thejarviclan Member


  • Awww, that was sweet that she tried!
  • What a great idea! What happens when you run out of money?! :laugh:
  • I agree with pps who said to dump the SlimFast calories and eat them instead. When I was losing I ate between 1200-1400 calories a day and exercised away between 400-800 calories a day. I lost 24 pounds and 3 pants sizes in 18 weeks. Years ago I used the same "plan" to lose well over 100 pounds. Exercise is key...try not…
  • LOVE it! Stay strong, woman! :happy:
  • That looks like my schedule! I work out at the YMCA in my office building every morning - get up at 5, into the gym by 6, work out 'til 7:15, shower and go upstairs to my office at 7:45. :happy:
  • I still weigh...I just keep it all in mind and don't let it freak me out. I usually look forward the 2-pound "kerchunk" that comes off at the end, too.
    in do you? Comment by thejarviclan May 2009
  • Enjoy your barbeque, but think PORTION SIZE! It helps immensely to log your food before you eat it, too. That way there are no surprises later.
  • "Ripped" and "Shredded." What the heck do they mean, exactly? Back in my day, we called muscular "buff" this the same thing? I'm a I want to be ripped? Or shredded? Or neither?
  • Sometimes I make myself a "rule." I'll say I can have ONE yogurt at 11am. That's it. Then I have to try not to succumb to any temptation! Then I'll make a rule that I can't eat again until lunch. It's OCD, but it works!
  • Fantastic!! How wonderful that you and your daughter have a buddy in this journey, too! Keep up the great work.
  • Oh my gosh! I'M so proud of you, too! That took so much willpower - and you had it in you! Congratulations on embracing that strong, slender woman inside you!
  • LOL, you're the opposite of me! I always want to OVER-estimate because I figure that means I actually have a little leeway, and I feel like I'm losing more weight (even if it's infintismal!)
  • Are these numbers your net calories? Or your gross calories? If it's gross calories, they're way too low. Everyone is different but I had luck sticking with 1200-1400 calories/day (gross) and exercising away between 400-800/day. I tended to zig-zag my exercise rather than my calories. I'd burn 400 or so 4 days a week, and…
  • Oh, you did FABulous! You've made that all-important step to self-discipline. It's fine to have a treat here and there, and you went a step beyond and had the control and willpower to stop at "enough." Gosh, you have every reason to be proud today.
  • What are you doing? Are you logging all of your food? Exercising? It should stay off if you're still working at it. How about the exercise calories? I had more luck when I quit eating all of those.
  • Yah, this is one reason I can't give myself a day "off." It's just too easy to take the next day, and the next day, and the next day. It helps to keep up your routine. For instance if I take a day off, I make sure it's a Sunday because I go to the gym before work on Monday...forces me to get right back into the swing of…
  • OMG, you ROCK! You TOTALLY have to buy that bikini!!
  • At one point I wouldn't use the downstairs toilet...I forced myself to go upstairs.
  • I usually log my strength training as "circuit training." I don't know how accurate the calories burned is, but so far it's worked fine for me.
  • When I hit a plateau, I increase my exercise intensity. That's usually enough to bump down another pound or two in a few days' time.
    in Stuck Comment by thejarviclan April 2009
  • Hey, those revelations are certainly putting you on the right path! It's good to know your patterns so you can put an end to them! I was just saying in another thread that I found ways to keep my mind and hands occupied so I wouldn't think of food...hobbies, chores, routines! It definitely helps. Congrats on…
  • Usually around that 10 pound mark you will have to go down a size - and that seems to be a point where folks start to notice. If you're wearing your "old" clothes still, they may look looser but they're still baggy, right? The new size should make it more noticeable. That said, I have lost 19 pounds since January 9th and…
  • What you have to do is dig in and *find* the strength! It's in there - you're a mom, right? You know how strong you need to be. This is what the journey itself is all about - finding that part of yourself that you doubted existed, and polishing her 'til she SHINES! 'Cause that's what will make you proud...not the "new…
  • What makes you slip? Can you change your routine so you do something else instead of eating? I find that it's hardest for me when I'm home - I have to start looking for projects to keep my mind busy so I won't think about food. I don't do the things that lead me (out of habit) to start snacking, like watching tv or sitting…
  • My "after" photo is in my pics. I lost over 100 pounds 6 years ago. There is loose skin on my belly but it's not horrible! I try to stand up straight in a bathing suit, lol. I do a combination of 140 crunches every other day. Each set of 20 is in a different position to isolate different muscles. You can tell it's toned…
  • I agree with the pp who said it's a bit different when you don't have so much weight to lose. I had 21 pounds to lose - started January 9th of this year - and I'm 1.5 pounds from my goal weight now. It will come off! Keep exercising, watching your calorie intake and be patient - good things come!
  • Did you go poop yet? :happy:
  • Fantastic! Keep counting those calories! You're right - it won't fall off that quickly all the time, but what an amazing start - you can do this!
  • I didn't change my work-out (even ran for the first 8 months) when I got pregnant. It actually staved off morning sickness in my case. I exercised until the day before my baby was born, when I was already feeling contractions and had a field-trip for my daughter that I couldn't bear to miss. I listened to my body and if I…
  • I usually give the whole total, but if it's someone you'd rather not share the info with, feel free to tell them the smaller number. (I have a friend who would harp at me about losing "too much" if I told her what I weighed.)