madeinforks Member


  • It really depends on you and how you feel! I know I am the same height and I have set my goal for 150 because I know that i just look too thin under that your bone structure and how your body shape and form is has a lot to do with how you look also..I have been exercising and toning so even though I still have…
  • Which goes to show that muscle is distributed differently but may even weigh more than fat or as I describe it "flab" lol.. I always see it like a cotton ball and a marble "steelie" the same size..One is almost weightless while the other is dense and so weighs much much more. I kind of compare that to our flab before we…
  • Breakfast is probably the MOST important meal you will eat during the may be a good thing to try at least a small something..Breakfast kicks your metabolism into gear plus it gives you the mental and physical energy to get your day going.
  • Good job! And glad you mentioned that you still get to eat what you love! I think many times people fail in their journey is due to the fact that they think they can never have another piece of chocolate cake, or a ice cream cone, or a piece of pizza....etc..but if they eat in moderation and still include healthy eating in…
  • have no reason to be disappointed! 2lb per week is the ideal weight loss to have and you did above patient and realize that it takes time to lose..And if you lose too fast without toning up along with it you may be even more disappointed that you have flabby muscles that needed toning..So be happy about…
  • Two of my daughters go through this..They too ate lots of fiber and still had problems..they are very active and eat healthy..but it is a medical thing..they take medication for this..message me..I will ask them the name of it..but you do need to get help for this..not good to go that long without going..
  • Are you lifting? you look amazing! and in 3 months? that is amazing too! Share your story!
  • I do too at times and not sure the reasons why..need an expert opinion on that one! :frown:
  • You have done an amazing job getting to where you are and you are a beautiful young lady! Thanks for sharing that inspirational story!
  • My BW was 191lbs. and I kept my calorie goal at 1500 daily..I do 3-4 hours exercise weekly and include some strength training in that and I have lost steady for the past 3 months..So up your calorie intake and maybe add some strength training with your cardio. Muscle burns fat faster than fat burns fat so try toning up and…
  • Great job! Takes years off of you...amazing!:wink:
  • The only person who will see your diary anyway will be you! And why lie to yourself? If you go over you go over and don't sweat it! Just get back on track the following day and go forward...Sometimes I just have a cheat day and then start over the next day..if you don't have some flexibiltiy in your eating just like life…
  • You sure carry your weight well! My goodness....I cannot believe you weigh 200 lbs in the bottom picture..I would have said more like 160 by looking at it! You are doing very well! keep it up!
  • Remember that time will march on regardless of whether you continue on this path or why not continue and realize that those pounds will come off..just like eating an bite at a pound at a time! Keep going forward and no looking pound at a time..
  • Good job! :)
  • I like to add some shredded cheese right in with the hamburger when its almost done it an awesome taste!
  • As a 56 year old myself I have to say "it is Never too late to get fit" and those who do are just not motivated to get up and do what it takes to take care of themselves..but you are doing it! and so are many others of us who are showing that it can be done..keep it up and good luck on reaching your goals,,..they are…
  • I have found that if you just include something that you love once in awhile in your daily calorie intake that you have better success..Depriving yourself completely of all the things you love to eat will just set you up for failure...And you can find ways to substitute for some of the sugary things you may love or salty…
  • if you do some weight training as well as cardio as you lose you should be will tighten and tone as you go..
  • I would love to have you as a friend! I have daughters about your age and families and I would not want them to feel as you do :( but I do know how important it is to be accountable to someone..I actually look to my three daughters for my inspiration..they keep me on top of keeping on task..
  • I can't imagine a guy being put on a 1200 calorie diet..thats starving to me! I am on a 1500 calorie by my PT and I try to keep my calories eaten at that even when i all depends on WHAT you eat that can make a difference in your energy level too...but somedays I just need more than 1500 so I try to listen to…
  • I started out at the exact same weight two months ago..have lost 13.5 56 yrs out 3-4 hr a week ..keep at a 1500 calorie daily and if I can lose that much at my age you can sure lose 2 more lbs than me! but believe me with the weight training sessions you will lose inches and that will be the most exciting…
  • Most definitely the incline!!!! It burns much faster than walking a fast pace or running..I put mine at 4mph and a 10 incline and burn 600 calories in a 50 min session..often I bump it up to 15 for a minute here and there just to get things working harder on the calorie end..
  • Good for you! Keep going and you will not regret it!
  • I have been using MFP for 2 months now along with some fitness classes (various) because it takes both truly to get fit. But I have lost 13.5 lbs keeping within my calorie goal and so i am seeing a lot of success..the weights that we use in our classes has been a huge help in getting toned and it is very good for…
  • Good for you!!! What a great way of thinking! And now look at you! Good job!
  • First of all you are breast feeding which takes 500 extra calories a day just to provide milk for baby..then add the 3 days a week running..and your 5'6 and 137? My wonder you are tired! Eat girl!!!! you need more nutrtion and so does baby..If you are that active you don't have to worry..:)
  • You have lost 47 lbs. in seven weeks! That is a major accomplishment~! Put that into manageable parts and by realizing that that is 7 lbs a week average! Wow..It takes me all month to lose that many and I feel good! So keep going and look back only to see how far you have come!
  • What a difference! Keep up the good work!