married women,does your man...?



  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    As long as the food is on the table when I get home, the beer is cold, dishes and laundry are taking care of and her sister still lives next door, i'm fine with my wife's weight.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Mine says he doesn't care and he doesn't seem too. BUT he defintely chases me a little more now that I'm losing some weight.

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    We haven't talked about it really, but now that I have lost almost 40 pounds he is working out now too :)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    He never said he 'doesn't care' and I weighed a lot more when we met, but the way he's responding so positively to my losses, makes me think he does care. That's OK though...we all want to be attracted to the person we're with!

    The other day he told me he feels "like I'm cheating on my wife" because I look like a different person now!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    So when I met my hubby, I was a very sexy size 10 and also very fit. I've always been active and always worked out. Over the years I always thought I was really sexy because my husband made me feel that way. I always stayed actige, I just struggled with what I ate and how much. My husband has always found me attractive and always told me I was sexy. He always says he loves me no matter what I weigh as long as I'm always active and keep my heart strong. I weighed 250 for a few years and finally decided to lose the weight. One reason I know he doesn't care about my size is because our sex life has always been super hot. Always. The only reason it is even hotter now is because (1) our kids sleep in than their own room now and (2) I feel way sexy and have a lot more stamina now that I'm not carrying around an extra 70lbs.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Research shows that marriages are more successful and men are more satisfied when the wife's BMI is lower than her husbands.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Absolutely!!!! This is so similar to me..... Sexy is an ATTITUDE!!! BUt anyway, I have a good hubby and he has always made me FEEL sexy no matter what my size....

    I know their are men who aren't this way though..... I Have had friends who have said their husband's made them feel so unattractive and unwanted because of their weight.... maybe it wasn't really their weight.... and I think it was more of their husband's having insecurity issues with themselves to tell you the truth......
    So when I met my hubby, I was a very sexy size 10 and also very fit. I've always been active and always worked out. Over the years I always thought I was really sexy because my husband made me feel that way. I always stayed actige, I just struggled with what I ate and how much. My husband has always found me attractive and always told me I was sexy. He always says he loves me no matter what I weigh as long as I'm always active and keep my heart strong. I weighed 250 for a few years and finally decided to lose the weight. One reason I know he doesn't care about my size is because our sex life has always been super hot. Always. The only reason it is even hotter now is because (1) our kids sleep in than their own room now and (2) I feel way sexy and have a lot more stamina now that I'm not carrying around an extra 70lbs.
  • Salamanda425
    My husband must be a chubby chaser.....he loved me fat.......he loved me when I slimmed down...and now that I'm plump again....he still loves me. Doesnt' seem to be turned off at all. He's still walking around like a dog in heat.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Either he doesn't care, or he's smart enough to pretend he doesn't care what size I am. :wink: :tongue:

    ^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Maybe we just have smart husbands!! LOL
    He MAY care one way or the other, but he has never made me feel any LESS of anything because I had gained weight.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    It's because you are YOU!!!! And YOU (no matter what size) turns him on!! :bigsmile:

    My husband must be a chubby chaser.....he loved me fat.......he loved me when I slimmed down...and now that I'm plump again....he still loves me. Doesnt' seem to be turned off at all. He's still walking around like a dog in heat.
  • JeanWalker109
    care about how chubby/thin you get? let's say your bmi is 25-24, proportional ,and shorter than him ... does he care if you're not thin or fit as long as your proportional?... any experiences i'm just curious about what husbands think
    thanks in advance i know it's a weird question.

    My husband's actually said something about the fact that it doesn't matter what SIZE I am, b/c I'm proportioned & he likes the way I look. He likes ME. The body's just the body, but yes...he likes my curves & he's excited at the fact that no matter how much I weigh...I'll still have the same curves. The only thing he's said for certain is: if I lose a lot in the chest area, he's gonna buy me some. ROFL!

    He's supportive of me losing weight b/c he knows how long I've wanted it & he wants me to live a long time.
  • JeanWalker109
    My husband must be a chubby chaser.....he loved me fat.......he loved me when I slimmed down...and now that I'm plump again....he still loves me. Doesnt' seem to be turned off at all. He's still walking around like a dog in heat.

    He loves YOU, period! *smiles*
  • ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥
    ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥ Posts: 267 Member
    My hubby says he likes me with a little bit of weight on me, says he likes curves on a woman. My hubby says when my BMI was 22 i was always unwell.....Thinking back, he is right!! My husband supports my weight loss but when he feels i'm getting too thin he tells me so.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    As a husband that loves everything about his wife I'd just like to say no I couldn't give a dam. my only concern is that she's healthy and happy. I've been married for 21 years and unless she kills me in my sleep, I'll be married till the day I die........................hang on if she kills me in my sleep I'm still married until I die...............lets not share this with her ok??

    If you're only in a relationship due to looks, I can promise it won't last.

    you are awesome!!!

    my husband does not seem to care, actually he always jokes and says when you loose weight you not going to go find someone better are you??? its his insecurity but i tell him hello i was thin when i met you lmao
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    My husband of course has always said he doesn't care and loves me for me but that's a crock of shiz... Besides, I want him to want me.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    My husband has never voiced that he cares but all of the pictures he keeps of me in his office are the pictures from before I gained weight which says it all.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    This thread was a great read. So many wonderfully sweet and supportive husbands out there and I'm glad that I have one too.

    I was heavy when we met and got married and like some others have said, he never turned me down for, ah hem, because of my weight. However, I have lost 15lbs and the other day he told me that the other night was really hot and he couldn't stop thinking about my body. Then he felt like he was implying that I wasn't sexy before and started back peddling, which made me laugh. I know he loves me but I feel better since loosing and it's good to hear that he likes it.

    We are working together and having your S/O as a fitness and eating right partner is really awesome. We help modivate each other.
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    My husband doesn't give one rip. I could weigh 600 pounds and he would be fine with it. However, if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. And this Momma ain't happy a bit over 150!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I care. It's a direct affect on how she emotionally feels and her health. She would hate that she wouldn't be able to run around with our daughter because of being overweight. And she suffers from scoliosis, so I know that excess weight will cause more body pain.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    care about how chubby/thin you get? let's say your bmi is 25-24, proportional ,and shorter than him ... does he care if you're not thin or fit as long as your proportional?... any experiences i'm just curious about what husbands think
    thanks in advance i know it's a weird question.

    Yes, he cares. He says he doesn't, but he definitely DOES have a preference. I believe he'll love me if I'm heavier, chubbier, and still desire my body and and enjoy my company, but I did notice a difference in his sex drive when I was pregnant and put on a few pounds. At my thinnest, he has never told me I'm too thin. I *could* get too thin, but I wouldn't be happy (or healthy), and neither would he.

    He likes me best the way I am now -- which is also a huge motivator for me to keep working. He likes the muscular, fit, small, boyish build - and that's what my body wants to be as I work on it.

    What does your husband think, OP???