

  • Nobody in my family has it either - to my knowledge. My mom's side all got tested after I shared with them my results, b/c they all struggle with their weight. My dad died when I was 9, so I don't know about him for sure, but he was always so slim like the rest of his family. If anything, I'd say he had a better chance of…
  • Diagnosed when I was 19....(we won't say how long ago that was!) I'm on 175 mcg, but my levels yo-yo (which my doctor says is not possible - uhhh, YEAH IT IS!!!) Feel free to add me! :D
  • Diagnosed in 1995...ADD MEEEEEEE!! : P
  • I feel your pain. I was also diagnosed at 19. Am also now 34. I am currently on 150 mcg. I've managed to lose 80 lbs after lapband surgery a year ago. But that weight was all lost in the first 7 months. For the past 3-4 months, I've been completely stalled. It is sooo frustrating! I find that if I eat more than 900…
  • I have the SAME metabolic issues!! I'm glad to hear that I'm not crazy!! My doctor INSISTS that I take in at least 1100. But I find that I'm not losing with this amount...even with extreme exercise. So do you tell your doc that you're eating less than 1000, or do you just keep it to yourself? I am a terrible liar, so I'd…
  • I've had the band for right at a year now, and I've lost 80 lbs. I really think this surgery is different for everybody. From all the people I know with the band, I've learned that MOST people get out of it what they put into it. But there are quite a few people who try their best and still don't see the results they want.…
  • My doc advised me to do a small chili from Wendy's. Protein to carb ratio is better than anything else. I wouldn't do any of the sandwiches b/c of the bread / mayo.
  • Welcome!! I think you'll find that MFP is an awesome community of support, encouragement, and motivation!! :D Good luck to you!!
  • My doctor agrees with you - he says I need at least 70g of protein per day, and not to go over 80g. (I think everybody's different, though). I had to go in and customize my goals to reflect his specifications, and I always get a little warning disclaimer from MFP. lol....
  • I know the feeling - surgery can take a lot out of you, and put a lot ON you! Just remember to take care of yourself, and try not to overdo it at first. :) I know you can do this!!! Good luck!! :)
  • What an awesome idea!! Love it! I'm in too!! :)
  • RED! RED! RED!!! :) Love that one!
  • If you were happiest (and healthiest) at your previous weight - then you should definitely work to get back there. You're doing the right thing by deciding to tackle this now BEFORE it becomes problematic again. If you lost 80 lbs in the past, then this last 10 should be a piece of (sugar-free/fat-free) cake!! :) LOL!! You…
  • Wow! Thank you so much for this! I'm a hypothyroid patient who is just now taking the time to learn more about this disorder. I was diagnosed in my early 20's, and like so many other things during that time of my life, I didn't take it seriously. I also didn't take my medicine. The light bulb came on when I got curious one…
  • I have the same EXACT problem, and my doc says the depression isn't related. She just says I'm a "normal mom with normal depression issues." Ugh...since when did depression become normal?? And my hair is coming out by the handfuls too - of course, that could be because my doc doesn't want to do any bloodwork. Maybe it's…
  • I can totally relate....I've lost 71 lbs so far, but I'm starting to resemble a deflated balloon!! LOL...definitely saving for a little nip/tuck/whatever!! :)
  • Sounds deeee LISH!! Thanks! :)
  • She'l get over it - I promise. Maybe she's just having a bad day. But if it seems that she's still stewing over the next couple of days, you might try telling her how hard it is for you to eat out in this stage of your journey. Tell her how much her support means to you, and that you didn't mean to make her feel…
  • K - King....that is, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We all know who he was and what an impact he had on this great nation. No explanation necessary.
  • Wow!! Thanks so much!!
  • Because they sure don't taste like walnuts! What do chickens think we taste like?
  • WOW!! What an amazingly inspirational story!! Congratulations on your Anniversary!! :) I'm a fellow homeschooler, and I can certainly relate to the chaos-induced food coma. Sometimes I feel like I've lost complete control of everything. Thanks for reminding me that I DO have control over what I put into my body!!
  • Can't really call me a "veteran," but I had my surgery in February of this year. I've lost 63 lbs so far, but I've started to slow down. I think I may have even gained 3 lbs this past week. I needed a little jumpstart, so I decided to join this site. I was a little nervous though, I've heard that some weight loss sites…