Female Endomorphs - Before and After Pics (And Tips?)



  • paulinegrant01
    paulinegrant01 Posts: 22 Member
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member

    Here's a "quiz" to see what your body type is. I think it might make the distinctions a little easier.

    According to this, I'm a mesomorph. That shocks me quite a bit, but maybe that's because I have been fat my entire adult life and never saw my muscles, lol

    Anyway, please endomorph ladies, proceed.

    Based on the quiz, I am a mesomorph as well...

    Honestly, I would say I was more of a mix of meso and endo... short and stocky and carrying some extra fat, but I have a fairly decent metabolism, build muscle fairly easy and lean towards a larger bone structure...
  • seamanny
    seamanny Posts: 134 Member
    Eating tips for endomorph body type:

    1. Eats lots of good protein: lean meats like chicken, fish and eggs, peanut butter and low fat cheese are good sources of protein. Also beans and legumes are excellent if you don't have a problem with a little gas now and then.

    2. Lower your carbohydrate intake. Do not cut carbs out entirely, just make better choices by eating slower converting carbs like brown rice (in small quantities, 1/2 cup),green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and varieties of lettuce, green beans, cauliflower and broccoli, limit corn, peas and carrots because they contain more sugar when broken down in the system. The low glycemic index of vegetables can help you make good choices... The Glcemic Index Database

    3. Eat more whole grains and cereals like oatmeal and bran and limit refined sugars. No soda, not even diet soda. Switch to flavored waters or unsweetened tea.

    4. Eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3. Eating more frequently will help boost your metabolism and help you burn fat. This can be done easily by making your meals a little smaller and including 3 snacks a day between scheduled meals. Your typical day would go like this: breakfast, mid day snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and evening snack. The snacks can be a cup of raw vegetables, a piece of low- sugar fruit like ½ an apple or pear, a handful of nuts, a cup of low fat yogurt or a protein shake. Make your last meal and snack before 8 pm and try not to eat after that. Avoid fruits like bananas, oranges, and papayas. Choose berries like raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries.

    5. Include daily exercise like walking, aerobic exercise like boxing or tai bo, light weights or a spin class. Aerobic exercise is any form of exercise that raises your heart rate.

    6. This way of eating is a lifestyle and not a diet as permanently changing your eating habits is what will help you to keep the weight from coming back. Take it slow and do not be discouraged if you only lose 2 pounds a week because that is healthy and will not cause you to have lose hanging skin once the weight is gone.
    I just read this article online when I was researching the Endomorph body type. Great information
  • daniellegwilliam
    daniellegwilliam Posts: 122 Member

    This is two months of work... I have always been an endomorph. Never seen my abs and have always had the "rolls" of fat, and the spare tire. I am determined to see my abs at some point!

    Some people lose fat just by diet. Some lose it just by exercise. But we as endomorphs have to be strict on both. And really, that's not such a bad thing, because it's healthier for -everyone- and will pay off over the years anyway.

    I exercise with a combination of HIIT, circuit training, plyometrics, cardio (just 2-3 mile runs), weights, aerobics, and a few other things. I do this 4-6 days per week and usually burn around 350-600 calories per session (according to my heart rate monitor). I want to start doing regular lifting a bit more, it's just that I don't have anyone to go to the gym with me, so it makes it kind of intimidating to add more weight if I need help.

    As for food, I eat 130-150g protein per day, 7 small meals per day, 1200-1500 calories per day (depending on workouts). I try to load up on as much veggies as I can. Fruit is once or twice per week, maybe. Stevia has been substituted for sugar, no more pasta... Brown rice here and there (I get most of my carbs through my whole grain oatmeal in the mornings). Lean grilled/baked meats for lunch and dinner. I let myself have a "treat" meal once per week.

    I weigh 134 lbs right now but have more definition on my stomach/back than I did when I weighed 125 and just dieted/ran. I can't wait to see what I look like by July. Anyway, I'm still learning too, and I'm trying to stick with a diet/lifestyle that I can maintain for the rest of my life. I think that's the missing piece in endomorph fitness- going too extreme and knocking ourselves out. Find the middle place and stick with it.

    you look AWESOME! CanI ask what kind of routine you have to get such great results in 2 months!!

    Im an endo/meso combo
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member


    I have no idea if I am one or not but from what I read it sounds like I am. I am stalled at losing the last 10lbs. I have been stalled for nearly 2 years now :(. Any advise?

    Just wanted to say I think your results are phenomenal! I assume you have had children which makes your results even better IMO.. You look GREAT!
  • Adah_m
    Adah_m Posts: 216 Member
    I'm an endomorph to a T, but I've lost 100 in the last year. I have 50-75 more to go, and this is how I do it:
    I avoid dairy altogether. The only reason low-fat dairy is recommended in losing weight is because of the calcium. Ladies, just take calcium supplements, it does the same thing without the fat and the calories. I'm also lactose intolerant, so I have a reason to avoid dairy since it's just poison to my digestive system, but really you would not believe how easy it is to stay under your calorie goals without it.
    I avoid starch/carbs, but don't deny myself if I'm craving. I just avoid it unnecessarily. If there's a roll with my meal, I skip it for example, and I don't eat any kind of potato anymore. From time to time I have whole grains though, especially brown rice because it helps with digestion. I have a habit of things not moving along if I don't get my fiber. (If I can put that in an any more ladylike way, lol.)
    Basically I enjoy dancing, pilates, and yoga for exercise/flexibility and balance. I drink TONS of water, and avoid as many caloric beverages as possible. Caffeine and sodium make me retain water BADLY, so I have regular dandelion, usually as tablets, but sometimes in my tea or salad.
    I notice that most endomorphs I know weigh more than our counterparts at the same measurements because I know at least I tend to be curvier with more bone density. I have lower inches than one of my friends who weighs 30 lbs less than me, so my advice is not to get too caught up in numbers. I'm 5'8'', 215 lbs, and size 16 (comfortably, no muffin top), getting into a 14 soon, but at my weight and height I know a lot of women in much higher sizes. It's just something I have made peace with, I'm a strong and sturdy woman and I'm never going to blow away like a leaf and weigh 130 lbs. :) I'm happy in my own skin and with my body type.
    Feel free to friend me btw, us endomorphs should stick together.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I was a skinny kid with toothpick legs. I didn't really have an issue until I hit my 20's then I really had to watch what I ate or I would gain weight. My metabolism has always seemed on the slower side as an adult, it has just gotten worse with age. I exercise 6 days a week, doing cardio 3 days and weights the other 3. I had a shoulder injury last year, so I am still working on my strength so I can lift heavier. I just don't want to get injured again. It was 6 long months of agony. I took the test and it says I am in the middle of endo and meso. But I see myself as having more endo qualities. When I am in shape I do have a great butt. So an endo in shape is awesome. I do lack in the boobage area, so I am not all curvy. Except for when I am overweight, then I have plenty.
  • alexiaans
    alexiaans Posts: 113 Member
    I think I am an Endomorph.. my advice would be to cut out white stuff, starches, unnecessary sugar.. I don't eat more than 25g of sugar a day, averaging slightly half of that amount most of the time. I don't refer to my change as diet.. it's just common sense and a new lifestyle. I train atleast 6x days a week, this past week has been busy with work so I have worked out 3x while watching what I eat. Workouts include HIIT, kettlebells, 30DS, some Insanity, treadmill and heavy lifting (and I don't mean dumbbells you use at home.. more like 30+lbs dumbbells from the gym)

    I eat atleast 1700 a day now, slowly eating more cals cause of how frequently I exercise. Those are my tips.. breaking a plateau is easy - trick your body. Some people will have to eat their maintenance cals for a day or two then eat 300 less, others cycle their cals. I have found cycling works wonders.. eat over what MFP and other calculators tell you. As long as it's healthy, low in sugar and sodium you'll be fine.

    Here are my results from Jan 1 til 10 days ago.. I have had two kids and not looking for that flat ab look.. just looking to fit into nice clothes. I am fitter now than I have ever been in my life.


    Day 8:



    Wonderful progress and wonderful tips! Thanks!
  • alexiaans
    alexiaans Posts: 113 Member


    I have no idea if I am one or not but from what I read it sounds like I am. I am stalled at losing the last 10lbs. I have been stalled for nearly 2 years now :(. Any advise?

    Excellent progress! Keep it up!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Here is an update cause the one photo did not show off my progress :laugh:

    Day 1 was Jan 1, Day 83 was yesterday

    Day 83 (1 day ago):

    This was taken four days ago
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member


    I have no idea if I am one or not but from what I read it sounds like I am. I am stalled at losing the last 10lbs. I have been stalled for nearly 2 years now :(. Any advise?

    Just wanted to say I think your results are phenomenal! I assume you have had children which makes your results even better IMO.. You look GREAT!

    Thank you and yes I have 4 children, my last pregnancy being twins. I'm not completely done but I'm getting there slowly lol.
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    bump! Such great info- thanks everyone!! :)

    PS: I'd love some endo friends if anyone is interested. Have a great day!
  • jessicabailey529
    jessicabailey529 Posts: 28 Member
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I just had to chime in and say I agree with you all, I am an endomorph and my body is very sensitive to carbs, I do best when my diet is less than 30% carbs, and "wheat is a treat". It's interesting, I never associated this with my body type before, but now that makes sense!

    Look here for my latest pics: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/919005-after-pics

    ETA pretty much followed the same protocol as ejennings to get my results. Can't do too much fruit or grains. did 125-150g protein/ leass than 75g carbs. I find fat is not a big problem for me, like I can eat cheese and have cream in my coffeee, as long as the carbs are fairly low.
    Friend me anyone!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member

    You are looking awesome. I have similar issues, it's encouraging to see you got abs!!!!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member


    I have no idea if I am one or not but from what I read it sounds like I am. I am stalled at losing the last 10lbs. I have been stalled for nearly 2 years now :(. Any advise?

    Just wanted to say I think your results are phenomenal! I assume you have had children which makes your results even better IMO.. You look GREAT!

    Thank you and yes I have 4 children, my last pregnancy being twins. I'm not completely done but I'm getting there slowly lol.

    You got this.. you look amazing for having twins! Your results are very inspiring to me.. :smile:
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Wow just wow i never knew there were different typs of bodies. I mean I know pears and apples yada yada, but this is me almost to the t. I am tall so people don't think I weight as much as I do I get so frustrated trying to lose. I just can't believe it. Ok so friends needed. Thanks for posting this. Going to try some new things to finally be rid of this weight.
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    So glad I found this! I did a lot of research.reading this weekend after 3 months of flailing. I reduced my macros to 15c/40f/45p. Yes low on the carbs but I am gluten intolerant so it's probably best I stay away from those kids in excess.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    Good luck. Some great advice. Depends on stage. Agreen with the weight and tonight and mixing it up is always good. Read a lot about carb cycling and seems to work for some. Try to keep your fat % to 20 percent of less. Hard to do but then your calories will be lower naturally. Lost weight on this. Watch sugars (pasta, pizza) and keep fruit to less glcyemic.
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