Help! Please :)

Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss

I've been doing MFP for about a month now, and in the beginning it did really good, I could stay under my calorie goal nearly every day and I lost about 4 pounds in just 2 weeks and felt great. But a week ago, Uni started, and since then I don't feel so good, I'm hungry all the time and I eat **** like chocolate bars and crisps and go way over my calorie goal. Does anyone have any suggestions about what I could eat to make me hang on in there? Like a magic thing that will make me feel full and satisfied and not guilty^^
Oh, and I walk a lot more now Uni has started, but is it enough to change my lifestyle to slightly active? Because I don't think I'm as active as a nurse for example, but I'm no longer just hanging around at home on the couch.

I hope someone can help me!! Cheers :)


  • Uni? Ok well first off put down the chocolate bars! Stop that. Its all in your head that you want that stuff. But I have found that the fiber one bars are yummy and also the lightly salted rice cakes with a little nutella on them :) Yum if you have to have something sweet while Uni is there. Dont let Uni stop you!!!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Up your protein intake. That helps get rid of hunger and will keep you satisfied. Stock up on sugar-free chocolate pudding and icecream bars. That will help to satisfy yours sweet tooth. Be patient with yourself and remember to shoot for being good 90% of the time. No one is perfect. Life is short so we must enjoy our food. Just log it in and keep on exercising. Don't forget, water, water, water!

    All the best!:flowerforyou:
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    No, there is no magic. Just a commitment to your health and well being.

    You can eat veggies until your face falls off. I like peppers, snow peas, brocolli, and carrots. Try freezing grapes, they take longer to eat and are more filling that way.

    Also, I always suggest taking it one choice at a time. Once more than 90% of your choices are the positive ones, things will fall into place. :)
  • Kichelchen
    Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member
    Aw, thanks to all of you!! First of, I must apologize, I did not now that the other word for poo is a bad word and not allowed in the forum, sorry!! (I hope this word is not also a bad word :S)
    Then, I have another question. Someone suggested to up my protein intake. But I'm over that every day anyway, even if I manage to stay under my calorie goal, and I read that too much protein and not enough calcium would destroy my bones? Should I still increase my protein intake or should I be a bit more careful about that then?

    Thanks again, I thought no one was gonna reply, but you all gave me motivation again!! :)
  • No, there is no magic. Just a commitment to your health and well being.

    You can eat veggies until your face falls off. I like peppers, snow peas, brocolli, and carrots. Try freezing grapes, they take longer to eat and are more filling that way.

    Also, I always suggest taking it one choice at a time. Once more than 90% of your choices are the positive ones, things will fall into place. :)

    I knew there was a good reason you are one of my MFP friends - you talk so much sense:flowerforyou:
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    I'm having the same problem since I started exercising: hungry all day, and going over my calories. I managed to not eat too many "bad" things though.

    Try eating more calories in the morning, to feel more full from the start of the day, maybe that helps you get through till night. You'll have to cut down calories later on though to not go over.

    And remember that it takes time for your body to switch to something new, be it uni life or exercise or changing eating habits :-)

  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If the packaging on the food item makes noise when you touch or open it, don't eat it. Apples, bananas, pears, oranges, berries don't make noise when you open them :happy: Carrots, celery and pea pods make more noise while eatting them, but give such a satisfying crunch! Try to eat something every 4 hours, if you can manage to get in some sort of protein (boiled egg, string cheese, a bit of chicken) you will feel full longer. PB on a rice cake works well too. Have a bowl of whole grain cereal with some protein at breakfast, a good sandwich and mixed vegies for lunch, and a big salad with protein at dinner. Toss in some almonds, fruit, vegies or protein bar as snacks a couple times a day. The longer you wait between meals the more you are tempted to over eat, or make bad choices. Drink your water!

    Good Luck!
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