

  • It is simply this, as blunt as it may sound.
  • Ice counts as water which is nothing, so don't add anything extra
  • Nope, as has been said above, you've already set everything you need to lose weight as long as you hit your target everyday, whether that be 1 or 2lb/week. Any more could lead to your body either losing weight unhealthily/too quickly, or not losing it at all (starvation mode).
  • Bump :)
  • Around 2500 kcal/day, going down to 1500-2000 for weight loss.
  • You should eat them back, ideally hitting your kcal target everyday. If you're targeted 1400, eating 1400 and burning 400, you need to be eating another 300-400, ideally :)
  • You don't, you change your activity level to suit your liftstyle :)
  • So you want one... You want it cheap... And then you want to know what is it...? I suggest properly researching it and deciding on your own. There's tons of information out there and loads of online retailers that sell them.
    in Fit Bit? Comment by afj89 May 2012
  • I think you could easily get around your problem without quitting. Low impact exercises and weights that don't strain your back is the answer. Get on the crosstrainer or bike instead of running, and do loads of sit-ups to strengthen your lower back :)
  • Well ideally you need some protein and a little bit of carbs, so a nice glass of low-fat milk should do the trick :)
  • Why not just have 1 can? Then you still get what you want, but in reasonable quantities?
    in Aspartame Comment by afj89 April 2012
  • >> Am I always going to be so horrible at this? Nope, you get used to how much you can have and your body will adapt to the new intake. IE lose weight! >>I don't have a smart phone No biggie, just make a note of the kcal you consume during the day. My diet is as simply as can be... Eat the target kcal and no more. It's…
  • All good info, cheers!
  • Any songs with fast BPM generally get you moving faster. I got a copy of 'Now That's What I Call Running' CD and all the songs are fast and upbeat and really help :)
  • Brilliant start, keep it up! :)
  • I'm no hair pro by any means, but use a more permanent dye?
  • The tubs may be £30, but you get a lot of protein for your money and when you break it down, its actually pretty good value (compared to high protein foods, etc). Also, those tubs provide pretty much just pure protein with very little of anything else... The meal replacement will give you a fair few carbs and a bit of fat…