMG - I'm interested to read your thoughts on IR. I have PCOS too, mine gives me menstrual problems in that I don't ovulate so am on the pill to regulate that. I find that if I eat too much high sugar or high fat food it causes me problems and sometimes if I really go crazy it makes me feel very faint. Went to see the doctor who tested my blood sugars, but I reckon I'd need that one where they give you lots of glucose over time. What other symptoms do you get? Keep pushing your doctor to give you the right tests especially given your family history of diabetes and the PCOS.

    Well, I weighed in this morning, first time since 1st March and am very pleased with the results :-) Off out to a posh hotel for dinner and drinks tonight for my friend's birthday celebrations, so today is a cheat day and then back to it tomorrow.

    1/3 = 183.8
    9/3 = 180.4

    Loss so far = 3.4lbs.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    @dmgaloha - you need to have them do the test where you fast, they take your blood sugar, then you go eat a BOATLOAD of carbs and an hour later get your blood sugar drawn again. This is where the IR shows up. Your symptoms are so totally IR, and IR goes hand in hand with PCOS. It's kind of a what comes first chicken/egg thing .

    Thanks US, I've only done the one where you fast, have your blood sugar measured, drink that god-awful orange drink, and then get measured again an hour later. I've never done one where I get to eat real food. mmmm - I see chocolate croissants in my near future. That'll show 'em!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I know I said I would skip today's regular weigh-in, since I just weighed in yesterday for the 1st of the month, but I've actually lost a pound, so I wanted to post it, to keep me accountable and to force me try to lose another pound before next week, instead of resting on my laurels...

    So, my 'plan' worked, and I lost another pound since March 1! Yay!

    March 1: 145
    March 2: 144 (-1 pound)
    March 9: 143 (-1 pound)
    March 16:
    March 23:
    March 30:
    Final - April 1: (goal: 140)

    Total so far: -2 pounds

    I've officially lost 10 pounds since Jan 1, so now I need to maintain that loss, and lose a few more before the end of the month for 'wiggle room', and I will have earned my 3-month gym membership fees back!! Who knew I was so motivated by money!? I think the gym should run the program again!!