Flyer615 Member


  • Nooooo! Oh the humanity. Surely he thought you said something else. There are a number of professionals that may be able to re-program him if you think he's worth the effort. Good luck!
  • Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
  • I "weigh in" on Fridays. I've found, like you, that I tend to eat a little better through the week. Having said that, the scale (which lies to me all the time) will, for the most part, balance itself out. In other words, if you weigh every Monday, and you're losing 1 pound per week, it'll show up on Mondays. Your weight…
  • Mine started out as a "knee-jerk" reaction to a diagnosis of diabetes. I stopped eating sugar (real or fake) just before lunchtime on November 22, 2011. I started reading labels and figured out a day's worth of meals that I could have that didn't contain sugar. I ate the same thing every day for about a month. Then, in…
  • Happy Birthday! I turned 50 two weeks ago. Time for the senior discount. :laugh:
  • Many's the day that I was just sitting in my office longing for a can of peas to snack on ... :ohwell:
  • 1. Ever cheated on someone? How many times? Yes, once. I was supposed to hide my eyes and count to 100. I peaked. 2. How old were you when you lost your virginity? 17 ... the first time. I'm given to understand that after a certain amount of time, it comes back. 3. Are you “in love” with somebody? Yes 5. Have you ever done…
  • The type of statement someone gives about my weight loss tells me a lot more about THEM than what they said to me. I'm not offended by anything they say. Besides, I tell me I'm beautiful all the time. When I had lost about 25-30 pounds, three people (in the same day) asked me if I'd gotten a haircut. That did sorta suck.…
  • I'm not your guy, sport.
  • I think that WAS the problem in Atlanta. :laugh:
  • I remember H.R. Puffenstuff and when Batman episodes said "In Color" in the opening titles. Oh, and I installed an 8-track stereo in my first vehicle.
  • Eight months ago, no one could see my belt buckle. Now, I can look down and see it (and other important stuff). :blushing: Also, I can cross my legs at the knees, stand up from a chair without grabbing or pushing on something, and touch my toes (which I also couldn't see before).
  • Yep, it can be done. I lost the first 65 or 70 pounds without any exercise. Then, when my knees started feeling a little better (and I could reach my walking shoes to get them tied :laugh: ), I started walking. I never thought that was something I would do - unless my truck quit working. The answer to your question is…
  • All this ^^ plus: Drink lots of water. I'm 49 and was afraid of "weight-loss-wrinkle-face" as I started to lose weight. I have a little excess skin (though, I think most of it is flab that I'm still in the process of losing). It's not nearly as bad as I expected. I drink 10-14 glasses per day. This will help keep your body…
  • Ooh, ooh, I get this. My conversation goes like this, though: Them: When are you gonna quit losing weight? Me: When I get back to my birth weight - 6 pounds, 11 ounces. Them: Hhmmph. Well, I think you've lost enough. Me: Hhmmph. That's because you haven't seen me nekkid (I know it's "naked." I'm from the south)
  • If you eat less than 1200 per day, you'll get a red notice that says you're eating too few calories. If you eat between 1200 and 1730, it will say that you are under your calorie goal (which is good). If you eat more than 1730, it will just say that you completed your food diary for the day. Hang in there. You'll do fine.…
  • The most frequent (and also the most frustrating) thing that people ask is, "What kind of diet are you on?" Well, umm, I'm not on a diet. I just started making better choices and getting some exercise. Apparently, that just doesn't compute for most people. Most will continue with, "Well, are you eating low carbs or low fat…
  • Middle TN, here. So far out in the country that we don't get Monday Night Football till Wednesday afternoon. BTW, I answered this post yesterday, but it's just now gittin there. :bigsmile:
  • I used to play the piano, but I hardly ever pick one up anymore. (Bwahaha) Played tenor sax in school and now the harmonica.
  • Yep, this.^^ Although, if I've been outside in the winter for awhile, I will warm it up some to combat a chill.
  • Awesome stuff, man! Congratulations!
  • Hi, Kim. I thought you were going to say that you went to JCPenny and bought another scale. :bigsmile: Congrats on the "They fit" thing. It's a wonderful feeling. PS. No sneaking over to Walmart or JCP to weigh on the display scale. Bwahaha!
  • I'd like to congratulate you on the chub rub thing, but I would be more excited about the getting-lucky thing. You go girl! Also, I'm so sorry to hear about the white dress and the ice lolly (whatever the hell that is - a popsicle, maybe?). Sure hope it wasn't grape. Grape is my favorite. Such a waste.
  • Honored, flattered, shocked, and amazed. Would I want to know? I'd want it posted on a billboard in the greater metropolitan area.
  • All day - erry day!
    in ? Comment by Flyer615 June 2012
  • I smell the smelly smell of something that smells smelly. ~Mr. Crabs (of Spongebob Squarepants)
  • If I had been drinking milk, it would've come out of my nose. Are you one of those people who blames the dog, as well? :laugh:
  • Kryspy Kreme. I can hear the transformer on the neon sign when the "HOT" lights up from 30 miles away. :tongue:
  • The biggest problem with the road to success is that it's not smooth. Lots of folks get on the road. Most don't stay on the road. If you really want to be successful, you will have to convince your mind that there is nothing that can stop you from it. There is no obstacle that can keep you from your goal. I saw someone's…