
For at least two years I've had a terrible habit of drinking diet Pepsi, usually upwards of 3 cans a day, often more. After realizing that some signs I'm seeing in my body are linked to aspartame consumption, I finally stopped drinking diet Pepsi as of Sunday. However, ever since I've just felt increasingly awful. I have an excellent appetite most of the time, but I haven't felt a hunger pang since Sunday afternoon. When I try to eat, I feel like I'm going to throw up and within a bite or two feel like I'm forcing it down. Since I'm not getting adequate nutrition, I feel even worse because I have so little energy. Things like peppermint tea have helped a little to settle my stomach at the time I'm drinking it, but have little lasting effect. Has anyone else stopped aspartame and experienced this, or have any advice to offer me on how to properly detox my body from it and alleviate this awful feeling? I've researched it extensively online of course but separating the wheat from the chaff in terms of valid information is difficult to say the least.


  • afj89
    afj89 Posts: 17
    Why not just have 1 can? Then you still get what you want, but in reasonable quantities?
  • whodatlixxie
    Have you considered that maybe your symptoms are caffeine withdrawal? If they are, they will subside over time or you can add caffeine in other ways WITHOUT artificial sweeteners. Personally, I took artificially sweeteners almost totally out of my diet (1/2 pack of the pink stuff a day in my iced coffee is all I have) and after about 4 weeks the improvement in how I felt was remarkable - didn't realize I was feeling bad until I felt good!!!