Any other Hypothyroid sufferers here?



  • karma41
    karma41 Posts: 3 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and I am new to MFP. Feel free to add me.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    me too, feel free to add me!
  • paschtat85
    paschtat85 Posts: 45
    I too have the dredded "HIPPO" Thyroid for about 8 yrs now. I always thought I was doomed to be heavy and never lose weight because of it. But...thanks to MFP and keeping track of my food intake and is slowly but surely coming off. I have a road ahead of me - but I know know I WILL Succeed. The support you receive here is amazing.....

    Feel free to add me as a friend...would love to share our journey's together!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Im Hypo and on meds they are still being adjusted...feel free to add me
  • jasmin1310
    jasmin1310 Posts: 80 Member
    I am too! Have had this since 2006
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm hypo too! There's a lot of us out here....... Awaiting results of latest blood tests - am always cold & my skin is awful....wouldn't be surprised if they up my dose.

    Anyone can add me as a friend......:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:

    Sue :smile: x
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I had my thyroid out about 12 years ago (after the birth of our oldest daughter). The dr's all told us it wasn't related to being pregnant which I do not believe for a minute. Hormones are affected so greatly during pregnancy, how can it not be related? I've been taking Levoxyl since my surgery, and the key is monitoring your TSH levels and adjusting your dosage. It is important to have adequate levels of thyroid hormone in your bloodstream to maintain normal mental and physical activity.

    Add me if you would like. Good luck with your weight loss journeys!
  • vivian02
    vivian02 Posts: 1
    I have hypothyroid problem too. I have to take a medication for it. You can add me, I would like some friends on here too. I just recenlty joined.
  • cherilyn221
    cherilyn221 Posts: 62 Member
    This is a great thread to see just how many of us there are here. I always feel like anyone who I tell I am hypo that they are thinking it's just an excuse to eat all I want and be fat. For me it's something I tell very few people addition I have a pituitary and adrenal problem and take meds for those and another long term illness and my levels are never the same for a week straight so I have to vary my dosages. Since joining mfp and watching my calories in and walking or working out every day my energy levels have totally changed. In the beginning I would work out and have to take a 2 - 5 hour nap....(not kidding) I can make it through most workouts and the rest of the day without a nap! I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief to know of all the members here who do understand it. I've noticed since I started zigzagging my calories and workout intensity the weight is coming off much more quickly. You'll find the support and tools you need here to get healthy again!
  • ashleigh2311
    ashleigh2311 Posts: 105 Member
    Im hypo too. I was diagnosed when i was 10 years old and ive been on meds since.

    My twin sister is too, but it came out of nowhere, no one in my family has ever had it before,
    does it usually run in families i dont know??

    feel free to add me :)
  • mondayschildeats
    mondayschildeats Posts: 20 Member
    Another hypo here. Have had it since birth..been poked and prodded and asked if my parents are related? (Not sure how that was relevant when they are completely different races!!) Had a full thyroidectomy in 2007 and am currently on 225mg.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • amy0776
    amy0776 Posts: 25
    Diagnosed when I was 19....(we won't say how long ago that was!) I'm on 175 mcg, but my levels yo-yo (which my doctor says is not possible - uhhh, YEAH IT IS!!!) Feel free to add me! :D
  • amy0776
    amy0776 Posts: 25
    Im hypo too. I was diagnosed when i was 10 years old and ive been on meds since.

    My twin sister is too, but it came out of nowhere, no one in my family has ever had it before,
    does it usually run in families i dont know??

    feel free to add me :)

    Nobody in my family has it either - to my knowledge. My mom's side all got tested after I shared with them my results, b/c they all struggle with their weight. My dad died when I was 9, so I don't know about him for sure, but he was always so slim like the rest of his family. If anything, I'd say he had a better chance of having hyPERthyroidism. Weird...
  • DMH1963
    DMH1963 Posts: 17 Member
    Just joined MFP last week at my docs request. Got my blood work back today and TSH is close to 7.0. Don't know if that is mild hypothyroidism or not but will have a f/u with doc next week. I sure have all the symptoms. Tired, dry skin, hair loss, elevated cholesterol,feeling blah . Thought it was perimenopause. My B12 is low as well. No wonder I don't feel like moving!
  • lynnwithane
    lynnwithane Posts: 4 Member
    I joined yesterday and I am hypo, too. Diagnosed 18 years ago. I have been struggling with my weight for most of my life. Fortunately, I enjoy working out, step classes, weight lifting, zumba, hot yoga, walking. I burn mega calories every day but the scale doesn't really budge much at all. Jenny Craig accused me of cheating, weight watchers accused me of cheating, Bernstien diet worked for a while but it was a disaster for my muscle tone (they also accused me of cheating). I lost weight 2 years ago by going on a healthy eating plan put together by a dietitian. I ate way more than I normally do and lost about 8 pounds in 14 weeks. Then, I went on vacation to Hawaii and gained it back in 2 weeks.

    Now, I am just watching what I eat, trying to eat lots of veggies and fruit, exercising like crazy and trying to learn to live with the fact that I will lose weight at a much slower rate than somebody with a functioning thyroid (if at all). I am on levothyroxine 100mcg right now. I was on Armor but it was not working for me. No energy and I was becoming very forgetful.

    Feel free to add me. :happy:
  • dysears
    dysears Posts: 6
    I have been on medication for hypothyroidism for over 10 years. I have been taking the weight off, but very slowly. I have about 3 more pounds to gosothat my BMI is not overweight.

    AWESOME!!! You are my hero
  • trishobr
    trishobr Posts: 120 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism. Feel free to add me!
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