married women,does your man...?

care about how chubby/thin you get? let's say your bmi is 25-24, proportional ,and shorter than him ... does he care if you're not thin or fit as long as your proportional?... any experiences i'm just curious about what husbands think
thanks in advance i know it's a weird question.


  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    i don't care
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Research shows that marriages are more successful and men are more satisfied when the wife's BMI is lower than her husbands.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    i don't care

    He's a liar.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    My husband is happy for me that I'm losing weight, but has told me it never bothered him. Mind you, I'm not just a little overweight. The more I lose though, the more insecure he seems, so I'm not sure how me losing a lot of weight is gonna play out!
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Mine says he doesn't care and he doesn't seem too. BUT he defintely chases me a little more now that I'm losing some weight.
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    If I didn't care, why would I stay married to her?
  • As a husband that loves everything about his wife I'd just like to say no I couldn't give a dam. my only concern is that she's healthy and happy. I've been married for 21 years and unless she kills me in my sleep, I'll be married till the day I die........................hang on if she kills me in my sleep I'm still married until I die...............lets not share this with her ok??

    If you're only in a relationship due to looks, I can promise it won't last.
  • My husband cares. He never said anything to me but I could tell in the way he treated me. I finally called him out on it. He said it was MOSTLY because of how I have changed since I've gained weight (which is true I have changed, and not in a good way). But I think someone can still love you while not being satisfied with your appearance. I think we all care to a degree.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    My husband would care if he noticed, however I got up to 200 lbs and when he looked at my b4 pics after I lost weight he was like "WTH? When were u that big!? Don't ever get that big again please" lol He wouldn't know if i did anyway :P
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    When I first met my husband to be I was 265 lbs., he was 5' tall. He didn't care about my weight, I didn't care about his height. Needless to say, we are no longer together, my weight and his height had nothing to do with it though.....
  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    Research shows that marriages are more successful and men are more satisfied when the wife's BMI is lower than her husbands.

    Really? Wow. Mine actually complains I'm too thin, he likes 'womanly curves'.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    My husband says he doesn't care, that I'm beautiful and he loves me no matter what. I know, however, that he'd rather have a thinner, healthier, happier wife. Who wouldn't? He fell in love with that version of me, why wouldn't he want me to be that way now? He is very supportive of me getting in shape and sensitive to the fact that it's a journey and I have a lot of ups and downs during said journey.

    Now, that being said, my BMI is higher then 24-25. He'd be stoked if it was that low, I'd expect. I am proportional, I don't have a huge gut and tiny legs or anything like that, and I expect I would be if I were at the BMI as well. I doubt he would be upset with me at that range. :)
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    When i met my husband i was 128lbs i am now 187lbs and he still loves me. I have always complained about my weight but he always tells me it doesn't matter to him. And honestly i haven't really felt any less loved by him other than my own insecurities.

    He is happy that I am losing weight because it is what i want and he encourages me which i love!
  • I just asked my husband and he said he would care more for health reasons. He thinks the heavier you get it limits what you can do. So, they do care.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    My husband loves me being fit. He's liked my body a lot more for the past 20 pounds or so and doesn't want me to get thinner because my ribs poke out (large rib cage and small waist). He was much more prone to foot-in-mouth disease (saying rotten things without realizing how hurtful they might be) when I was heavier.
    He said he loved me no matter what, but he's really grateful to have (his words, not mine) "a smoking hot wife" now instead of one that "is sort of, well, round."
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    Mine says he doesn't care and he doesn't seem too. BUT he defintely chases me a little more now that I'm losing some weight.

    Mine too!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    My husband doesn't give one rip. I could weigh 600 pounds and he would be fine with it. However, if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. And this Momma ain't happy a bit over 150!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Well, I went from a 6-8 to a 16 (post baby ) in a year. He never ever, not one single time, made ANY reference to my weight. Ever. I asked him why once, I mean, wife went from a 6/8 to a 16, you are gonna have an opinion...he said "Well....I knew you would never stay that way. I wouldnt have to say a word. It is just the way you are. I knew you would take it off sooner or later". I stayed roughly a 12 for a freeking decade. Never a word. ALWAYS told me I was beautiful. I am now an easy size 8. Yup. Calls me beautiful. I also get some sexy comments thrown in.:wink: Does he PREFER me this way. More than likely, yes. Am I happier this way? Yes. It may also have a little to do with my OWN attitude as well. But not one time, ever, has he made me feel bad about myself. :)
  • bestrodeo
    bestrodeo Posts: 139 Member
    Ive been married for 11 years, My husband has loved me no matter what I weighed, even when I was unhappy with myself. He never cared what I weighed as long as i was healthy and happy, however now that I am starting to get in shape he's happy, thou he wont pay for a gym membership for me but he works out with me and dont make fun of me or anything. He knows I will NEVER be in shape like him or even run a marathon like him but hes happy Im starting to get back to being happy with myself.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    I'm certain my husband cares although he'd never say so. He's gained some significant weight as of late so he's not really in a place to care, in my opinion. But generally, yes I would think that men do care.