Jgasmic Member


  • Even at 115 pounds my thighs were best friends. It seems like such a random thing to strive for since it isn't really in your control.
    in Thigh gap? Comment by Jgasmic June 2015
  • Does it actually adjust how many calories it gives you based on your previous rate of loss that it records? I just have the zip because I wanted to see how many steps led to hip pain, just to have some more information to give my doctors, but the calories seem low based on how much I eat and lose. It doesn't matter because…
  • I log it (all of it) and try to move on. If you're really feeling bad you can look at the night and see where you could have made better choices, and then remember that for next time. But honestly, sometimes this stuff happens and you can't let it get you down, that's how one off day turns into an off week and so on.
  • Could your scale need new batteries?
  • I know this isn't serious, but that sounds really good.
  • I have a regular digital scale, Eatsmart from Amazon, but I record my weight daily in the Happy Scale app on my phone. It tracks my trends and it only takes 2 seconds to record every day.
  • I have giant man hands (even though I'm a 5'3" woman!) so this wouldn't work for me. A food scale is a much better method for me anyway because I need a concrete number, it's too easy for me to lie to myself about how much I'm eating without the numbers in my face.
  • This, so much of this. I was giving way too much power to the "junk". I'd feel bad for being naughty and having ice cream so I would eat ALL of the ice cream (cookies, chips & dip, etc.) so I could get it out of the house and start being "good" again. Now, it's just food. I weigh it and log it the same as everything else.…
  • Hmm, I guess I need to figure out a way to log the fat since I like to cook veggies in it.
    in bacon Comment by Jgasmic May 2015
  • This thread is from 2007, so it may have been the first. Lol
  • That's right! Just be aware that your personal TDEE may be a little higher or lower, stick to it for a month or so and see what your results are. If you lose less than anticipated you may need to cut a few more calories, if you lose more you may be able to raise your calories. Weigh all of your food, measure your liquids…
  • That is incredibly low and not only unhealthy, but unnecessary. You should be eating more, not because it will help you lose more weight, but because your body needs fuel.
  • You have lost 6 kg in two months or you lost 6 kg and haven't lost anything in the past two months? Nobody can tell you why without more information, how tall are you, what's your current weight, what's your goal, how many calories are you eating a day, are you weighing your food?
  • Have you tried prelogging your day? That has helped me make sure I didn't end up with 900 calories, or 15 left for dinner. It is really easy to edit or delete if things change but it's nice to have an idea and a plan.
  • I don't have cheat days, but I do have days where I eat up to maintenance. These days are almost always days I'm socializing and eating outside of my home. I could go out to a restaurant and stay within my calorie goals, but if I'm going to spend $20 or more on an entrée I'm going to eat it the way the chef intended with…
    in Cheat Day Comment by Jgasmic May 2015
  • I had a cup of hot green tea yesterday, and I stopped being cold almost immediately.
  • If you have lost 8 pounds in the last two weeks then you are losing weight. It won't continue at that rate, and you shouldn't expect it to. Your weight will fluctuate from day to day, just keep at it.
    in not moving Comment by Jgasmic May 2015
  • Yes
    in WEIRD! Comment by Jgasmic May 2015
  • Wow. I wish they would all come back and update like that.
  • It is so awesome and sometimes sad all at the same time! (That's a tablespoon of mayonnaise?? :( ) But I'd much rather know before it goes into my mouth than find out when I weigh in!
  • I think most people don't care what other people eat. The issue is when people think (or insist) that you must eat 100% "clean" or you have somehow failed. So many people starting out think that they are only allowed to eat chicken breast and broccoli, this leads to the "I had a bite of cake, did I ruin my weight loss??"…
  • I have the vanilla. I bought it on Amazon because it had good reviews and the protein to calorie ratio was really good. I didn't realize it was zero carb until it arrived. That being said it is so overly sweet that I can barely choke it down, although it is decent blended with frozen fruit. I don't use it as a meal…
  • At 5'3" she would only need to lose twenty pounds to get to a healthy BMI. That hardly seems as if the negative side effects of a VLCD would be worth getting the weight off quickly as it is for a morbidly obese person.
  • You're my hero for putting this together. <3
  • I wish people would stop posting stuff like this, all it does is makes me want whatever it is they're telling me I shouldn't have. Now I'm thinking fried chicken with biscuits and gravy for dinner.
  • When I start feeling hungry I add more calories. I figure it would be better to lose half a pound a week instead of a pound than to stop losing altogether because I get overly hangry and start eating all of the things. I have found that when I increase my calories my workouts become better and my rate of loss doesn't slow…
  • Wow. You are giving WAY too much power to the food you're eating, or not eating as the case may be.
  • I did a Whole 30 a little over a year ago and I actually felt pretty fantastic after the first week. I had plenty of energy and was in a pretty good mood for the duration. But I thought about bread and other carby delights the entire time and as soon as my 30 days was up I went crazy, I probably ate twice as many carbs as…
  • 5'3" 32 years old SW: 160 (156 when I got back on myfitnesspal) CW:145 GW: I was thinking 130, but I may be happy around 140 based on what my body is doing now, Just under 140 is the top of my healthy BMI range. I try not to think about it too much because then I start stressing about changing my calories and how much I…