MrsSki38 Member


  • My most favorite is steeped cacao pods. Tastes like hot chocolate cake without the calories. I order it from Hawaii. Harney and Sons cinnamon spice is good. Dragon eye Oolong. Starbucks mint majesty and peach brewed together. Yummy hot or iced.
  • cinnamon licorice, cinnamon gummy bears, chips, baked goods and chocolate. But it must be good chocolate. I'm a slight chocolate snob. and caramel. Gawd, I love that golden, buttery, sticky stuff.
  • I have days like this myself. Have you significantly reduced the amount of carbs you are eating? some friends of mine recently started a Whole30 and they are junkfood junkies. They experienced what you described and someone told them it was the carb-flu and would hang around a couple days while their bodies adjusted to the…
  • I recently did the 10-day cleanse. not sure what it cleansed tho. I really liked the Spark but only because it tasted yummy. Didn't boost my energy or do anything different for me. I didn't like all the pills that were required. I'm not a pill taker at all. I did start eating better during the cleanse and I've kept at it…
  • I haven't been logging food as much as I should be. I am also trying to pay more attention to when I'm actually hungry and not eating out of boredom. Yesterday I wasn't hungry at all but felt that I would just die if I didn't eat something. I knew I wasn't hungry, I wasn't tired or sluggish. Just felt like I HAD to have…
  • Mister Universe - it is but the default icon is way better looking than I am.
  • My age. I've been told I'm not approachable because I always look disinterested and bored. I am over-emotional and cry very easily. I am often the friend/family member/co-worker people call when they are in a really bad situation and/or need advice/someone to talk to. My mother-in-law has always said I can find the…
  • Hi ladies- I've found my way back after 8 months. I ended up with a pinched nerve in my neck which halted any kind of activity/working out for almost 5 months. Then it was work busy season and here we are. I started back with a trainer last week and he's tough. Like kick my rear end tough. But then I've not been in the gym…
  • I'm not sure it'd be so great for meal replacement but it would be a great alternative for a snack replacement. I really like Syntrax Nectar. My close friend had gastric bypass and drank this to help meet her protein needs. You can order in from Amazon in 2lb tubs for about $30. I love the fuzzy navel and strawberry kiwi.…
  • Me. Turning 40 in July. Nowhere near my weightloss goal, however, I'm feeling great and I think that's all that matters. Way to go on your loss!!
  • Fellow endomorph here. I have a great personal trainer to did my macros. I was 188 at my highest and it's been 2 years and I'm down to 166. I am currently in a bootcamp 3x a week and that is going to end in a couple weeks. I try to run when I can and see my trainer when I can. I quit watching the scale and now tape 1-2x a…
  • Syntrax Nectar in Fuzzy Navel or Strawberry Kiwi. Whey based, no carbs. Mixes and tastes just like juice. 1 scoop is 25g protein (I think). I was using 1.5 scoops, mixing with 8-10oz of room temp water, add ice and a straw, however, noticed that 1.5 scoops was making me feel kinda of pukey so I scaled back to 1.25 scoops.…
  • We are rowing in the same river. I've been using MFP for over a year. Wore a BMF for almost a year (took it off a few days ago). Saw a personal trainer a few times a week, ran when the weather was good and cleaned up my diet. Always had a 600+ daily deficit. Started a bootcamp 3x a week in early January on top of seeing my…
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm thinking the offer to celebrate my 40th birthday in Dallas might be a good thing....
  • Jo Malone Nectarine Honey Blossom, Pomegranate Noir, Wild Bluebell...heck I just love them all!
  • I'm not much of a soda drinker anymore either. I had one can of Coke a day religiously and would have soda when we went out. I gave it up and went strictly to water. I missed the fizzy beverage. I drink La Croix seltzer water when I'm jonesing for the fizz. I sometimes buy the mini cans of soda to have on hand. One little…
  • I'd stay away from anything with ham. Sodium tends to be really high. I'd stick to anything chicken and see if they'll do easy mayo. If you have cheese choices, I'd stick with provolone or colby-jack. Cheddar has high sodium (I'm a sodium tracker as I retain a lot of water). And take the option with the least amount of…
  • I've had the BMF Lync since July and LOVE it. My phone just had an update on the firmware so I can now sych it on my phone. But hearing that it now synchs with excited and need to figure out how to make that happen. I'm starting to get really lax on logging my stuff here and then adding the calories into the BMF…
  • neilegni/natini - I'll inquire with Randy tonight when I see him. I found the macros when googling endomorph's however can't find it now. The scale for me, is all over the place. The lowest it ever got was 162.8 and I don't know if it was because the scale was moved on the floor or if it really was a true reading. The…
  • rtjlkat - I talked with Randy. He said that depending on what your wanting to do are the macros you should chose. He said if you wanted to lose fat, use the macros on the low end for Endomorph's. If you wanted to increase muscle mass, use the high end of the Mesomorph macros. For reliable websites, Randy said he consults…
  • WFTE!!!! That's awesome!!! I'm going to watch the link you posted for Youtube tonight.
  • So I have everything updated from the weekend, synched up my BMF and ran a 7-day report. I'm averaging a 700 calorie a day deficit (averaging about a 2200 calorie burn a day), so theoretically, I should see a reduction in the scale in the morning. How much you want to bet that it's up a couple pounds? 162.8 is the lowest…
  • wtfe - thank you for your insite on tracking carbs vs net carbs. I think I'll just continue to track regular carbs. And I can relate to having high carbs prior. I never really put much thought into them. rjlkat - I see Randy tomorrow and will ask him. I had a really bad food weekend this past weekend. I didn't blow the…
  • OK, I should have googled a bit first. I found this article: Not much to the article and I'd still like your input or resources that you like and trust for further reading.
  • wfte - because you are also rather knowledgeable....question about carbs and net carbs are carbs less dietary fiber, correct? What should truly be tracked? Carbs as a whole or net carbs? Does it matter? How are you doing with your switching up of macros?
  • shilsholebay - let me ask Randy what he suggests. He may have some suggestions. kelsey - yay!!! I'm having a hard time breaking up with carbs as well. I do notice I feel so much better when I'm under in carbs for several days in a row. I haven't brought out the tape measure to do measurements because, quite frankly, I know…
  • Lord knows I love me some cheese, but I have to watch the amount of sodium I have as I retain water a whole lot more than before I donated a kidney. I'm totally hunting online now for low carb treats to have as snacks. I subscribe to Cooking Light however it's mostly meals they cover and not so much treats. I love treats.…
  • Some websites from my trainer: This website gives the nutrient information in foods. Kind of a fun site to peruse and also gives the nutrient breakdown in foods. While the scale went back up for a couple days and is slowly making it's way down, I am noticing other…
  • Thank you so much for posting this!!! Reading through this made it so much more clear for me. And you could have hijacked my thread. I think this is great information. I'll be following along with you to see your progress and learn. Best- K