ZipperJJ Member


  • I opened up my box of Carbquik and made this pizza crust. I really liked it - especially because it has tons of calories and protein so it's SUPER filling. I love filling foods!
  • One thing I learned when I was quitting smoking using Chantix was that you can't sit around and wait for the cravings to stop. They won't. With the drug I used the smoking cravings were shorter and less frequent but I still had to power through them. Eating low carb doesn't make pizza or cake or M&M's taste bad. It doesn't…
  • Yeah it's good stuff. Basically you end up with a grilled cheese sandwich without the cheese. The last time I got it it didn't seem as good as the first time I got it - and yeah I found it salty. The last time I had it was ages ago - maybe my taste changed? I do know I got it at Sam's Club before. I also found that the…
  • What kind of veggies do you eat that you get 100g of carbs from?
  • Your diary looks great. Like seriously great. Give it time. IIRC you just recently straightened your menus out. You are there now! Give it a few weeks. Also drink water. Drink a ton of water. Like 8-12 8oz glasses a day. And exercise to the best of your ability. If this means a 15 minute walk then do that. Don't restrict…
  • My blog has pics from 330lbs to 274lbs (where I'm at now)
  • Come up with some sort of low-carb treat that you only indulge in when you are wanting to binge on carbs. I don't think you really want carbs per-se, I think you just want to binge on something. The psychological bent probably isn't "Pasta makes my mind at ease" more like "I deserve to indulge" or "I feel like being…
  • You need to stop focusing on it being "restrictive" and focus on all the things you can eat and what you can do with them.
  • Also remember that the "quality" of the carbs you consume in a day matters. You could eat 2 whole Hershey bars and no other carbs in a day and still only have consumed 50g of carbs. But you would have one heeeeeecckkkk of a bloodsugar spike! You could eat bananas and oranges and get a heck of a bloodsugar spike, or have…
  • I try to stay in ketosis so for ME having one planned thing weekly is a bad habit to fall in to. However, I don't sweat it if I want to go off plan for a bit. I was just sick for a week and I went off plan cuz it was just easier for me. I've got 150 lbs to lose (well, now "just" 90) so I'm not racing towards it. Giving…
  • Yeah, totally. It's weird to think you get a craving for a potato but you do. And it's just a craving it will pass. I mean, when you were eating carbs what did you do when you craved an ice cream sundae at 2 AM and didn't have any ice cream in the house? Surely you ignored that too and moved on! Also don't forget you can…
  • I weight every morning at the same time (before breakfast, after potty), wearing the same thing (nothing). If I forget to weigh right then, then I don't weigh in that day. I only log once a week on Mondays. If I'm down on Saturday or Sunday and still around that same weight Monday, that's what I'll use. If I'm up or not…
  • Never heard of coconut manna but I am going to look for it next time I go to the fancy food store! Maybe even cocoa nibs too woohoo!
  • Looks good to me! Just make sure you eat all the stuff you are planning on eating and don't leave things out. If you get hungry and have eaten everything you've planned, go for the higher calorie snack and not the higher carb one. Have some lunch meat or a hard boiled egg and don't feel bad about it!
  • Awesome!! I am 5'8" and hope to be 180 and look AMAZING like you do!!! Great work!
  • This is a recipe from when I did LC ~8 years ago. The poster who posted it was named Doggy. "Doggy's Dream of Wheat 3/4 cup serving: 3 T whey protein powder 3 T flaxmeal (or 1.5 T seeds, ground) 1.5 T unprocessed wheat bran 1 T erythritol (or your choice of sweetener) 1 T Splenda or flavored syrup (coconut's my favorite)…
  • To me it sounded like she was over reacting and I was suggesting that there was no damage of any sort done, just a mistake and she should move on, not try to correct anything.
  • Just a tip - you can cut out a ton of carbs by getting rid of bananas and the Dannon Light & Fit yogurt. The only fruits you should be eating on a regular basis are berries. If you gotta have some other fruit, make it a once-a-week treat. You'd be better off eating plain Greek yogurt and adding in your own strawberries and…
  • What damage was done here, exactly? Just move on.
  • Or their body didn't know how to process carbs in the first place which is why they had weight to lose in the first place. Atkins is not a way to lose weight quickly so you can get back to eating sugar. It's a way of eating that you follow for the rest of your life. I don't understand why people are shocked that limiting…
  • A lot of people who are insulin resistant find that following a Low Carb way of eating is what works best for them (that's what your nutritionist is going to tell you too). We've got a good support group of Low Carbers here on MFP: Lots of…
  • Just wondering, not criticizing. Wondering because you're consistently below your calorie goal and if you're exercising and not logging it you're WELL below your calorie goal and that's probably not good. I say just try eating more meats and cheeses and fats but do stay within your calorie range. Feed the muscles you're…
  • Do you exercise at all?
  • What are your carbs coming from? Feel like making your diary public for a bit? You might consider lowering the amount of veggies you eat and opting for meat in stead. Instead of veggies as a meal, meat as a meal with a side of veggies. Do you have a big salad for lunch? What about a salad with less lettuce but with meat,…
  • Stop eating chocolate with real sugar and flour/corn tortillas and prickly pear cactus. Try a dark chocolate with sugar substitute in it, like Hershey's Special Dark: Serving size is 5 pieces but 2 pieces is more than enough for a…
  • is a good web site for hard-to-find foods and ingredients if you can't find them at a local store.
  • Just smile and say "Thank you for the advice, I will take it into consideration." What you eat is absolutely nobody's business but your own, unless you're asking someone to evaluate what you eat. And there's no need to justify yourself and no need to try to change anyone else's mind.
  • Do you live in the midwest? I'm having problems with allergies right now because the grass has been dead all summer but we got some rain and now there's grass. And grass allergies. With dry eyes.
    in Dry Eyes Comment by ZipperJJ August 2012
  • Nice, pixelberry! Do you make bowls in a muffin tin or what? I just mix eggs and cream in a bowl, then pour them in a pan with Pam and move them around until they're cooked. I do bacon in the microwave. If I feel up to it, I throw some shredded cheese on the eggs just before they're done.
  • I looked at your you consider sodium in your diet? I see you say you switched to sea salt but your daily intake seems like it'd be high with sausage, cheese, V8, bacon, wings, etc. I track my sodium and it pretty much just reminds me how much I eat daily, and it sucks, but I still put it out there in my diary…