JennedyJLD Member


  • I drink Crystal Light occasionally, but then I'm guilty of a few diet sodas every week, too. I recognize they're not "health food," but these occasional indulgences haven't impeded my weight loss one bit (60 pounds over a year.) I also really like the Special K pink lemonade power - 30 calories, 5g protein and 5g fiber…
  • Being mindful REALLY helped me with this. By being mindful, I mean trying to fight the part of your brain that tends to shut itself off when you eat those "trigger" foods - we all know what they are. You've identified one of yours as Doritos. And they *are* addictive, those silly little corn chips coated in non-food flavor…
  • If you're happy with your trainer and his credentials, are getting good and measurable results, and feel safe doing the exercises (it sounds like the answer to all of these is yes) then I would stick with him. Remember the second trainer has a financial interest in you dumping the old trainer and coming to him instead.…
  • I agree with everyone suggesting it's water retention. I'm a runner and experience the same thing - I almost ALWAYS gain a pound or two the day after a long run of 10-12 miles. Yes, I definitely lose it and see the benefits of those runs in the 3-4 days following; but the initial day or two after you'll see water…
  • Think about how you're going to feel right after you eat the cookie. It's fun for a few seconds, but then there's the guilt and (if you have three more) that uncomfortable, bloated feeling. Now think about how you'll feel when you hit your next fitness goal. Ask yourself whether the temporary rush you get from a cookie…
  • Good for you for making the decision to be healthier and happier! I made that decision last year, too, and am down 60 pounds - from a size 14 to a size 6-8. You can do this, and we are all here to cheer for you. It works!
  • I'm 5'4 and started at 202. I'm now at 145, which was my original goal weight. Now that I'm here, I'd like to try to hit 135!
  • Crunches and all ab exercises are not the route to a six pack! They'll just make your stomach appear bulkier (firmer, yes; but bulkier!) So says every trainer I've ever worked with. Six packs and lean abdomens in general are the result of healthy diets and lots of cardio exercise. I'm giving up on crunches and focusing on…
  • I often use Herbalife products, and one of my favorites is their "Personal Protein Powder." It's flavorless and can be added to anything for a protein boost. In addition to being a customer, I am also a distributor, and can order any products for you if you're interested. Herbalife has been a HUGE part of my own…
  • "B" comes the closest to my impression. He legitimately supports the right of same sex couples to wed, but let's not be so naive as to believe that President Obama does *anything* without first considering the political ramifications. In my opinion, that's why he was also quick to point out he still believes this is, in…
  • I echo the advice to go, have a good time, and put calories out of your mind. One meal (or one day, or a few days...) is not going to ruin all of your hard work. Sometimes it even has the opposite effect - providing a temporary metabolic "spike" that will lead to more weight loss than normal. It's counter-intuitive, I…
  • I had planned on starting flying lessons... but having gone from a size 14 to a 6, I'll be spending the money on new clothes instead!
  • Going over on your recommended protein intake is actually POSTIVE, not negative! And MFP sets the protein recommendation very, very, very low. If you're working out on a regular basis, your muscles will need more protein to rebuild themselves. Working out literally breaks your muscles apart by causing little rips and tears…
  • A lot of people sautee it, but I have always liked adding it to smoothies!
  • Thanks, CarsonRuns! I'm not nearly as organized as I could be, I don't think - I usually run the first mile at my comfortable/easy pace (about 10:45 min/mile) and then just push a bit harder for the next 2.1, with occasional minute-long intervals where I really push as hard as I can. My heart rate tends to get into the 170…
  • Oh, not at all. I have one day per week where I concentrate on speed, and I've been shaving about 20-30 seconds off each time. The rest of the week I go for consistency and building endurance. I haven't done a formal race yet but I think I'd like to soon. I'm planning to do a half marathon in a few months (already running…
  • I also did C25k. My first 5k took me about 44 minutes (this was four months ago) - and today I set a new PR of 30:36. Hopefully I'll hit my goal of getting it under 30 minutes sometime in the next week or so! I now run 5k a few times a week, 10k at least once, and 10 miles at least once for about 30-35 miles a week.
  • Actually, there's a TON of peer-reviewed literature out there suggesting that a lack of carbohydrates causes the brain to stop regulating serotonin. I do not have a degree in psychology, psychiatry, or osteopathy for that matter... I just read a lot about health and fitness. Here are a few places to start: *…
  • Because low-carb is NOT a healthy way to eat. Yes, you'll lose weight more quickly, but it won't be healthy or sustainable. Your body NEEDS carbohydrates to carry out various functions, and decreased serotonin (happy hormone) production is a very common side effect of low-carb diets.
  • You're completely right. I remember that controversy, and I was thinking, "Michelle probably more than earned that cheeseburger with exercise, and she probably only has a meal like that once or twice a week at most. It's the people who never work out and eat like that ALL THE TIME who criticize her for having the nerve to…
  • Sure, I feel like making friends! I'm a grad student near Atlanta, GA procrastinating on a few major projects myself right now :-).
  • I go through the same thing. I have lost 56 pounds and have gone from a size 14 *pushing a 16* to a size 8 *nearly a 6* in the space of 10 months. I've gone from not being able to run a quarter mile without feeling like I was in cardiac arrest to running about 35 miles a week, every week. And to this day, there are certain…
  • I agree that it's setting yourself up for failure to hang onto the "big" clothes. I was a 14, now an 8, and my mom wears a 12. I've given her everything she wants, and those items that she doesn't want have gone to Goodwill or the Kidney Society! I don't plan to be back ;-).
  • MFP is nuts on their macro and default settings. I'm a runner (definitely wasn't when I started MFP last summer, but that was 55 pounds ago!) and would absolutely fall apart if I followed MFP's default suggestions for my calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients. If you're active at all, shoot for a 50 percent carbs, 30…
  • No item is truly "negative calorie." I log *everything.*
  • Cartersville/Rome area (for now), represent! Though I will always consider myself an Athenian at heart!
  • I don't know if the exercising/weight loss alone has made me happier, but I consider myself a more calm, balanced person now. Things that used to really upset me barely register now. I also think that many people, like myself, probably started exercising as one of several steps taken toward a happier, more balanced life,…
  • I know it feels like a huge number right now, but in the scheme of things, 2 pounds is not a big deal. My weight fluctuates by 2-3 pounds a day. It could be water weight - was yesterday a high sodium day?, could be that you haven't gone #2 in a few hours (sorry, but true), could be that time of the month. Give it three…
  • HAH! Yes. Use protection; screen partners wisely...
  • [/quote] Except the surveillance video of Zimmerman AFTER the shooting show he has no injuries. [/quote] No, the (very grainy, poor quality) video shows that his head wasn't completely bashed in. it is absolutely impossible to tell if he had bruises or cuts that had been cleaned off. I'm certainly not saying race wasn't a…