Any other Hypothyroid sufferers here?



  • sheismith
    sheismith Posts: 111 Member
    Yep! It's a slow process but my health continues to improve even though I'm not losing weight as quickly as I'd like. It helps to focus on nonscale victories, at times, to stay motivated.
  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    Been hypo for almost 25 years now. It's a huge struggle to have a loss and even harder to keep it off. Best of luck and hope you find MFP a great place for support and motivation!! :flowerforyou:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    I have been on medication for hypothyroidism for over 10 years. I have been taking the weight off, but very slowly. I have about 3 more pounds to gosothat my BMI is not overweight.
  • MissRose888
    MissRose888 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm hypothyroid, too! When it started to get bad (and before I knew I needed to get it treated), I gained about 80lbs in just about two years. I gained an additional 20lbs when they initially thought depression was the underlying issue and I was going through a bunch of medications. Finally they put me on meds for my thyroid and, while I have only lost 10lbs, I feel like it's a good start to getting my life back on track. It's a vicious cycle - I ate because of what was going on inside me...and then gradually more because I starting feeling depressed about how big I was getting....and it just continued like that. I am hoping this is the last time I have to go through losing all this weight again.
  • ctyger
    ctyger Posts: 1
    Hi I'm new here! I've had hypothyroidism for about 9 years now and have struggled with my weight ever since. Any good work out plans to get back into it with out over doing it? I've been taking my dog for walks in the park for 1.5 to 2 miles a few times a week. Also, does anyone else here also suffer from migraines? I get them a lot and find it so hard to work out with this problem!
  • amy0776
    amy0776 Posts: 25
    Diagnosed in 1995...ADD MEEEEEEE!! : P
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    Hashimotos disease, diagnosed 8 years ago, but at the time they said I had probobly gone undiagnoses for years, which means I had it actively (its genetic and is usually dormant until early adulthood) as a child which ups my cancer risk a lot. Thats the worst part. that and the last two years my T3 and T4 levels have refused to stabilize, no matter what dosage tweaking my Dr does. I gained nearly 50lbs in two years. I finally decided I have to stop waiting for my thyroid to stabilize and energy to return to get in shape, I have to take back as much control as I can.
  • juang3
    juang3 Posts: 212 Member
    I've had hypo for about 20 years and I have struggled the entire time to either take weight off or keep it off. I have found that if I let my guard down for even a short time the pounds start packing on. Dieting doesn't work for me, I have to move to drop or control my weight. I find that if I avoid carbs I do much better and I have noticed that eating beef tends to pack on poundage only because I don't digest it as well as chicken or fish so I have it maybe once a week or less. Feel free to friend me too, it's nice to know that I'm not alone in dealing with this issue and trying to loose weight!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Wow so many people with hypothyroidism! I am so glad that I am not alone. It is so much harder to lose weight for us! I feel like people don't understand that, its like I want to lose the weight but it takes a more effort and time. Feel free to add me! We all need to start our own thread to keep up with each other. I have to agree with some of the other people about low carbs and eating gluten free. The only time I ever really lost a lot of weight was doing the HCG diet. I mean it was simple but so much controversy over it being bad for you and what not and so I just stopped. I had lost 10 pounds doing that but for me it was not enough calories to workout. So I stick to a 1200 calorie diet now and I workout 5-6 times a week and I am seeing some progress. Like I said we have to work so much harder for this weight to come off. I feel like its not fair at times :/
  • toodleton
    toodleton Posts: 82
    I agree that it is soo much harder for those suffering with hypol......I have hypo and goiter, was finally diagnosed 2 years ago but symptomatic for 16+ years, my mother has Hashimoto's. I am on Synthroid to try to reduce the goiter and 'rest' my thyroid and I've struggled with weight gain for 16 years now. I honestly do not know how some of you get up and do any exercise, it's all I can do sometimes due to fatigue to tend to the basic needs of living. Lots of love to you all and best wishes for your weight loss battle. I say battle instead of journey because it really is that when your body is fighting against you.
  • ThePinkSheep
    ThePinkSheep Posts: 24 Member
    Just got the diagnosis yesterday that I have Hashimoto's disease. Also along with PCOS. So at least that explains why I was working my butt off with no weight lost results.

    So started on Synthroid, hope it helps. And in a month the doc wants me to start Metformin for the PCOS.

    I'm just relieved to finally get some answers while I've felt like caca for so long!
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    I've had hypothyroidism since I was 15. I've seen the highs and lows. Feel free to add me
  • kellykaye_xo
    kellykaye_xo Posts: 66 Member
    I just found out today that I'm hypothyroid and my doc is putting me on Armour. I've been working my butt off for months with only 2 lbs weight loss. Very frustrating! I'd love suggestions and advice from folks that have been managing this for a while or hav e taken this medication. Feel free to add me!
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    I too am hypothyroid...have been for almost 40 and downs...right now all is good. Just find it very hard to loose weight, even on 1200 calories. The scales do move evenutally. I find too many carbs are not good for I try to eat lots of fruits and veggies...of course that is healthy :) Fish and chicken ...and 2 days a week as vegeterain days. I loose about a pound every 2 weeks...sometimes it takes 3 for the scales to move. But, don't get will come just have to work a little harder to get it off and to maintain it. Life just goes on!
  • I have Hashimoto's disease Its a bad case of hypothroidism, lol.. Im on .175mg of synthroid a day. I know excatly what it feels like to have 0 energy. Im getting better though and the more I exercise and eat well the better it gets. Add me as a friend and we can help each other through the slugish times ;)
  • cbenn83
    cbenn83 Posts: 5
    Hello all fellow sufferers! I am so glad I found this thread and thanks 2 the 1 who started it. I've had hypo for 7ys and its been soooo hard! I have 4 kids and my levels change 4sure after ea birth! So frusterating cause the pounds literally RUN 2 me when levels off balance. I am regulated now but only recently worked up the courage 2 really start working out again. :grumble: I could really use some support because no1 I know including my husband really understands our battle!
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Me too. I'll be your friend!
  • msrn8143
    msrn8143 Posts: 90 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 4 months ago. Before the diagnosis, I honestly thought I was having a breakdown. Wild mood swings, weight was piling on, extreme fatigue, and migraines. I was glad to find out there really was a reason for the symptoms but felt like I was given a life sentence at the same time. My weight has stabilized but I cannot seem to get my appetite under control in order to start the weight loss journey. I am forcing myself to return to exercise even though the fatigue is still a battle. Feel free to add me and if anyone has found tips that work, please share.
  • I suffer from Hypothyroidism as well. I take Synthroid and have struggled with weight loss for many years. Feel free to add me. :happy:

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  • LissaBaby14
    LissaBaby14 Posts: 46
    Glad I stumbled upon this thread! I have hyothyroidism as well, for 9 years now! Weight loss is a constant struggle but it can be achieved! Feel free to add me & we can support eachother! :)
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