A few things no one would guess by your appearance



  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    My age.

    I've been told I'm not approachable because I always look disinterested and bored.

    I am over-emotional and cry very easily.

    I am often the friend/family member/co-worker people call when they are in a really bad situation and/or need advice/someone to talk to. My mother-in-law has always said I can find the positive in the negative and always make things better.

    I am a living organ donor and saved a life by donating a kidney.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    My age.

    I've been told I'm not approachable because I always look disinterested and bored.

    I am over-emotional and cry very easily.

    Life as a default icon is hard. :cry:
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    1. I enjoy classical music
    2. I have a temper, when threatened
    3. Self-concious
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm 174 shades of crazy.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    -My knowledge of cars and auto repair is better than most of the technicians I employ, but most people who walk in my stores think I'm the receptionist, when really I'm second in command to the owners.

    -I have a CWP and carry a gun in my purse pretty much all the time.

    -I'm a cancer survivor.
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    My age and that I used to weigh over 300 pounds.
  • melmckay99
    melmckay99 Posts: 358
    I have a Master's degree in applied mathematics.
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    Mister Universe - it is but the default icon is way better looking than I am.
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    That I suffer from depression and anxiety but every day I make the effort to be happy and move on with my life. That I write music quietly on the side, don't really share it but i have tons of songs I have written over the years.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    That I weigh as much as I do. That I am as old as I am. That I have tattoos and piercings. That I have children in their 20s. That I am a fetishist who lives a 24/7 M/s lifestyle. That I am very pro-gay marriage. Everyone on this earth deserves the privilege of marrying the love of their life, no matter what!
  • sunshinesquared
    sunshinesquared Posts: 2,733 Member
    That I have been married to the same man for 22 years and that I have three kids, 21, 19 and 13. I like to think that I look younger than I am!
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    shutyourpieholeandsquat Posts: 1,394 Member
    Everybody says I look "so sweet" in my pics..... they have no idea how "one of the guys" I am and that I have the vocabulary of a well educated sailor.
  • AmandaLY17
    AmandaLY17 Posts: 184 Member
    My weight
    my sordid past

    Though when I see ppl from said past, their biggest shocks are
    Im not in jail
    Im still alive
    I've been(and remained) married once, for the past 13 years and have 4 kids
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    That I have an 18 year old daughter.

    That I have (stops to count) 10 tattoos, including a back piece, and plan many more.

    That I am a total tomboy country girl.

    That I am a comic book geek legit, not just for the hot men.
  • GinNJuice75
    GinNJuice75 Posts: 186 Member
    People say i look younger than i am.
    I suffer from chronic pain everyday (so my body feels older than i am.)
    They think i weigh less than i do.
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    That I have a potty mouth...That I have an almost 11 year old who is just about as big as I am...My weight...That I am a computer geek...That I write smutty novels for fun...That I'm a survivor!!!!!!!!!
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    There's always a 3DS in one of my pockets

    Most of the time my headphones are in I'm actually just listening to a podcast

    I'm currently reading A Feast for Crows

    I'm anticipating the last episode of Kill la Kill

    I will be relieved and will quietly celebrate when my brother drops dead. I wish to outlive him for this reason. He has made my life a living hell since we were little kids, and continues to try even though I never see or speak to him.

    A Feast for Crows.....excellent book. Truly excellent.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My weight
    my sordid past

    Though when I see ppl from said past, their biggest shocks are
    Im not in jail
    Im still alive
    I've been(and remained) married once, for the past 13 years and have 4 kids

    That is pretty cool, especially that you overcame a crazy past!

    It's funny because people who knew me as a kid or college student are never surprised by the current "me" but those who knew me as a teen expect that I'd be very hippie-ish and blue collar with a bunch of kids. Umm no.

    And I am recently married (second marriage at age 36), my husband is younger and most who meet me at this point in life assume this is my first marriage and that my husband and I are both a bit younger than we are. 5 years ago (before we met) between the two of us, we weighed almost 200 lb more than we do now, and I don't think anyone would guess that if they met us today or saw us walking or biking down the street.

    One last thing people wouldn't usually guess about me - I have a solid resume and have worked in many of my jobs for 3-5 years, so there are no big gaps really. But in addition to that I have held over 60 other jobs. A lot of them lasted just 1-2 days.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am almost 35. I get carded for lottery tickets, I was mistaken for a kid while chaperoning my daughter's field trip. That I have a 13 year old daughter. How much I weigh. lol

    ETA: I have had my nosed pierced since I was 17, even though I don't wear the stud anymore, the hole is still there. I scrapbook, collect Hot Toys, and Michael Jackson memorabilia.
  • The_WoIverine
    The_WoIverine Posts: 367 Member
    That I'm a true old school gentleman. I have tattoos, piercings (including my septum), I wear clothes with skulls, listen to metal (among other type of music), I'm sarcastic and kind of an a***ole at times, yet there's not a single time I wouldn't hold the door for a woman, pull the chair for her, walk on the street side, kind of put my arm around her while crossing the streets, open the car's door for her, and anything of that matters
    :heart: :love: :smooched:
