I need some helpful suggestions please!!!!!

Since I have started using MFP, (about a month now), I have maintained my weight at a stand still, well w/ the exception on the first
week. I stay under my calories and workout between 4-5 day a week for an hr. I am getting discouraged and frusterated w/ the lbs
not dropping. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG????? I have lost about 40 in one year, yes I am so proud of myself, and altogether I have lost 10.5 inches and 2 pant sizes. I would like to see more come off, So I am here to ask for advice and any helpful hints welcome.....:happy:


  • sgimpys
    sgimpys Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, from your post it seems like you are doing well, food and exercise wise. The main part of my reply I want you to keep in mind is that weight loss is not about what the scale says, but how you feel/look/fit into clothes. If you are eating the suggested amount of calories MFP is enforcing, you will lose the weight. The days you are working out, you need to eat those extra calories and do not waste them. The idea behind losing 1-2 pounds of fat a week is to burn 500 more calories a day than you take in (carbs, protein, sodium intake play a part too). You should not try to have a deficit more than 500 calories a day because your body goes into starvation mode, which stores everything you eat as fat.

    Anyway back to your situation, you can not let what the scale says deter you from continuing to lose weight. There are so many factors why you may not have lost any weight on the scale. Theres water weight, new diet to your normal eating habits...sometimes it even takes a few weeks to see results. The human body is very weird when it comes to weight loss. Your best bet is to measure certain areas of your body. That give you a much better representation of the weight your losing. Look at measuring you neck, chest, hips, waist, arm and leg. Keep records of those and re-measure no more than once a week. It takes time for these things to happen. Once they do, its a great feeling.

    By the looks of it, you are doing everything right. That is AMAZING!!! Keep it up and dont get discouraged.
  • AprilShore
    AprilShore Posts: 35 Member
    I am in the same boat. My husband has lost almost 25 lbs doing this and I have only lost 3. I am frustrated, too, but keep telling myself that it is not about the weight but the getting healthy. I am a lot more conscious of what I eat now and my goal is clothing size, not the number on the scale. Keep up the good work! You sound like you are dedicated and healthy.