Kicking the Coca Cola habit - HELP

Hi, My biggest obstacle to weight loss is my love of Coca Cola. Any ideas for how to tackle this addiction?


  • szuluaga0611
    I have been drinking soda since I was a toddler. That is my biggest vice. I had it for every meal- even breakfast sometimes.
    My husband is a freak - he can eat and eat and he doesnt gain weight. I dont want to deprive my family from having the soda but I asked myself how can reduce the temptation.

    I dont buy the soda myself. If my husband wants soda, he has to buy it on his own. When he does, I usually dont put it in plain view. I managed to create a space for it on the lowest condiment shelf on the refrigerator door. Out of sight, out of mind right? I don't go out for dinner or lunch anymore but when I do. I order water right away. If they have lemonade or tea. I opt for that instead. If its not water, I usually get a very small cup with alot of ice in it to dilute. But ordering water is the best way. You will build willpower that way and then it will become a regular habit. I can now have soda in my home and I dont have that same urge to drink it anymore.

    P.S. I am sure that your body is accustomed to that caffeine you get from the soda, and might get headaches for the lack of caffeine. I started drinking black coffee (no sugar, no cream). I didn't like it at first but I have grown accustomed to it. But my headaches have stopped. I hope my experience helps you. You can do it. I was a "Coke" head to the max! You just have to create new more healthier habits. :)
  • KEAVES13
    KEAVES13 Posts: 90 Member
    I know they say diet drinks are not good for you, but in order to kick my Coca Cola habit, I am having one Coke zero a day...You'd be surprised how good they taste when you haven't had a real one in days ;)) I do plan on eventually getting off those too and only have a real coke every once in a while =))
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    just force yourself to drink water or any other naturally made drink. It may be hard for you in the beginning but as with any other habit you quit, after a week or two it gets easier until you dont even miss it.

    I have not drank soda in about 7 years and I dont miss it at all. I have taken a random sip of my BF's drink if I need to swallow a pill any there is nothing else around and each time I do that makes me so glad I gave up the crap.
  • EmilyGetsSkinny95
    EmilyGetsSkinny95 Posts: 54 Member
    I had a caffeine free diet pepsi addiction, and I cut it by going cold turkey (Originally for a social studies type experiment, but it tasted weird after that). I can't stand any dark colored soda now, and I only drink sprite or ginger ale occasionally as a treat. Maybe it would help if you drank a big glass of water with some sort of flavoring, like lemon slices or mio?
    Hot tea or black coffee might also help if you're having caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
    Here's a good article with 9 disturbing facts about soda. Nothing like freaking yourself out to cut a habit right? :D
    Good luck on cutting your coca-cola habit :)
  • MILF_wannab
    Hello My name is MILF_Wannab & I am a Diet Mountain DEW ADDICT! It's funny to say but so true. I'm on day 10 with no pop! Yay!! So my secret is to drink so much water that I couldn't possibly be thirsty. It's working for me. I still get my caffeine fix with my one cup of Joe in morning. Love him so much I want make out with that cup!!!!! Any way...the headaches subside about day 3. YOU CAN DOOOOOO IT!!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I had to off it cold turkey. Wasn't easy but I haven't had a Coke since I started last May. Cant say I don't miss it but I no longer crave it.
  • krissyharden
    krissyharden Posts: 25 Member
    You may try to start with changing to diet soda and then from there go to green tea. I've been drinking diet sodas for over 10 years, but when I started losing weight this time I started making green tea at home and only drinking diet soda when I ate out. About two weeks ago I committed to NO SODA of any kind. I'm not only drinking water and green tea, sweetened with Truvia. There are so many great health benefits that come from green tea, not to mention is speeds your metabolism. :) Good luck!
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    I'm addicted to Coke too. I'm limiting myself to a max of two cans of Coke a week to start with but am looking for a non-aspartame, lower calorie cola drink.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    That is one of my downfalls as well. Having a health coach for 2 months truly helped me with this. Because I know it's something that I'm going to drink, when I drink soda I get a can instead of the bottle. I add it to my calories for the day. Sometimes I don't drink soda but I don't beat myself up about it if I want one. So I cut out 50% of calories by drinking a can instead of a bottle.
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I gave up soda for Lent last year and haven't had a drop since. Cold turkey is the way to go, IMO.

    Drink coffee or tea instead if you're concerned about caffeine withdrawals.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I went cold turkey also. The headaches were horrendous but when it stopped, bliss. I've not had a drop since.
  • jamieshrinking
    I switched to unsweetened iced tea. That way I'm getting to drink something other than water, so mentally it makes a difference for me. Also...carbonation has that awful "bloating" effect on the mid-section that I hate and is so uncomfortable.
    Once you decide that even though Coke tastes good, it isn't better than thin and healthy feels. Good luck with taking control of your obsticle!
  • MaryJaneMadeMeFat
    I was a gigantic Pepsi freak before I started MFP. I gave it up cold turkey, would occasionally have a diet Dr. Pepper... Forty something days in, I cracked and had a Pepsi (it was Christmas), it tasted AWFUL! Like I was drinking metal. I'll never go back to it.
  • holdingon2faith793
    Water with lemon is my answer to all drinks!
  • sweetness97
    Drink Coca Cola ZERO...Same great flavor with ZERO calories :) Enjoy!
  • kerriotto
    Why not have one can a day and work it into your calorie allowance? Its about making a lifestyle change and being healthier, right? I don't think it has to be an all or nothing proposition.
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    Just don't keep it in the house and never never order it. The longer you go without it the easier it gets. I haven't had it in months but I know if I have even a sip I will crave it for weeks.
  • Zandia_1
    Zandia_1 Posts: 183 Member
    I desensitize myself. I have a Coca-Cola can sitting right in front of my monitor at the office (and it's been there since Dec '12). It's room temperature which lessens the temptation. Now it's to the point I don't even notice it anymore so when I pass by a vending machine, it no longer calls out my name.:tongue:
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Hello My name is MILF_Wannab & I am a Diet Mountain DEW ADDICT! It's funny to say but so true. I'm on day 10 with no pop! Yay!! So my secret is to drink so much water that I couldn't possibly be thirsty. It's working for me. I still get my caffeine fix with my one cup of Joe in morning. Love him so much I want make out with that cup!!!!! Any way...the headaches subside about day 3. YOU CAN DOOOOOO IT!!

    Yeah, I was drinking around 80 ounces of this green devil juice a day when I gave it up last year! My concern wasn't the caffeine, but the amount of acid and what it was doing to my teeth. I started drinking home brewed peach iced tea.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Just stop cold turkey. After about 2 weeks of headaches your body shouldn't be addicted anymore.