married women,does your man...?



  • someonelikemyself
    wowww you guys are interesting. HAHAHA "I dont care"... "He's a liar" you guys are HI-LAR-IOUS.

    okay proportionality but average not overweight is that nice for you? or do you still mind i mean im just curious arent guys interested in things they see on posters lol
  • tiffanyvc
    My husband says he doesn't care, but he says he is proud of me and the hard work I've done to get to the weight I am. I think he cares more about my emotions and my self esteem, and my health, too, obviously.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    "they"...whoever "they" are say the women marry men hoping they will change and men marry women hoping they never do....just saying LOL
  • ChangingTami
    ChangingTami Posts: 109 Member
    My husband supports me either way.....saying he loves me no matter what. He has always complimented me telling me how beautiful I am and how much he loves really has always been me who does not like the way I was and am.......hence the decision to make BIG changes.
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    My husband actually prefers larger women. He told me I could lose weight but if I lost too much, he would start feeding me twinkies in my sleep. lol I was a size 10 when I met him. I think his favorite when I was a 14. I'm in between a 14 & 16 right now. I think he just wants me to be happy.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    My husband doesn't care :) Except.. he doesn't want me too skinny (like anorexic skinny) or too fat (like.. super obese). Basically he wants me to be healthy weight and take care of myself. He's actually worried I'm going to lose too much weight and lose my curves :laugh:
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Hubby doesn't care too much as long as I'm happy and doing it healthy. He IS a bit "worried" my butt will get too small though! lol I was over weight when we met and just got bigger from then on.
  • ABetterBalance
    He has always said he loves me no matter what, and I believe that. He also tells me I am sexy no matter what size I am, and I believe that he does see me that way.

    That said, he does care when I gain weight. Mainly because *I* care when I gain weight, I am less confident and less likely to be naked if I am not comfortable in my own skin. I know it bothers him when I put on weight, and I also know it is only because my own body image issues make it an issue.
  • melisa35158
    melisa35158 Posts: 16 Member
    My husband doesn't care what size I am. He wants me to be healthy and happy thats it..he has never called me fat not even when I was my heaviest at nearly 370lbs. I'm now in the 250's. He compliments me by telling people he works with that I've lost weight! I love that he really is proud of me.
  • Bunnyboo82
    Bunnyboo82 Posts: 42 Member
    My Husband cares. He cares because he knows i'm happier when i'm a healthier weight. I'm back down to the weight i was when I met him and he says that i'm happier, treat him more nicely and I have more fun in the bedroom with him! So a husband caring isn't always negative it can be a positive thing like my husband!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    My husband actually prefers larger women. He told me I could lose weight but if I lost too much, he would start feeding me twinkies in my sleep. lol I was a size 10 when I met him. I think his favorite when I was a 14. I'm in between a 14 & 16 right now. I think he just wants me to be happy.

    Ha! my husband threatened to start fattening me up too if I lose too much weight :)
  • someonelikemyself
    HAHAHA i lovee your answers the way you guys put it is far from what i expected!!!!!1 it really is different when you're married and i TOTALLYY agree about the part where if YOU'RE COMFORTABLE ... HE'S comfortable because of the way you act it's extremely true... i truely enjoyed this thanks for the responses so worth it.. and if anyone wants to add weird moments feel free :D

    i also agree with someone up there that said that it might be intimidating when you lose weight and he gets kinds insecure.. ouch!
  • someonelikemyself
    i don't care

    He's a liar.

    what doo youu think? you want them like models???or what?? you just got me curious.
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    Mine cares and I have to say if he gained a significant amount of weight I'd care too. I'm not talking a few pounds here and there (like over Xmas or after a baby) but a good few pounds (anything over a stone or more). I think it shows that he cares about me if he looks after his health (so that he can make sure he's around for me for as long as possible). Same goes both ways.

    I wouldn't put up with excessive drinking, drug abuse or smoking. Excessive eating and lack of exercise can be just as damaging to your health long-term and it annoys me when people make excuses for this.
  • NinjaMonkey201
    My hubby loves that I'm trying to work on my weight and be healthy. But not because of how he feels. He knows I'm not happy with the way I am and that working on my weight/health is making me happy, so he's happy.

    However, he is a guy after all. And when I started losing weight, he told me he would support me 100%... as long as I didn't lose my butt or my boobs (jokingly, of course). :-)
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    Um my husband loves me no matter what I look like...that being said he's been fully supportive of my weight loss because it's what I want and will make me feel better about myself. He'd be just as content if I wasn't on this endeavor since he loves to cook and I used to love to eat :laugh:
  • someonelikemyself
    SO is it easier to lose weight while your married or before marriage??
  • gurlondrums
    I gained alot of weight with pregnancy and I actually have self-image issues. I've lost 22lbs so far and I'd like to lose maybe 60-ish more, and I can't see a difference and I'm no where near happy with myself. However, my husband has never ever ever EVER said anything about my weight, he's always said loving things, and he's always tried to get me in the sack on a nightly basis (although lately it seems like an hourly basis since I bought fitting "girly" clothes and a pair of heels, lol).
  • someonelikemyself
    I gained alot of weight with pregnancy and I actually have self-image issues. I've lost 22lbs so far and I'd like to lose maybe 60-ish more, and I can't see a difference and I'm no where near happy with myself. However, my husband has never ever ever EVER said anything about my weight, he's always said loving things, and he's always tried to get me in the sack on a nightly basis (although lately it seems like an hourly basis since I bought fitting "girly" clothes and a pair of heels, lol).

    hahaha that's totally cute that's very interesting although i also wonder sorry for those weird questions.... is it because he's heavier i mean what iuf he;s an athlete or so into body image would he care more about your image or just about the way HE looks?
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    My husband of 27 years has been there through thick and thin-- literally. He married me fat, so he knew what he was getting in to. He supports me when I'm working to lose weight, but he has never criticized or "dissed" me when I was heavy. Every single day of our married life together he has said "I love you", and "you are beautiful", and you know what. . . . I believe him!