mel521 Member


  • I just started Insanity. I'd like to join!
  • I started Insanity today. I can share your pain.
  • I'm sorry I disappeared. It's been about 2 weeks since I showed my face here. The first week was spring break for my son, so we had fun hanging out. The second week I was upset with myself because I "couldn't" run the last week of c25k. I would start, then get frustrated and just quit after 10-15 minutes. I almost didn't…
    in 3-29-14 Comment by mel521 April 2014
  • Congratulations! I'm nursing my fourth child and she'll be nine months on Saturday. She's small too. She's still in 0-3 month clothing. All of my boys are huge, but I guess she is going to be tiny. And that is an awesome stash! I've never been able to pump. I just don't respond well to it no matter what I do.
  • Congratulations, Deb! That is an awesome time! So happy for you!!!! Maree and Kim, good for you both on training for the 10k. That is admirable, but not something I can do right now. Maybe one day! I'm just going to keep working on my 5k for right now. I didn't get week 8 day 3 in Friday, and then Saturday was super busy…
    in 3-29-14 Comment by mel521 April 2014
  • Congratulations, Deb! That's an awesome time! Maree and Kim - so great that you're pushing on to the 10k! Not sure I can handle that r
    in 3-29-14 Comment by mel521 April 2014
  • Today I should do week 8 day 3, but I feel asleep after I nursed the baby this morning and didn't run before all the others got up. If I don't get to it today, I'll get it tomorrow morning while the husband is here to watch the kiddos. Hope you all have a great day! Good luck, Deb! Looking forward to hearing about your…
    in 3-29-14 Comment by mel521 April 2014
  • I really, really thought I had logged on this morning and told you all that I did week 8 day 2 today, but it doesn't look like I did. Maybe I'm starting to lose my mind! :bigsmile: Oh well! I was supposed to do 28 minutes, but somewhere around the 1.5 mile mark, I thought that maybe I should just go ahead and do the whole…
    in 3-29-14 Comment by mel521 April 2014
  • Sounds like you ladies are doing great! I did week 8 day 1 this morning. I ran for 14 minutes before looking at the timer on the treadmill which made it go by so much faster. In the 28 minute running portion I did 2.19 miles. I finished walking the 5k in 42:44. I think today was one of the best runs I've had! Hope you all…
    in 3-29-14 Comment by mel521 April 2014
  • Glad you're back, Kim! Happy belated birthday! Deb, you've got ONE week til your run! I wish you the best! Airangel, thanks for the link. I'll be sure to check it out! I finished week 7 today! Woohoo! Next week jumps up to 28 minutes and the last week will be 30 minutes. Then I'll be running my first 5k on the 26th. My…
    in 3-29-14 Comment by mel521 April 2014
  • Deb, that is too funny about your dog! Good for you for keeping on afterwards though! Airangel, good going getting your run in despite all the obstacles! That's pretty good on a treadmill. I've been doing 3.5/4.5mph, but bumped up to 3.7/4.7 this week. I tried to do 4/5, but that just wasn't happening. Congratulations on…
    in 3-29-14 Comment by mel521 April 2014
  • Instead of a new thread this morning, I'll just post here since we have a nice conversation going. :) Deb, get your rest and hope you're feeling good to go soon! Great job, Maree! Airangel, our hot days are coming, but we have humidity also, and that is no fun at all. I think it's great that you did the program to…
    in 3-29-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Great going, Airangel! That is hot! It was in the 60s here, but rainy most of the day. I couldn't imagine 80 after the weather we've had in NC these past few months. I won't run again until Monday. Hope you have a great Sunday!
    in 3-29-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Good job, Deb and Maree!
    in 3-27-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Good going, ladies! I'm proud of us for doing so well! Maree, I'm like you - if I can do it, anybody can do it!
    in 3-26-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • You'll make it, April! Don't give up!
    in 3-24-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Kim, you saying that about the transition makes me feel better! Thanks! Deb, my younger sister is running with me and I feel like I may have to slow down for her. Good luck on your run!
    in 3-23-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Congratulations, airangel! Good tips! I'm scheduled for 2 runs. The first is April 26. I should finish c25k on the 19th. My second one is May 31. I am concerned about the switch from running on the treadmill to running outside. Right now I'm focusing on finishing this program indoors since that's how I started. I hope once…
    in 3-23-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • April, doesn't matter how slow you go, just that you do it! Maree, I'm inside even though it was absolutely beautiful here today. Airangel, I agree with Deb, work on time, then you can increase speed if you want to go the distance. You're almost finished! Good going! Deb, I think I'll have to work on this 5k for awhile…
    in 3-21-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Way to go, Maree! Deb, cute profile pic!
    in 3-20-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Sounds like you all did a great job! We're getting closer to the end!
    in 3-18-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • I'm going to try some different music and see if it helps me focus better. I'e got to get my head right! Great job, everybody!
    in 3-17-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Good going, Kim and Airangel! I don't do c25k on the weekends, so I got slack with starting the threads. Sorry!
    in 3-16-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Thanks, Kim! I have 4 kids. The oldest is in school, but the 4 yr old, 2 yr old and 7 month old are with me 24/7. I try to run in the mornings after my husband and oldest leave, before the others wake up. That's why I post so early! :) I'm trying my best to enjoy them being little!
    in 3-14-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • airangel, yes, I have to change speed every interval. It stinks, but I can't leave my kids to go outside and I have too many to take with me. I leave the incline in the same place the whole time. And the seconds do tick by so slowly.
    in 3-14-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Way to go, airangel! That's awesome! I'm on a treadmill so I'm constantly tempted to glance down at the timer. I've started saying I won't look until the song I'm listening to is over, then the next, etc. So far, I can only go a few minutes without looking, but I hope to do better next week. I finished week 4 today and did…
    in 3-14-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • Airangel, I agree! I wouldn't mind a few more weeks of the program to not jump up to 20 minutes so quickly. Kim, I sent Tracy a message. She had been sick and unable to run according to her earlier posts. I want you all to find me if I disappear!
    in 3-10-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • I thought about repeating week 4 too, but day 1 of week 5 doesn't look too bad. Day 2 is 8 minute stretches of running and day 3 jumps to 20!!! I think I'll jump into week 5 and repeat it as needed to get to where I need to be. Airangel, it doesn't matter how slow you go or how you look, it matters that you're doing it! I…
    in 3-10-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • I didn't run today, but I tested out my dad's bike and then did 30 day shred. I'm beat! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
    in 3-8-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014
  • No, maree! It was a 5 minute stretch! Lol. I'd probably fall out if I tried to run 20 minutes! And I run inside on a treadmill so I don't have to brave the elements. My biggest complaint today was that the heat came on and was blowing right on me while I was running. And thank you for asking about my little man. He's…
    in 3-7-14 Comment by mel521 March 2014