Female Endomorphs - Before and After Pics (And Tips?)



  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Same with me. Thanks for the quiz.
    I'm between endomorph and mesomorph (according to this quiz: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/becker3.htm ). I know I feel better and tend to lose more weight when I lay-off non-veg and non-fruit carbs and sweets (my weakness!). I hope to have something more to lend to this discussion in the upcoming months!
  • I'm an endomorph and for the last couple of years I have really struggled to lose any significant amount of weight and keep it off. I'm 5''7' and 206lbs at my heaviest. I found myself doing more and more exercise but not really seeing the benefit I expected based on calories eaten vs calories expended. And I got so frustrated seeing my sisters who can eat what they want and don't exercise but are much slimmer than me. It just wasn't making any sense to me. So just last week when I was looking to increase level of fitness yet again by joining Crossfit. I came across a video on youtube of Gary Taubes giving a presentation at a crossfit seminar. I found his talk so insightful that I bought his book "Why we get fat and what to do about". This book has thrown everything I once believed out of the window and I finally understand why I have struggle to control my weight for so long. So if the calories in/calories out approach is working for you either I highly recommend it. I hope this helps someone else.
  • bluehusker82
    bluehusker82 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm so glad I found this!!! I've been doing this for over a year now and I've lost but not at all where I wanted to be in a yr!! It is soooooooo slow and I tend to get very frustrated!!!! I have been tweaking my diet and workouts constantly as I could not go full force right off the bat lol anyways I would love a couple of new endomorph friends to compare, compete, and be accountable to!! :)
  • Hello. I am an endomorphic body type and a person as well, haha. I just wanted to say that what I have researched abt endomorphs proclaims that we are to beef up on the protein. I began eating protein once a day (usually a hard boiled egg white) and lost 22 lbs in 4.5 months. I'm INTJ, btw. What are u? How is ure weight loss journey coming along?
  • Hello. Im a newbie, too! And an endomorph! Big hips and teeny waist for my size, a US size 18. Are u actively losing weight? I read that after 20 min of drinking 17oz of water ure metabolism increases by 30%!!!!! SO this is the most optimal time to exercise! I've lost 22 lbs and am sooo proud of myself. How is ure routine going?
  • Hi, I'm an endomorph too! I'd love to make some friends on MFP to lose weight together! Friend me!
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi ladies-

    I've found my way back after 8 months. I ended up with a pinched nerve in my neck which halted any kind of activity/working out for almost 5 months. Then it was work busy season and here we are.

    I started back with a trainer last week and he's tough. Like kick my rear end tough. But then I've not been in the gym since last year and haven't ran but 5 or 6 times all winter.

    Over the course of 8 months, I've done a lot of reading about food and how our bodies process it and also paid attention to how my body reacted to foods. I did a successful Whole30 and while I only lost a couple of pounds, I lost a quite a few inches. My lowest weight was 162 and a waist measurement of 35. I'm 5'4".

    I'm back to about 172 with a 38 waist measurement. I've realized I need to cut processed carbs completely. No pasta, rice or bread. And no dairy. I bloat terribly. I have a really hard time meeting my protein macro (I've set them at 30/40/40, carbs/fat/protein respectively) and really don't want to supplement with protein shakes and bars. Macro for calories is 1700 and I'm under almost 95% of the time. I am only working out about 40 minutes 3x a week and will be increasing that.

    I need to get in the mindset of doing another Whole30 and stick with clean eating when I'm done. I'm so ready for warmer weather and lots of yummy produce being more readily available.
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    Bump to read later. Endomorph here too :)
  • victoria_plum78
    victoria_plum78 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey, fellow endomorph here as well. Some great information on this thread and just starting my new diet plan today and trying to keep my carbs below 50g and from veggies/fruit. Think I have been in denial that I can eat bread and it doesn't affect me....well fast forward to today and I'm a stone heavier and the only thing I have done differently is turn into a 'bread head'!

    I've also started a 10k training plan so running between 45-60 mins a day along with a dog walk and going to also fit in some kettlebell training as well.

    Fingers crossed I can lose lbs and inches....and when I do will post my before and after pics :)
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    This is not an impossible thing for anyone, no matter what your body type. I'd agree with the ladies above me- Weight training (serious weight training, no barbie weights) HIIT for cardio and maybe some martial arts inspired cardio (really killer full body workout!)


    (I'm actively flexing here, about 8 months after the first pic)

    (not actively flexing, about 10 months after first pic)

    Jonesie said it best. The muscle you need to flex is patience. It's not fast, and it doesn't happen on our schedules. Don't get discouraged.

  • linnyG33
    linnyG33 Posts: 30 Member
    im ready for the warmer weather too.

    I'm also 5'4" and 175 as of this morning. waist is 36. hips are 42. Im a "squash".

    I may copy your macros this month to try it out. trying to do a water challenge also. im so dehydrated.
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    I haven't been logging food as much as I should be. I am also trying to pay more attention to when I'm actually hungry and not eating out of boredom. Yesterday I wasn't hungry at all but felt that I would just die if I didn't eat something. I knew I wasn't hungry, I wasn't tired or sluggish. Just felt like I HAD to have something to eat. I need to break that feeling.

    Weather is warming up finally!!

    Linny - my waist is slightly bigger than your and hips are the same. I'm hoping for some kind of movement down in the next couple weeks.

    Keep a water bottle with you all the time. I bought one that I can stand taking everywhere with me and isn't much fuss to drink out of. That's helped a lot.

    I have lots of trouble hitting the protein macro. I at least try to get at least 50% of the way there every day.
  • katmarsc
    katmarsc Posts: 118 Member
    so glad I found this post, I stumbled upon a great article today and that lead me searching MFPl
    how to get started when your diet feels broken. How to troubleshoot nutrition plans when “they’ve just stopped working”. http://www.precisionnutrition.com/fix-a-broken-diet

    I'm also 5'4" and stuck at 160 since January. waist is 31 1/2 . hips are 42. I am pretty my sedentary, I won't lie and say I work out, because the most exercise I do right now is 9-5 desk job, come home to mom with dementia and retired DH recouping from foot surgery.
    I just changed my macros to this.
    1278 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
    49 g Carbohydrates (15%, 196 kcal)
    98 g Protein (31%, 392 kcal)
    77 g Fat (54%, 690 kcal)

    I would like some input, I know we are each unique but i find it intriguing on the body composition.

    I am Primal, have not had wheat, grains, beans since Nov 2013. I don't miss them. I eat healthy fats and work my way up to my daily protein/fat by almond butter, avocados, string cheese. nuts.

    I hope to add a few of you on as friends, my diary is public, if you like what you see and what to do this journey together, please friend me.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I think I may drop into this category (?)
    Bump to read thru later
  • StephVa22
    StephVa22 Posts: 28
    I feel like a bonehead, but what does HIIT mean in reference to cardio?! Fellow endomorph btw!
  • katmarsc
    katmarsc Posts: 118 Member
    I feel like a bonehead, but what does HIIT mean in reference to cardio?! Fellow endomorph btw!

    We are all learning.;) . The best I can describe it is HIIT is a form of cardio that couples intervals of high-intensity exercise (such as sprinting) with intervals of either low-intensity exercise (such as walking at a slow pace) or complete rest.f you google the term it will provide a wealth of links and knowledge.
  • kself007
    kself007 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi this might be a dumb question but what is an endomorph?
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Hi this might be a dumb question but what is an endomorph?

    No question is a dumb question :)

    Per Google.....endomorph body type is solid and generally soft. Endomorphs gain fat very easily. Endo’s are usually of a shorter build with thick arms and legs. Muscles are strong, especially the upper legs. Endomorphs find they are naturally strong in leg exercises like the squat.

    Typical traits of an Endomorph:

    •Soft and round body
    •Gains muscle and fat very easily
    •Is generally short
    •"Stocky" build
    •Round physique
    •Finds it hard to lose fat
    •Slow metabolism
    •Muscles not so well defined
    When it comes to training endomorphs find it very easy to gain weight. Unfortunately, a large portion of this weight is fat not muscle. To keep fat gain to a minimum, endomorphs must always train cardio as well as weights. Usually supplements may not be needed as long as the person has a high protein intake in their diet.
  • R_Woodruff
    R_Woodruff Posts: 74 Member

    Not quite an after. I'm halfway there, but definitely seeing major progress!
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I started out as an endomorph and after a 116 lb loss, I am an endomorphic-mesomorph. I gain muscle very easily but I still struggle with this square abdomen and belly. I gain weight very easily and have to watch my carbs very closely. I time them around my workouts (before and after) and try not to consume them after that. I eat a lot of chicken, broccoli, cabbage, Greek yogurt, fish, green beans, yams, eggs, bison, salads, turkey, etc. I weight train (heavy) 4-5 days and 15-20 minutes of HIIT 5-6 days a week. If I didn't have loose skin, I would be very happy with my body. Feel free to look at before and after photos in my profile. My diary is also open.
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