Too much protein?

I am having no problem hitting my calorie and exercise marks, but everyday my protein level ends up in the negative red (-35 to -40). I have heard some people say on here that they think the allowed protein level is too low as it is set. I do get a little hungry after a workout and wanted to add a protein shake in there. I have room in my daily calories, but it will cause my protein number to go negative even more. Is this a big deal? I drink alot of water so I know that helps break down the protein faster as well.


  • JennedyJLD
    JennedyJLD Posts: 123 Member
    Going over on your recommended protein intake is actually POSTIVE, not negative! And MFP sets the protein recommendation very, very, very low. If you're working out on a regular basis, your muscles will need more protein to rebuild themselves. Working out literally breaks your muscles apart by causing little rips and tears (where we get the term "ripped") and you need the amino acids in protein to rebuild them.

    I run about 30 miles a week and generally shoot for my calorie intake to be 50 percent carbs, 20 percent healthy fat, and 30 percent protein. This formula has helped me lose 55 pounds and transform my body in about 9 months. Hope it helps!