Motivated AND Discouraged?

Well, I've been at this for about a month now. I lost two pounds the first two weeks and nothing since. :sad: I've lost some "inches" since then, but not in the past week or so. :grumble: However, I feel great lately. I have more energy, and I was less crabby during a certain time of month than I normally am. I love my new lifestyle change. I love walking/jogging with the dog. I LOVE Zumba on the Wii. I am NOT giving up! I just wish I could see something concrete for the work I've been doing.:ohwell:


  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I think, for those of us with a goal of 125 who are in the 140's, you are at the hardest part. It took me about 2 months to drop from 145 to 140. It can be discouraging but dont give up.
  • Bunnyboo82
    Bunnyboo82 Posts: 42 Member
    You are excercising and that is better than doing nothing at all! Keep it up. Your body might just be catching up from losing fat and turning it into muscle which is what you want! The more muscle you bulid the better your body metabolism gets and you can start burning more fat! Keep it up and don't get discouraged. If you want to try doing something different to confuse your body, do some sprint and walkinging intervals. For example run really hard for two minutes then walk for two, run really hard for two, walk for two, it confuses your body and can jump start your metabolism! You are doing great! Keep it up!!!!!
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Hi! I often feel the same way - I KNOW I feel better and I feel slimmer but the scales don't budge for a few weeks and suddenly it's like "why do I bother?". I have found that if I concentrate less on the number on the scales and more on my fitness and "feeling energetic" goals I get further and I don't get as discouraged. I also try to note when I have a really energetic day and how I feel after exercise and this really helps because I always feel better after exercising but I don't always remember that when I'm feeling unmotivated.

    Keep going and give it a few weeks - you will see results :happy:
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Well, I've been at this for about a month now. I lost two pounds the first two weeks and nothing since. :sad: I've lost some "inches" since then, but not in the past week or so. :grumble: However, I feel great lately. I have more energy, and I was less crabby during a certain time of month than I normally am. I love my new lifestyle change. I love walking/jogging with the dog. I LOVE Zumba on the Wii. I am NOT giving up! I just wish I could see something concrete for the work I've been doing.:ohwell:

    I actually prefer seeing the inches disappearing. But I do understand how you feel it is nice to see the scale move. But the bigger blessing is you do feel better and have more energy that alone is what really keeps me going. I'm excited for the changes you are experiencing and know you are going to be successful, good luck on your journey.