Bunnyboo82 Member


  • You did have a loss. You lost two inches! Just because it's not pounds doesn't mean you didn't achieve something. Keep positive and motivated. If you are serious about trying a diet , look into the DASH diet. It's rated as the best diet to follow. Not only does it help with weight loss it also is designed to help lower and…
  • Don't know how you feel about Dr. Oz, but I think he has some great ideas and helps people to stay motivated. I'm attaching a link to his ten commandments, its little things you can do to help you feel like you have made progress. You will do great! http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/dr-oz-s-10-weight-loss-commandments
  • Where the EFF does that guy get off! The girl with him should have told him to shut his mouth instead of just sitting there and take it. If you are a size 4 with 27 inches and this A-hole thinks you don't need it then in his sick twisted mine about 99 % of us shouldn't eat. He's a mean little man. I say he's get a small…
  • Awesome accomplishment! Kudos to you! I bet you feel like a million bucks, and you should!
  • My Husband cares. He cares because he knows i'm happier when i'm a healthier weight. I'm back down to the weight i was when I met him and he says that i'm happier, treat him more nicely and I have more fun in the bedroom with him! So a husband caring isn't always negative it can be a positive thing like my husband!
  • Welcome! We are glad you are here and ready to run! Just like any exercise , it's best to start out slow. Walk for about 5 min and then stop and streach. Then start your run. A good way to build up endurance and lung capacity is to do interval training. It's almost like setting mini goals for yourself. Start out for 20-30…
  • Love the pescetarian diet. Awesome job on the change and keep it up!
  • Don't deny yourself completely! If you do that you'll fall back into your old habit quite quickly. I think cutting down to one small a day is a great achevement from two large day. You are making great strides. What I like to do, for my little vices such as icecream, is if i have a greally great week i reward myself with a…
  • Very uplifting! Congratulations on the 5K! It's even more special since your Dad will be there at the finish line!
  • The oocidental is really nice. You must go snorkeling on the reef in cozumel. It's the best snorkeling i've ever done any where!
  • If my fitness pal had a 'Like' button. I would like this post.
  • Pescetarian is the name for individuals that eat fish only, and dairy products. Ova-lacto vegetarian for individuals who include dairy and eggs in there diet. Not sure if there is a name for individuals who include chicken. I'm in the pescetarian family.
  • I love Weight Watcher's Smart Ones. My favorite is the Baked Ziti. Tasty and filling!
  • I think everyone has different goals. Some people go to run calories off, others go to run miles to increase endurance, others go to sprint to gain speed. Something I've tried, since I get shin splints, is to do what is called frackling. You get on the tredmill, walk for a few minutes, run for a few minutes, walk for a…
  • We all get cravings and cave. I went to the State Fair a few weeks ago , and that creme puff was calling my name and I ate it! I felt kind of bad after, but realized that if i hadn't satisifed that one craving i would have most likely binged on other things. So I had one bad day, and jumped right back on the wagon. You can…
  • I always enter my time and calories burned mannually. In all honesty most fitness machines also project the incorrect calories burned. The only way to get accurate calories burned is to wear a heart rate monitor. They can be purchased as any sporting goods store. Hope this helps!
  • You've come to the right place for motivation. The people on this site are a great community! You will reach your goals!!!
    in Hello Comment by Bunnyboo82 August 2011
  • That is an awesome achievement! I bet not only do you feel great keeping off the weight, but also that you are going to have a lower premium!
  • Nice to meet you to. MPF is a wonderful community and we are glad to have wonderful people like you in it! Best wishes on your weight loss journey!
  • I get the same thing girlfriend! check out my profile picture. Everyone think's I weigh less. I just take it as a compliment :-)
  • I'm a huge fan of have yoplait. If its youplait light, they are only 100 calories a piece. Since it's all protien its keeps you full for quite a few hours. you can tuck it in your purse or computer bag and it doesn't take up much space. I am NOT a lunch person, so that is pretty hard. If you want to treat yourself, sushi…
  • It really is whatever your body tells you. My fiance can run on the tredmil for 15 mintues after eating a steak. I however, need to wait anywhere from an hour to two hours prior to excercising, depending on how big a meal I eat. I recommend if you are feeling sick, just have something small prior to running, like a hand…
  • Way to go! that is AWESOME progress!!!!
  • Band-Aid Friction block. It's supposed to be used on your feet where your shoes rub. It creates an invisable barrier on your skin. I tried it on my legs just for the heck of it and it works!
  • You are excercising and that is better than doing nothing at all! Keep it up. Your body might just be catching up from losing fat and turning it into muscle which is what you want! The more muscle you bulid the better your body metabolism gets and you can start burning more fat! Keep it up and don't get discouraged. If you…
  • I have yoplait fat free every day for brakefast. They are only 100 calories and filling since it is all protien. The great thing is there are so many flavors so you don't get board. Also try shirataki noodles. They are only 20 calories for the whole package. use them in place of regular angel hair pasta noodles in your…
  • I do three sets of 15 reps. I usually don't do super heavy weights. For example. The bench press, I only lift the bar no weights. For the shoulder press I do 20 lbs. My fitness trainer said moderate rate and high reps = tone. Just my opinion, but women do not have nearly as much muscle mass as men, so while we'll get…
  • I also go by what the machine says. i believe MFP is estimating from what people have already entered on to the website and the suggesting the calories burned. Most accurate way to determine calories burned is to wear a heart monitor.
  • I weigh in once a week. Body weight flucuate on a daily basis,so I don't want to get discouraged that if today i weight 150 and then tomorrow because i'm retaining water and i weigh 152! I also weigh myself first thing in the morning after i've used the restroom. It provides a more accuarte reading for me weighing in. Good…