Hello stuck in a rut..

MzBlake Posts: 3 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello just had major surgery and gain alot of weight... now I am trying to get off the Fat girl program in the Army. So this is hard for me and my self esteem is low. Now that I got the ok, to start exercising I can begin my journal with losing the weight. So with the help and encourgement from everyone we all can reach our goals together.

So let get moving.....


  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    Welcome!!! You made a great step by joining here. Get moving and log your food. You CAN DO IT!!! =)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I know you will do great on this program.
    I will add you as a friend and we can
    motivate each other.
  • I know the feeling - surgery can take a lot out of you, and put a lot ON you! Just remember to take care of yourself, and try not to overdo it at first. :) I know you can do this!!! Good luck!! :)
  • YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!! You know im just a phone call away. Leave your desk 30 mins early at the end of the day and meet me in the weight room for a 30 min eliptical session.
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