

  • Thank you! I am going to work on that!
  • My tdee-20% is 1900 to lose. I put strenuous exercise because I think I do do strenuous burning 600 calories a day. Is eating approximately 1600 a day is to little?
  • Thank you! I think my TDEE -20% is about 2300 do you think 1600 a day is to low if I burn 600 a day.
  • Thank you!!
  • I drink a ton of water I just don't record it. Also I don't eat McDonald at all really... last Thursday I had a plain hamburg because I was in a hurry. Also I am doing special K bars etc... because its way easier for me. I eat a banana every day. I don't care for apples. Your reply was very helpful ;-)
  • Ok I fixed it... Its public now!
  • I'm not sure how to make it public.
  • Well I've been here a while and lost weight before then quit and gained back. I just feel like I'm doing something wrong. I am losing but I am so confused about net calories.... I hate eating my workout calories.
  • yes I think I get it.... Thank you!
  • I'm so confused about how many calories I should be eating. I have been eating around 1400 a day plus exercising. I think I'm not eating enough.
  • I have lost 60lbs on my elliptical sooooo ellipticals are great workouts.
  • A smidge of nutella! YUUUUUUUUUUM!
  • funny...I was wondering myself! That does make you appreciate 1lb! I have lost 62!
  • I am doen 62lbs and I have saggy skin and little breast BUT I dont care I am healthier and look better atleast with clothes on. haha!
  • Uni? Ok well first off put down the chocolate bars! Stop that. Its all in your head that you want that stuff. But I have found that the fiber one bars are yummy and also the lightly salted rice cakes with a little nutella on them :) Yum if you have to have something sweet while Uni is there. Dont let Uni stop you!!!
  • so I went to this sight and put in my weight and it said I was extremely Obese and I was like WHAT! No I know I am just over weight now I am NOT extremely obese at 186 and I just couldnt figure out what I did wrong.... Well I have been so use to putting 200+ in these places I put 286!!! Gosh!!!
  • Wow you look great!! I am almost at 60lbs 3 more lbs to go! Then just 20 after that! Its really hard but we can do it! CONGRATS to you!
  • I have them and honestly I cant say have done much BUT they make me feel like I am doing somethign even if I am only walking so I say go for it they are really good shoes! I also have the flip flops. I wear my easy tones every day and they havent gotten 1 bit worn out and I have had them for a yr and a half.
  • I never add any of my regular every day stuff as exercise. The only exercise I add is actual working out. Good luck to you!
  • HMMM good question... I have a elliptical and LOVE it. BUT I havent ever seen one with a motor...I dont go to the gym though. I am assuming the elliptical trainer on the exercise page here is just a reg old elliptical with no motor.
  • I know so many people who do this 2 times a week... should they be doing it more? I dont see much change any any of these people.
    in Zumba Comment by GirlTenney August 2010
  • Dont make so much food at dinner time.... Just make enough for however many people there is.
  • I would pass and have a salad and if you want a burrito go home and make a healthy one for dinner! Then you will know exactly what is in it!
  • I have big legs but what I hate is those fat pouches on my thigh. They are so grose and never seem to go away!
  • good question! My weekends are bad too!
  • I also have huge problems on the weekend! I only went over my calories 1 day this weekend and it was by about 300 and the scale said I gained 5lbs back. I worked hard the last 3 days and got it back off but my lord seriously 5lbs? Good luck to you!
  • I dont know why I put 1600 I guess I was day dreaming haha! Actually it was around 1300 (still high right) I cant remember exactly. I usually do 30 minutes but The scale said I gained 5lbs over the weekend and all I did out of the usual was drink a little. So I have been trying to up my work outs and I am back down to what…
  • Congrats!!!! Everyone has very good advice! Eat healthy and stay active! BUT also take advantage of this pregnancy and eat something really yummy once in a while! :)